class Location < ApplicationRecord validate :validate_postcode validates :units, :type_of_unit, :mobility_type, presence: true belongs_to :scheme has_paper_trail before_save :lookup_postcode!, if: :postcode_changed? auto_strip_attributes :name attr_accessor :add_another_location scope :search_by_postcode, ->(postcode) { where("REPLACE(postcode, ' ', '') ILIKE ?", "%#{postcode.delete(' ')}%") } scope :search_by_name, ->(name) { where("name ILIKE ?", "%#{name}%") } scope :search_by, ->(param) { search_by_name(param).or(search_by_postcode(param)) } scope :started, -> { where("startdate <= ?", nil)) } scope :active, -> { where(confirmed: true).and(started) } MOBILITY_TYPE = { "Wheelchair-user standard": "W", "Fitted with equipment and adaptations": "A", "Property designed to accessible general standard": "M", "None": "N", "Missing": "X", }.freeze enum mobility_type: MOBILITY_TYPE TYPE_OF_UNIT = { "Bungalow": 6, "Self-contained flat or bedsit": 1, "Self-contained flat or bedsit with common facilities": 2, "Self-contained house": 7, "Shared flat": 3, "Shared house or hostel": 4, }.freeze enum type_of_unit: TYPE_OF_UNIT def display_attributes [ { name: "Location code ", value: location_code, suffix: false }, { name: "Postcode", value: postcode, suffix: county }, { name: "Type of unit", value: type_of_unit, suffix: false }, ] end def postcode=(postcode) if postcode super UKPostcode.parse(postcode).to_s else super nil end end private PIO = def validate_postcode if postcode.nil? || !postcode&.match(POSTCODE_REGEXP) error_message = I18n.t("validations.postcode") errors.add :postcode, error_message end end def lookup_postcode! result = PIO.lookup(postcode) if result self.location_code = result[:location_code] self.location_admin_district = result[:location_admin_district] end end end