en: validations: lettings: financial: tshortfall: outstanding_amount_not_expected: "You cannot answer the outstanding amount question if you don’t have outstanding rent or charges." more_than_total_charge: "Enter a value less than the total charge." more_than_carehome_charge: "Enter a value less than the care home charge." must_be_positive: "Enter a value over £0.01 as you told us there is an outstanding amount." outstanding_no_benefits: "Answer cannot be ‘yes’ to outstanding amount for basic rent or charges if tenant does not receive housing benefit or Universal Credit or you‘re not sure." hbrentshortfall: outstanding_amount_not_expected: "Answer must be ‘yes’ as you have answered the outstanding amount question." benefits: part_or_full_time: "Answer cannot be ‘all’ for income from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits if the tenant or their partner works part-time or full-time." earnings: over_hard_max: "The household’s income cannot be greater than %{hard_max} per week given the household’s working situation." under_hard_min: "The household’s income cannot be less than %{hard_min} per week given the household’s working situation." incfreq_missing: "Select how often the household receives income." earnings_missing: "Enter how much income the household has in total." negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0." hhmemb: earnings_over_hard_max: "The household’s income of %{earnings} %{frequency} is too high for this number of tenants. Change either the household income or number of tenants." earnings_under_hard_min: "The household’s income of %{earnings} %{frequency} is too low for this number of tenants. Change either the household income or number of tenants." ecstat: earnings_over_hard_max: "The household’s income of %{earnings} %{frequency} is too high given the household’s working situation." earnings_under_hard_min: "The household’s income of %{earnings} %{frequency} is too low given the household’s working situation." age: earnings_over_hard_max: "The household’s income of %{earnings} %{frequency} is too high for the number of adults. Change either the household income or the age of the tenants." incfreq: incfreq_missing: "Select how often the household receives income." earnings_missing: "Enter how much income the household has in total." brent: negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0." below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and (if general needs) number of bedrooms." above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and (if general needs) number of bedrooms." scharge: negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0." rent_out_of_range: "Enter a value for the %{charge_name} between £0 and %{maximum_per_period} paid %{frequency}. %{maximum_per_period} is the max limit for rent and charges paid %{frequency} for %{letting_type} lettings owned by a %{provider_type}." pscharge: negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0." rent_out_of_range: "Enter a value for the %{charge_name} between £0 and %{maximum_per_period} paid %{frequency}. %{maximum_per_period} is the max limit for rent and charges paid %{frequency} for %{letting_type} lettings owned by a %{provider_type}." supcharg: negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0." rent_out_of_range: "Enter a value for the %{charge_name} between £0 and %{maximum_per_period} paid %{frequency}. %{maximum_per_period} is the max limit for rent and charges paid %{frequency} for %{letting_type} lettings owned by a %{provider_type}." chcharge: less_than_shortfall: "The care home charge must be more than the outstanding amount." complete_1_of_3: "Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’" out_of_range: "Household rent and other charges must be between %{min_chcharge} and %{max_chcharge} if paying %{period}." tcharge: under_10: "Enter a total charge that is at least £10.00 per week." less_than_shortfall: "The total charge must be more than the outstanding amount." complete_1_of_3: "Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’" household_charge: complete_1_of_3: "Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’" period: invalid_period_for_org: "%{org_name} does not use %{rent_period} as a rent period. Choose another rent period, or a data coordinator can add rent periods to your organisation." chcharge_out_of_range: "Household rent and other charges must be between %{min_chcharge} and %{max_chcharge} if paying %{period}." rent_out_of_range: "Enter a value for the %{charge_name} between £0 and %{maximum_per_period} paid %{frequency}. %{maximum_per_period} is the max limit for rent and charges paid %{frequency} for %{letting_type} lettings owned by a %{provider_type}." rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this period." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this period." managing_organisation_id: invalid_period_for_org: "%{org_name} does not use %{rent_period} as a rent period. Set another rent period on this log, or a data coordinator can add rent periods to this organisation." beds: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this number of bedrooms." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this number of bedrooms." uprn: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this UPRN." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this UPRN." la: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this local authority." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this local authority." postcode_known: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and number of bedrooms." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and number of bedrooms." scheme_id: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority." location_id: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority." rent_type: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type." needstype: rent_below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type." rent_above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type."