% content_for :before_content do %> <% content_for :title, "Are you sure you want to clear all?" %> <% end %>
You've selected <%= @questions_to_clear.count %> answers to clear
<%= govuk_warning_text(text: "Dependent answers related to this question may also get cleared. You will not be able to undo this action") %> <%= form_with model: @log, url: send("#{@log.log_type}_#{@page.id}_path", @log), method: "post", local: true do |f| %> <% @related_question_ids.each do |id| %> <%= f.hidden_field id, value: @log[id] %> <% end %> <%= f.hidden_field :clear_question_ids, value: @questions_to_clear %> <%= f.hidden_field :page, value: @page.id %> <% end %>