module ReviewHelper include CollectionTimeHelper def review_log_info_text(log) if log.collection_period_open? "You can review and make changes to this log until #{log.form.submission_deadline.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}.".html_safe else start_year = log.startdate ? collection_start_year_for_date(log.startdate) : log.form.start_date.year "This log is from the #{start_year} to #{start_year + 1} collection window, which is now closed." end end def review_breadcrumbs(log) if log.collection_closed_for_editing? content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Home" => root_path, breadcrumb_logs_title(log, current_user) => breadcrumb_logs_link(log, current_user), }) else content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Home" => root_path, breadcrumb_logs_title(log, current_user) => breadcrumb_logs_link(log, current_user), "Log #{}" => url_for(log), }) end end end