module SchemesHelper def display_scheme_attributes(scheme) base_attributes = [ { name: "Scheme code", value: scheme.id_to_display }, { name: "Name", value: scheme.service_name, edit: true }, { name: "Confidential information", value: scheme.sensitive, edit: true }, { name: "Type of scheme", value: scheme.scheme_type }, { name: "Registered under Care Standards Act 2000", value: scheme.registered_under_care_act }, { name: "Housing stock owned by", value:, edit: true }, { name: "Support services provided by", value: scheme.arrangement_type }, { name: "Organisation providing support", value: scheme.managing_organisation&.name }, { name: "Primary client group", value: scheme.primary_client_group }, { name: "Has another client group", value: scheme.has_other_client_group }, { name: "Secondary client group", value: scheme.secondary_client_group }, { name: "Level of support given", value: scheme.support_type }, { name: "Intended length of stay", value: scheme.intended_stay }, { name: "Availability", value: scheme_availability(scheme) }, ] if FeatureToggle.scheme_toggle_enabled? base_attributes.append({ name: "Status", value: scheme.status }) end if scheme.arrangement_type_same? base_attributes.delete({ name: "Organisation providing support", value: scheme.managing_organisation&.name }) end base_attributes end def scheme_availability(scheme) availability = "" scheme.active_periods.each do |period| if period.from.present? availability << "\nActive from #{period.from.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}" availability << " to #{( -}\nDeactivated on #{}" if end end availability.strip end end