module Validations::Sales::FinancialValidations # Validations methods need to be called 'validate_' to run on model save # or 'validate_' to run on submit as well def validate_income1(record) return unless record.income1 && && record.shared_ownership_scheme? relevant_fields = %i[income1 ownershipsch uprn la postcode_full] if record.london_property? && !record.income1.between?(0, 90_000) relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :outside_london_income_range, message: I18n.t("") } elsif record.property_not_in_london? && !record.income1.between?(0, 80_000) relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :outside_non_london_income_range, message: I18n.t("") } end end def validate_income2(record) return unless record.income2 && && record.shared_ownership_scheme? relevant_fields = %i[income2 ownershipsch uprn la postcode_full] if record.london_property? && !record.income2.between?(0, 90_000) relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :outside_london_income_range, message: I18n.t("") } elsif record.property_not_in_london? && !record.income2.between?(0, 80_000) relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :outside_non_london_income_range, message: I18n.t("") } end end def validate_combined_income(record) return unless record.income1 && record.income2 && && record.shared_ownership_scheme? combined_income = record.income1 + record.income2 relevant_fields = %i[income1 income2 ownershipsch uprn la postcode_full] if record.london_property? && combined_income > 90_000 relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :over_combined_hard_max_for_london, message: I18n.t("") } elsif record.property_not_in_london? && combined_income > 80_000 relevant_fields.each { |field| record.errors.add field, :over_combined_hard_max_for_outside_london, message: I18n.t("") } end end def validate_mortgage(record) record.errors.add :mortgage, :cannot_be_0, message: I18n.t("") if record.mortgage_used? && end def validate_monthly_leasehold_charges(record) record.errors.add :mscharge, I18n.t("") if record.mscharge&.zero? end def validate_percentage_bought_not_greater_than_percentage_owned(record) return unless record.stairbought && record.stairowned if record.stairbought > record.stairowned record.errors.add :stairowned, I18n.t("", buyer_now_owns: record.joint_purchase? ? "buyers now own" : "buyer now owns") end end def validate_percentage_bought_not_equal_percentage_owned(record) return unless record.stairbought && record.stairowned return unless record.saledate && record.form.start_year_after_2024? if record.stairbought == record.stairowned record.errors.add :stairbought, I18n.t("", stairbought: sprintf("%g", record.stairbought), stairowned: sprintf("%g", record.stairowned)) record.errors.add :stairowned, I18n.t("", stairbought: sprintf("%g", record.stairbought), stairowned: sprintf("%g", record.stairowned)) end end def validate_percentage_bought_at_least_threshold(record) return unless record.stairbought && record.type threshold = if [2, 16, 18, 24].include? record.type 10 else 1 end if threshold && record.stairbought < threshold record.errors.add :stairbought, I18n.t("", threshold:) record.errors.add :type, I18n.t("validations.setup.type.percentage_bought_must_be_at_least_threshold", threshold:) end end def validate_child_income(record) return unless record.income2 && record.ecstat2 if record.income2.positive? && is_economic_status_child?(record.ecstat2) && record.form.start_date.year >= 2023 record.errors.add :ecstat2, I18n.t("") record.errors.add :income2, I18n.t("") end end def validate_equity_in_range_for_year_and_type(record) return unless record.type && record.equity && record.collection_start_year ranges = EQUITY_RANGES_BY_YEAR.fetch(record.collection_start_year, DEFAULT_EQUITY_RANGES) return unless (range = ranges[record.type]) if record.equity < range.min record.errors.add :type, I18n.t("", min_equity: range.min) record.errors.add :equity, :under_min, message: I18n.t("", min_equity: range.min) elsif record.equity > range.max record.errors.add :type, I18n.t("", max_equity: range.max) record.errors.add :equity, :over_max, message: I18n.t("", max_equity: range.max) end end def validate_equity_less_than_staircase_difference(record) return unless record.equity && record.stairbought && record.stairowned return unless record.saledate && record.form.start_year_after_2024? if record.equity > record.stairowned - record.stairbought formatted_equity = sprintf("%g", record.equity) record.errors.add :equity, I18n.t("", equity: formatted_equity, staircase_difference: record.stairowned - record.stairbought, buyer_owns: record.joint_purchase? ? "buyers own" : "buyer owns") record.errors.add :stairowned, I18n.t("", equity: formatted_equity, staircase_difference: record.stairowned - record.stairbought, buyer_owns: record.joint_purchase? ? "buyers own" : "buyer owns") record.errors.add :stairbought, I18n.t("", equity: formatted_equity, staircase_difference: record.stairowned - record.stairbought, buyer_owns: record.joint_purchase? ? "buyers own" : "buyer owns") end end private def is_relationship_child?(relationship) relationship == "C" end def is_economic_status_child?(economic_status) economic_status == 9 end EQUITY_RANGES_BY_YEAR = { 2022 => { 2 => 25..75, 30 => 10..75, 18 => 25..75, 16 => 10..75, 24 => 25..75, 31 => 0..75, }, }.freeze DEFAULT_EQUITY_RANGES = { 2 => 25..75, 30 => 10..75, 18 => 25..75, 16 => 10..75, 24 => 25..75, 31 => 0..75, 32 => 0..75, }.freeze end