We could not create logs from your bulk upload. Below is a list of everything that you need to fix your spreadsheet. You can download the <%= govuk_link_to "specification", Forms::BulkUploadLettings::PrepareYourFile.new(year: @bulk_upload.year).specification_path, target: "_blank" %> to help you fix the cells in your CSV file.
Filename: <%= @bulk_upload.filename %>
This summary shows questions that have at least <%= BulkUploadErrorSummaryTableComponent::DISPLAY_THRESHOLD %> errors or more. See full error report for more details.
<%= render BulkUploadErrorSummaryTableComponent.new(bulk_upload: @bulk_upload) %> <% end %> <% c.with_tab(label: "Full error report") do %> <% @bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.group_by(&:row).each do |_row, errors_for_row| %> <%= render BulkUploadErrorRowComponent.new(bulk_upload_errors: errors_for_row) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>