require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe Csv::MissingAddressesCsvService do let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Address org") } let(:user) { create(:user, organisation:, email: "") } let(:service) {, skip_uprn_issue_organisations) } let(:skip_uprn_issue_organisations) { [100, 200] } before do body_1 = { results: [ { DPA: { "POSTCODE": "BS1 1AD", "POST_TOWN": "Bristol", "ORGANISATION_NAME": "Some place", }, }, ], }.to_json body_2 = { results: [ { DPA: { "POSTCODE": "EC1N 2TD", "POST_TOWN": "Newcastle", "ORGANISATION_NAME": "Some place", }, }, ], }.to_json stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: body_1, headers: {}) stub_request(:get, "") .to_return(status: 200, body: body_2, headers: {}) end around do |example| Timecop.freeze(, 4, 5)) do Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) end end def replace_entity_ids(lettings_log, export_template) export_template.sub!(/\{id\}/, end describe "#create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv" do let!(:lettings_log) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, address_line1: nil, town_or_city: nil, old_id: "old_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", needstype: 1, uprn_known: 0) end let!(:lettings_log_missing_town) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "existing address", town_or_city: nil, old_id: "older_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", needstype: 1, uprn_known: 0) end let!(:lettings_log_wrong_uprn) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", uprn_known: 1, old_id: "oldest_id", needstype: 1) end context "when the organisation has logs with missing addresses, missing town or city and wrong uprn" do it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_lettings_logs_addresses_all_issues.csv").read) expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log_missing_town, expected_content) expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log_wrong_uprn, expected_content) csv = service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with missing addresses only" do before do lettings_log_missing_town.update!(town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_lettings_logs_addresses.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with missing town or city only" do before do lettings_log.update!(address_line1: "existing address", town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log_missing_town,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_lettings_logs_town_or_city.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with wrong uprn only" do before do lettings_log.update!(address_line1: "existing address", town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_missing_town.update!(town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12", propcode: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(lettings_log_wrong_uprn,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_lettings_logs_wrong_uprn.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end context "and the organisation is marked as an organisation to skip" do let(:skip_uprn_issue_organisations) { [] } it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end end context "when the organisation only has supported housing logs with missing addresses or town or city" do before do lettings_log.update!(needstype: 2) lettings_log_missing_town.update!(needstype: 2) lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(needstype: 2) end it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end context "when the organisation only has logs with missing addresses or town or city from 2022" do before do lettings_log.update!(startdate:, 4, 5)) lettings_log_missing_town.update!(startdate:, 4, 5)) lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(startdate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end context "when the organisation has any address and town or city fields filled in or correct uprn" do before do lettings_log.update!(address_line1: "address_line1", town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_missing_town.update!(address_line1: "address_line1", town_or_city: "towncity") lettings_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_lettings_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end end describe "#create_missing_sales_addresses_csv" do let!(:sales_log) do create(:sales_log, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, address_line1: nil, town_or_city: nil, old_id: "old_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", uprn_known: 0) end let!(:sales_log_missing_town) do create(:sales_log, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "existing address line 1", town_or_city: nil, old_id: "older_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", uprn_known: 0) end let!(:sales_log_wrong_uprn) do create(:sales_log, :completed, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", town_or_city: "Bristol", old_id: "oldest_id", uprn_known: 1, uprn_confirmed: 1, la: nil) end context "when the organisation has logs with missing addresses, town or city and wrong uprn" do it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_sales_logs_addresses_all_issues.csv").read) expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log_missing_town, expected_content) expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log_wrong_uprn, expected_content) csv = service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with missing addresses" do before do sales_log_missing_town.update!(town_or_city: "towncity") sales_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_sales_logs_addresses.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with missing town_or_city only" do before do sales_log.update!(address_line1: "address", town_or_city: "towncity") sales_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log_missing_town,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_sales_logs_town_or_city.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end end context "when the organisation has logs with wrong uprn only" do before do sales_log.update!(address_line1: "address", town_or_city: "towncity") sales_log_missing_town.update!