require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe "Test Features" do let!(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :in_progress) } let!(:empty_case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log) } let(:id) { } let(:status) { case_log.status } question_answers = { tenant_code: { type: "text", answer: "BZ737", path: "tenant_code" }, age1: { type: "numeric", answer: 25, path: "person_1_age" }, sex1: { type: "radio", answer: "Female", path: "person_1_gender" }, other_hhmemb: { type: "numeric", answer: 2, path: "household_number_of_other_members" }, } def fill_in_number_question(case_log_id, question, value, path) visit("/case_logs/#{case_log_id}/#{path}") fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: value) click_button("Save and continue") end def answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: 18_000) choose("case-log-incfreq-yearly-field") click_button("Save and continue") choose("case-log-benefits-all-field") click_button("Save and continue") choose("case-log-hb-housing-benefit-but-not-universal-credit-field") click_button("Save and continue") end describe "Create new log" do it "redirects to the task list for the new log" do visit("/case_logs") click_link("Create new log") id = CaseLog.order(created_at: :desc) expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") end end describe "Viewing a log" do context "tasklist page" do it "displays a tasklist header" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}") expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") expect(page).to have_content("This submission is #{status.humanize.downcase}") end it "displays a section status" do visit("/case_logs/#{}") assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Not started/, count: 8 assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Completed/, count: 0 assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Cannot start yet/, count: 1 end it "shows the correct status if one section is completed" do answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection visit("/case_logs/#{}") assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Not started/, count: 7 assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Completed/, count: 1 assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Cannot start yet/, count: 1 end it "skips to the first section if no answers are completed" do visit("/case_logs/#{}") expect(page).to have_link("Skip to next incomplete section", href: /#household_characteristics/) end it "shows the number of completed sections if no sections are completed" do visit("/case_logs/#{}") expect(page).to have_content("You've completed 0 of 9 sections.") end it "shows the number of completed sections if one section is completed" do answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection visit("/case_logs/#{}") expect(page).to have_content("You've completed 1 of 9 sections.") end end describe "form questions" do let(:case_log_with_checkbox_questions_answered) do FactoryBot.create( :case_log, :in_progress, housingneeds_a: "Yes", housingneeds_c: "Yes" ) end context "Validate pregnancy questions" do it "Cannot answer yes if no female tenants" do expect { CaseLog.create!(preg_occ: "Yes", sex1: "Male", age1: 20) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it "Cannot answer yes if no female tenants within age range" do expect { CaseLog.create!(preg_occ: "Yes", sex1: "Female", age1: 51) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it "Cannot answer prefer not to say if no valid tenants" do expect { CaseLog.create!(preg_occ: "Prefer not to say", sex1: "Male", age1: 20) }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) end it "Can answer yes if valid tenants" do expect { CaseLog.create!(preg_occ: "Yes", sex1: "Female", age1: 20) }.not_to raise_error end it "Can answer yes if valid second tenant" do expect { CaseLog.create!(preg_occ: "Yes", sex1: "Male", age1: 99, sex2: "Female", age2: 20) }.not_to raise_error end end it "can be accessed by url" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_age") expect(page).to have_field("case-log-age1-field") end it "updates model attributes correctly for each question" do question_answers.each do |question, hsh| type = hsh[:type] answer = hsh[:answer] path = hsh[:path] original_value = case_log.send(question) visit("/case_logs/#{id}/#{path}") case type when "text" fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: answer) when "radio" choose("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-#{answer.parameterize}-field") else fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: answer) end expect { click_button("Save and continue") }.to change { case_log.reload.send(question.to_s) }.from(original_value).to(answer) end end it "updates total value of the rent", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/rent") fill_in("case-log-brent-field", with: 3) expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tcharge-field", with: "3") fill_in("case-log-scharge-field", with: 2) expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tcharge-field", with: "5") fill_in("case-log-pscharge-field", with: 1) expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tcharge-field", with: "6") fill_in("case-log-supcharg-field", with: 4) expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tcharge-field", with: "10") end it "displays number answers in inputs if they are already saved" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/property_postcode") expect(page).to have_field("case-log-property-postcode-field", with: "P0 5ST") end it "displays text answers in inputs if they are already saved" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_age") expect(page).to have_field("case-log-age1-field", with: "17") end it "displays checkbox answers in inputs if they are already saved" do visit("/case_logs/#{}/accessibility_requirements") # Something about our styling makes the selenium webdriver think the actual radio buttons are not visible so we pass false here expect(page).to have_checked_field( "case-log-accessibility-requirements-housingneeds-a-field", visible: false, ) expect(page).to have_unchecked_field( "case-log-accessibility-requirements-housingneeds-b-field", visible: false, ) expect(page).to