en: validations: sales: household: buylivein: buyers_will_live_in_property_values_inconsistent: "You have already told us that both buyer 1 and buyer 2 will not live in the property." buy1livein: buyers_will_live_in_property_values_inconsistent: "You have already told us that the buyers will live in the property. Either buyer 1 or buyer 2 must live in the property." buy2livein: buyers_will_live_in_property_values_inconsistent: "You have already told us that the buyers will live in the property. Either buyer 1 or buyer 2 must live in the property." ownershipsch: prevten_invalid_for_discounted_sale: "Buyer 1’s previous tenure should be “local authority tenant” or “private registered provider or housing association tenant” for discounted sales." prevten: prevten_invalid_for_discounted_sale: "Buyer 1’s previous tenure should be “local authority tenant” or “private registered provider or housing association tenant” for discounted sales." age1: child_12_years_younger: "A child must be at least 12 years younger than their parent." ecstat1: buyer_cannot_be_child: "Buyer 1 cannot have a working situation of child under 16." ecstat2: buyer_cannot_be_child: "Buyer 2 cannot have a working situation of child under 16." age: child_12_years_younger: "A child must be at least 12 years younger than their parent." child_under_16: "Answer cannot be under 16 as person %{person_num}'s relationship to buyer 1 is ‘partner’." child_under_16_ecstat: "Answer cannot be under 16 as person %{person_num}’s working situation is not ‘child under 16’, ‘other’ or ‘prefers not to say’." child_over_16: "Answer cannot be over 16 as person’s %{person_num} working situation is ‘child under 16‘." child_over_20: "Answer cannot be 20 or over as the relationship is ‘child’." student_16_19: cannot_be_16_19: child_not_student: "Person cannot be aged 16-19 if they have relationship ‘child’ but are not a student." must_be_16_19: "Person must be aged 16-19 if they are a student and have relationship ‘child’." relat: one_partner: "Number of partners cannot be greater than 1." child_12_years_younger: "A child must be at least 12 years younger than their parent." child_under_16: "Answer cannot be ‘partner’ as you told us person %{person_num}'s age is under 16." child_over_20: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person's age is 20 or over." student_16_19: cannot_be_child: student_not_16_19: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person is a student but not aged 16-19." 16_19_not_student: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person is aged 16-19 but not a student." ecstat: child_under_16: "Person %{person_num}’s working situation must be ‘child under 16’, ‘other’ or ‘prefers not to say’ as you told us they’re under 16." child_over_16: "Answer cannot be ‘child under 16’ as you told us the person %{person_num} is older than 16." student_16_19: must_be_student: "Person must be a student if they are aged 16-19 and have relationship ‘child’." cannot_be_student: child_not_16_19: "Person cannot be a student if they are not aged 16-19 but have relationship ‘child’." buyer_cannot_be_over_16_and_child: "Buyer %{buyer_index}'s age cannot be 16 or over if their working situation is child under 16."