<% title = current_user.support? ? "#{@organisation.name} (Organisation details)" : "Organisation details" %> <% title = format_title(nil, current_user.support? ? "About this organisation" : "Your organisation", current_user, nil, nil, @organisation.name) %> <% content_for :title, title %> <%= render partial: "organisations/headings", locals: current_user.support? ? { main: @organisation.name, sub: nil } : { main: "Your organisation", sub: current_user.organisation.name } %> <% if current_user.support? %> <%= render SubNavigationComponent.new( items: secondary_items(request.path, @organisation.id), ) %>

About this organisation

<% end %>
<%= govuk_summary_list do |summary_list| %> <%= organisation_name_row(user: current_user, organisation: @organisation, summary_list:) %> <% display_organisation_attributes(@organisation).each do |attr| %> <% if attr[:name] == "Data Sharing Agreement" %> <%= data_sharing_agreement_row(organisation: @organisation, user: current_user, summary_list:) %> <% else %> <% if can_edit_org?(current_user) && attr[:editable] %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %> <% row.with_key { attr[:name] } %> <% row.with_value { details_html(attr, @organisation) } %> <% if attr[:value] %> <% row.with_action( text: organisation_action_text(attr, @organisation), visually_hidden_text: attr[:name].to_s.humanize.downcase, href: edit_organisation_path(@organisation), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-#{attr[:name].downcase}" }, ) %> <% else %> <% row.with_action %> <% end %> <% end %> <% else %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %> <% row.with_key { attr[:name] } %> <% row.with_value { details_html(attr, @organisation) } %> <% row.with_action %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>

To report a merge or update your organisation details, <%= govuk_link_to "contact the helpdesk", GlobalConstants::HELPDESK_URL %>.

<%= render partial: "organisations/merged_organisation_details" %>
<% if OrganisationPolicy.new(current_user, @organisation).deactivate? %> <%= govuk_button_link_to "Deactivate this organisation", deactivate_organisation_path(@organisation), warning: true %> <% end %> <% if OrganisationPolicy.new(current_user, @organisation).reactivate? %> <%= govuk_button_link_to "Reactivate this organisation", reactivate_organisation_path(@organisation) %> <% end %> <% if OrganisationPolicy.new(current_user, @organisation).delete? %> <%= delete_organisation_link(@organisation) %> <% end %>