have_checked_field( "case-log-accessibility-requirements-housingneeds-c-field", visible: false, ) end end describe "Back link directs correctly", js: true do it "go back to tasklist page from tenant code" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}") visit("/case_logs/#{id}/tenant_code") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") end it "go back to tenant code page from tenant age page", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/tenant_code") click_button("Save and continue") visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_age") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-code-field") end it "doesn't get stuck in infinite loops", js: true do visit("/case_logs") visit("/case_logs/#{id}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: 740) choose("case-log-incfreq-weekly-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") click_link(text: "Back") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs") end end end describe "Form flow is correct" do context "given an ordered list of pages" do it "leads to the next one in the correct order" do pages = { |_key, val| val[:path] } pages[0..-2].each_with_index do |val, index| visit("/case_logs/#{id}/#{val}") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/#{pages[index + 1]}") end end context "when changing an answer from the check answers page", js: true do it "the back button routes correctly" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/household_characteristics/check_answers") first("a", text: /Answer/).click click_link("Back") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/household_characteristics/check_answers") end end end end describe "check answers page" do let(:subsection) { "household_characteristics" } let(:conditional_subsection) { "conditional_question" } context "when the user needs to check their answers for a subsection" do it "can be visited by URL" do visit("case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") expect(page).to have_content("Check the answers you gave for #{'_', ' ')}") end let(:last_question_for_subsection) { "household_number_of_other_members" } it "redirects to the check answers page when answering the last question and clicking save and continue" do fill_in_number_question(id, "other_hhmemb", 0, last_question_for_subsection) expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") end it "has question headings based on the subsection" do visit("case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") question_labels = ["Tenant code", "Tenant's age", "Tenant's gender", "Number of Other Household Members"] question_labels.each do |label| expect(page).to have_content(label) end end it "should display answers given by the user for the question in the subsection" do fill_in_number_question(, "age1", 28, "person_1_age") choose("case-log-sex1-non-binary-field") click_button("Save and continue") visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") expect(page).to have_content("28") expect(page).to have_content("Non-binary") end it "should have an answer link for questions missing an answer" do visit("case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") assert_selector "a", text: /Answer\z/, count: 4 assert_selector "a", text: "Change", count: 0 expect(page).to have_link("Answer", href: "/case_logs/#{}/person_1_age") end it "should have a change link for answered questions" do fill_in_number_question(, "age1", 28, "person_1_age") visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") assert_selector "a", text: /Answer\z/, count: 3 assert_selector "a", text: "Change", count: 1 expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/case_logs/#{}/person_1_age") end it "should have a link pointing to the first question if no questions are answered" do visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") expect(page).to have_content("You answered 0 of 4 questions") expect(page).to have_link("Answer the missing questions", href: "/case_logs/#{}/tenant_code") end it "should have a link pointing to the next empty question if some questions are answered" do fill_in_number_question(, "earnings", 18_000, "net_income") visit("/case_logs/#{}/income_and_benefits/check_answers") expect(page).to have_content("You answered 1 of 4 questions") expect(page).to have_link("Answer the missing questions", href: "/case_logs/#{}/net_income") end it "should not display the missing answer questions link if all questions are answered" do answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection expect(page).to have_content("You answered all the questions") assert_selector "a", text: "Answer the missing questions", count: 0 end it "does not display conditional questions that were not visited" do visit("case_logs/#{id}/#{conditional_subsection}/check_answers") question_labels = ["Has the condition been met?"] question_labels.each do |label| expect(page).to have_content(label) end excluded_question_labels = ["Has the next condition been met?", "Has the condition not been met?"] excluded_question_labels.each do |label| expect(page).not_to have_content(label) end end it "displays conditional question that were visited" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question") choose("case-log-preg-occ-no-field") click_button("Save and continue") visit("/case_logs/#{id}/#{conditional_subsection}/check_answers") question_labels = ["Has the condition been met?", "Has the condition not been met?"] question_labels.each do |label| expect(page).to have_content(label) end excluded_question_labels = ["Has the next condition been met?"] excluded_question_labels.each do |label| expect(page).not_to have_content(label) end end end end describe "Conditional questions" do context "given a page where some questions are only conditionally shown, depending on how you answer the first question" do it "initially hides conditional questions" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/armed_forces") expect(page).not_to have_selector("#armed_forces_injured_div") end it "shows conditional questions if the required answer is selected and hides it again when a different answer option is selected", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/armed_forces") # Something about our styling makes the selenium webdriver think the actual radio buttons are not visible so we allow label click