(town_or_city: "towncity") sales_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12", purchid: "12") end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do expected_content = replace_entity_ids(sales_log_wrong_uprn,"spec/fixtures/files/missing_sales_logs_wrong_uprn.csv").read) csv = service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq(expected_content) end context "and the organisation is marked as an organisation to skip" do let(:skip_uprn_issue_organisations) { [] } it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end end context "when the organisation only has logs with missing addresses from 2022" do before do sales_log.update!(saledate:, 4, 5)) sales_log_missing_town.update!(saledate:, 4, 5)) sales_log_wrong_uprn.update!(saledate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end context "when the organisation has address fields filled in" do before do sales_log.update!(town_or_city: "town", address_line1: "line1") sales_log_missing_town.update!(town_or_city: "town") sales_log_wrong_uprn.update!(uprn: "12") end it "returns nil" do expect(service.create_missing_sales_addresses_csv).to be_nil end end end describe "#create_lettings_addresses_csv" do context "when the organisation has lettings logs" do let!(:lettings_log) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode1", propcode: "propcode1", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "address", town_or_city: "town", old_id: "old_id_1", old_form_id: "old_form_id_1", needstype: 1, uprn_known: 0) end let!(:lettings_log_missing_address) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, address_line1: nil, town_or_city: nil, old_id: "old_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", needstype: 1, uprn_known: 0) end let!(:lettings_log_missing_town) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "existing address", town_or_city: nil, old_id: "older_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", needstype: 1, uprn_known: 0) end let!(:lettings_log_wrong_uprn) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", uprn_known: 1, old_id: "oldest_id", needstype: 1) end let!(:lettings_log_not_imported) do create(:lettings_log, tenancycode: "tenancycode", propcode: "propcode", startdate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", uprn_known: 1, needstype: 1) end before do create(:lettings_log, managing_organisation: organisation, old_id: "exists", startdate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do csv = CSV.parse(service.create_lettings_addresses_csv) expect(csv.count).to eq(6) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "tenancycode1", "propcode1", "", "Address org", "Address org", nil, "address", nil, "town", nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "tenancycode", "propcode", "", "Address org", "Address org", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "tenancycode", "propcode", "", "Address org", "Address org", nil, "existing address", nil, nil, nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "tenancycode", "propcode", "", "Address org", "Address org", "123", "Some Place", nil, "Bristol", nil, "BS1 1AD"]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "tenancycode", "propcode", "", "Address org", "Address org", "123", "Some Place", nil, "Bristol", nil, "BS1 1AD"]) end end context "when the organisation does not have relevant lettings logs" do before do create(:lettings_log, managing_organisation: organisation, startdate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns only headers" do csv = service.create_lettings_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq "Log ID,Tenancy start date,Tenant code,Property reference,Log owner,Owning organisation,Managing organisation,UPRN,Address Line 1,Address Line 2 (optional),Town or City,County (optional),Property's postcode\n" end end end describe "#create_sales_addresses_csv" do context "when the organisation has sales" do let!(:sales_log) do create(:sales_log, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "address", town_or_city: "city", old_id: "old_id_1", old_form_id: "old_form_id_1", uprn_known: 0) end let!(:sales_log_missing_address) do create(:sales_log, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, address_line1: nil, town_or_city: nil, old_id: "old_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", uprn_known: 0) end let!(:sales_log_missing_town) do create(:sales_log, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, address_line1: "existing address line 1", town_or_city: nil, old_id: "older_id", old_form_id: "old_form_id", uprn_known: 0) end let!(:sales_log_wrong_uprn) do create(:sales_log, :completed, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", town_or_city: "Bristol", old_id: "oldest_id", uprn_known: 1, uprn_confirmed: 1, la: nil) end let!(:sales_log_not_imported) do create(:sales_log, :completed, purchid: "purchaser code", saledate:, 4, 5), created_by: user, owning_organisation: organisation, uprn: "123", town_or_city: "Bristol", uprn_known: 1, uprn_confirmed: 1, la: nil) end before do create(:sales_log, :completed, saledate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns a csv with relevant logs" do csv = CSV.parse(service.create_sales_addresses_csv) expect(csv.count).to eq(6) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "purchaser code", "", "Address org", nil, "address", nil, "city", nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "purchaser code", "", "Address org", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "purchaser code", "", "Address org", nil, "existing address line 1", nil, nil, nil, nil]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "purchaser code", "", "Address org", "123", "Some Place", nil, "Bristol", nil, "BS1 1AD"]) expect(csv).to include([, "2023-04-05", "purchaser code", "", "Address org", "123", "Some Place", nil, "Bristol", nil, "BS1 1AD"]) end end context "when the organisation does not have relevant sales logs" do before do create(:sales_log, :completed, saledate:, 4, 5)) end it "returns only headers" do csv = service.create_sales_addresses_csv expect(csv).to eq("Log ID,Sale completion date,Purchaser code,Log owner,Owning organisation,UPRN,Address Line 1,Address Line 2 (optional),Town or City,County (optional),Property's postcode\n") end end end end