<% content_for :title, "Update logs" %>

You need to update <%= @logs.count %> logs

Some scheme details have changed, and now the following <%= @logs.count %> logs need updating.

You'll have to answer a few questions for each log.

<%= govuk_table do |table| table.head do |head| head.row do |row| row.cell(header: true, text: "Log ID") row.cell(header: true, text: "Tenancy code") row.cell(header: true, text: "Property reference") row.cell(header: true, text: "Status") row.cell # "Update now" column has no heading end end table.body do |body| @logs.each do |log| body.row do |row| row.cell(header: true, text: log.id) row.cell(text: log.tenancycode) row.cell(text: log.propcode) row.cell { status_tag(log.status) } row.cell(numeric: true) { govuk_link_to("Update now", "#") } # "numeric" to right-align end end end end %>