here choose("case-log-armed-forces-yes-a-regular-field", allow_label_click: true) expect(page).to have_selector("#reservist_div") choose("case-log-reservist-no-field", allow_label_click: true) expect(page).to have_checked_field("case-log-reservist-no-field", visible: false) choose("case-log-armed-forces-no-field", allow_label_click: true) expect(page).not_to have_selector("#reservist_div") choose("case-log-armed-forces-yes-a-regular-field", allow_label_click: true) expect(page).to have_unchecked_field("case-log-reservist-no-field", visible: false) end end end describe "Question validation" do context "given an invalid tenant age" do it " of less than 0 it shows validation" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_age") fill_in_number_question(, "age1", -5, "person_1_age") expect(page).to have_selector("#error-summary-title") expect(page).to have_selector("#case-log-age1-error") expect(page).to have_selector("#case-log-age1-field-error") end it " of greater than 120 it shows validation" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_age") fill_in_number_question(, "age1", 121, "person_1_age") expect(page).to have_selector("#error-summary-title") expect(page).to have_selector("#case-log-age1-error") expect(page).to have_selector("#case-log-age1-field-error") end end end describe "Soft Validation" do context "given a weekly net income that is above the expected amount for the given economic status but below the hard max" do let(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :in_progress, ecstat1: "Full-time - 30 hours or more") } let(:income_over_soft_limit) { 750 } let(:income_under_soft_limit) { 700 } it "prompts the user to confirm the value is correct", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_over_soft_limit) choose("case-log-incfreq-weekly-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure this is correct?") check("case-log-override-net-income-validation-override-net-income-validation-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{}/net_income_uc_proportion") end it "does not require confirming the value if the value is amended" do visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_over_soft_limit) choose("case-log-incfreq-weekly-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_under_soft_limit) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{}/net_income_uc_proportion") case_log.reload expect(case_log.override_net_income_validation).to be_nil end it "clears the confirmation question if the amount was amended and the page is returned to using the back button", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_over_soft_limit) choose("case-log-incfreq-weekly-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_under_soft_limit) click_button("Save and continue") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_no_content("Are you sure this is correct?") end it "does not clear the confirmation question if the page is returned to using the back button and the amount is still over the soft limit", js: true do visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") fill_in("case-log-earnings-field", with: income_over_soft_limit) choose("case-log-incfreq-weekly-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") check("case-log-override-net-income-validation-override-net-income-validation-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure this is correct?") end end end describe "conditional page routing", js: true do before do allow_any_instance_of(CaseLogValidator).to receive(:validate_pregnancy).and_return(true) end it "can route the user to a different page based on their answer on the current page" do visit("case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question") # using a question name that is already in the db to avoid # having to add a new column to the db for this test choose("case-log-preg-occ-yes-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question_yes_page") click_link(text: "Back") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question") choose("case-log-preg-occ-no-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question_no_page") end it "can route based on page inclusion rules" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question_yes_page") choose("case-log-cbl-yes-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question/check_answers") end it "can route to the default next page" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question/check_answers") end it "can route based on multiple conditions" do visit("/case_logs/#{id}/person_1_gender") choose("case-log-sex1-female-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") visit("/case_logs/#{id}/conditional_question") choose("case-log-preg-occ-yes-field", allow_label_click: true) click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/rent") end end describe "date validation", js: true do def fill_in_date(case_log_id, question, day, month, year, path) visit("/case_logs/#{case_log_id}/#{path}") fill_in("#{question}_1i", with: year) fill_in("#{question}_2i", with: month) fill_in("#{question}_3i", with: day) end it "does not allow out of range dates to be submitted" do fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 3100, 12, 2000, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 12, 1, 20_000, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 13, 100, 2020, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 21, 11, 2020, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/local_authority/check_answers") end it "does not allow non numeric inputs to be submitted" do fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", "abc", "de", "ff", "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") end it "does not allow partial inputs to be submitted" do fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 21, 12, nil, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 12, nil, 2000, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", nil, 10, 2020, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/property_major_repairs") end it "allows valid inputs to be submitted" do fill_in_date(id, "case_log_mrcdate", 21, 11, 2020, "property_major_repairs") click_button("Save and continue") expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/local_authority/check_answers") end end end