class Form::Lettings::Questions::UprnConfirmation < ::Form::Question def initialize(id, hsh, page) super @id = "uprn_confirmed" @header = "Is this the property address?" @type = "radio" @check_answer_label = "Is this the right address?" end def answer_options if form.start_year_2024_or_later? { "1" => { "value" => "Yes" }, "0" => { "value" => "No, I want to search for the address instead" }, }.freeze else { "1" => { "value" => "Yes" }, "0" => { "value" => "No, I want to enter the address manually" }, }.freeze end end def notification_banner(log = nil) return unless log&.uprn { title: "UPRN: #{log.uprn}", heading: [ log.address_line1, log.address_line2, log.postcode_full, log.town_or_city, log.county, ].select(&:present?).join("\n"), } end def hidden_in_check_answers?(log, _current_user = nil) log.uprn_known != 1 || log.uprn_confirmed.present? || log.address_search.present? end end