<% potential_errors, critical_errors = bulk_upload_errors.partition { |error| error.category == "soft_validation" } %>
Critical errors
These errors must be fixed to complete your logs.
<%= govuk_table do |table| %>
<%= table.with_head do |head| %>
<% head.with_row do |row| %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Cell") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Question") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Error") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Specification") %>
<% end %>
<%= table.with_body do |body| %>
<% critical_errors.each do |error| %>
<% body.with_row do |row| %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error.cell) %>
<% row.with_cell(text: question_for_field(error.field)) %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error.error, html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold" }) %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error.field.humanize) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if potential_errors.any? %>
Potential errors
The following groups of cells might have conflicting data. Check the answers and fix any incorrect data.
If the answers are correct, fix the critical errors and reupload the file. You'll need to confirm that the following data is correct when the file only contains potential errors.
<%= govuk_table do |table| %>
<%= table.with_head do |head| %>
<% head.with_row do |row| %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Cell") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Question") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Potential error") %>
<% row.with_cell(header: true, text: "Specification") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= table.with_body do |body| %>
<% potential_errors.group_by(&:error).each do |error_message, errors| %>
<% errors.each_with_index do |error, index| %>
<% row_class = "grouped-rows" %>
<% row_class += " first-row" if index.zero? %>
<% row_class += " last-row" if index == errors.size - 1 %>
<% body.with_row(html_attributes: { class: row_class }) do |row| %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error.cell) %>
<% row.with_cell(text: question_for_field(error.field)) %>
<% if index == 0 %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error_message, rowspan: errors.size, html_attributes: { class: "govuk-!-font-weight-bold grouped-multirow-cell" }) %>
<% end %>
<% row.with_cell(text: error.field.humanize) %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>