class User < ApplicationRecord # Include default devise modules. Others available are: # :omniauthable devise :database_authenticatable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :lockable, :two_factor_authenticatable, :confirmable, :timeoutable # Marked as optional because we validate organisation_id below instead so that # the error message is linked to the right field on the form belongs_to :organisation, optional: true has_many :owned_lettings_logs, through: :organisation has_many :managed_lettings_logs, through: :organisation has_many :owned_sales_logs, through: :organisation has_many :legacy_users has_many :bulk_uploads validates :name, presence: true validates :email, presence: true validates :email, uniqueness: { allow_blank: true, case_sensitive: true, if: :will_save_change_to_email? } validates :email, format: { with: Devise.email_regexp, allow_blank: true, if: :will_save_change_to_email? } validates :password, presence: { if: :password_required? } validates :password, confirmation: { if: :password_required? } validates :password, length: { within: Devise.password_length, allow_blank: true } after_validation :send_data_protection_confirmation_reminder, if: :is_dpo_changed? validates :organisation_id, presence: true validate :organisation_not_merged has_paper_trail ignore: %w[last_sign_in_at current_sign_in_at current_sign_in_ip last_sign_in_ip failed_attempts unlock_token locked_at reset_password_token reset_password_sent_at remember_created_at sign_in_count updated_at] has_one_time_password(encrypted: true) auto_strip_attributes :name ROLES = { data_provider: 1, data_coordinator: 2, support: 99, }.freeze enum role: ROLES scope :search_by_name, ->(name) { where(" ILIKE ?", "%#{name}%") } scope :search_by_email, ->(email) { where("email ILIKE ?", "%#{email}%") } scope :filter_by_active, -> { where(active: true) } scope :search_by, ->(param) { search_by_name(param).or(search_by_email(param)) } scope :sorted_by_organisation_and_role, -> { joins(:organisation).order("", role: :desc, name: :asc) } scope :filter_by_status, lambda { |statuses, _user = nil| filtered_records = all scopes = [] statuses.each do |status| status = status == "active" ? "active_status" : status status = status == "unconfirmed" ? "not_signed_in" : status if respond_to?(status, true) scopes << send(status) end end if scopes.any? filtered_records = filtered_records.merge(scopes.reduce(&:or)) end filtered_records } scope :not_signed_in, -> { where(last_sign_in_at: nil, active: true) } scope :deactivated, -> { where(active: false) } scope :active_status, -> { where(active: true).where.not(last_sign_in_at: nil) } def lettings_logs if support? LettingsLog.all else LettingsLog.filter_by_organisation(organisation) end end def sales_logs if support? SalesLog.all else SalesLog.filter_by_organisation(organisation) end end def is_key_contact? is_key_contact end def is_key_contact! update(is_key_contact: true) end def is_data_protection_officer? is_dpo end def is_data_protection_officer! update!(is_dpo: true) end MFA_TEMPLATE_ID = "6bdf5ee1-8e01-4be1-b1f9-747061d8a24c".freeze RESET_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE_ID = "2c410c19-80a7-481c-a531-2bcb3264f8e6".freeze CONFIRMABLE_TEMPLATE_ID = "3fc2e3a7-0835-4b84-ab7a-ce51629eb614".freeze RECONFIRMABLE_TEMPLATE_ID = "bcdec787-f0a7-46e9-8d63-b3e0a06ee455".freeze BETA_ONBOARDING_TEMPLATE_ID = "b48bc2cd-5887-4611-8296-d0ab3ed0e7fd".freeze USER_REACTIVATED_TEMPLATE_ID = "ac45a899-490e-4f59-ae8d-1256fc0001f9".freeze def reset_password_notify_template RESET_PASSWORD_TEMPLATE_ID end def confirmable_template if last_sign_in_at.present? && (unconfirmed_email.blank? || unconfirmed_email == email) USER_REACTIVATED_TEMPLATE_ID elsif was_migrated_from_softwire? && last_sign_in_at.blank? BETA_ONBOARDING_TEMPLATE_ID elsif initial_confirmation_sent RECONFIRMABLE_TEMPLATE_ID else CONFIRMABLE_TEMPLATE_ID end end def was_migrated_from_softwire? legacy_users.any? || old_user_id.present? end def send_confirmation_instructions return unless active? super update!(initial_confirmation_sent: true) end def need_two_factor_authentication?(_request) return false if Rails.env.development? return false if support? end def send_two_factor_authentication_code(code) template_id = MFA_TEMPLATE_ID personalisation = { otp: code }, template_id, personalisation) end def assignable_roles return {} unless data_coordinator? || support? return ROLES if support? ROLES.except(:support) end def logs_filters(specific_org: false) if (support? && !specific_org) || organisation.has_managing_agents? || organisation.has_stock_owners? %w[status years assigned_to user managing_organisation owning_organisation bulk_upload_id] else %w[status years assigned_to user bulk_upload_id] end end delegate :name, to: :organisation, prefix: true def self.download_attributes %w[id email name organisation_name role old_user_id is_dpo is_key_contact active sign_in_count last_sign_in_at] end def self.to_csv CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| csv << download_attributes all.find_each do |record| csv << { |attr| record.public_send(attr) } end end end def can_toggle_active?(user) self != user && (support? || data_coordinator?) end def valid_for_authentication? super && active? end protected # Checks whether a password is needed or not. For validations only. # Passwords are always required if it's a new record, or if the password # or confirmation are being set somewhere. def password_required? !persisted? || !password.nil? || !password_confirmation.nil? end private def organisation_not_merged if organisation&.merge_date.present? && organisation.merge_date < errors.add :organisation_id, I18n.t("validations.organisation.merged") end end def send_data_protection_confirmation_reminder return unless persisted? return unless is_dpo? DataProtectionConfirmationMailer.send_confirmation_email(self).deliver_later end end