<% title = @scheme.service_name %> <% content_for :title, title %> <% if current_user.support? %> <% content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Home" => root_path, "Schemes (#{@scheme.owning_organisation.name})" => schemes_organisation_path(@scheme.owning_organisation), }) %> <% else %> <% content_for :before_content do %> <%= govuk_back_link(href: schemes_path) %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= render partial: "organisations/headings", locals: { main: @scheme.service_name, sub: nil } %>
<%= render SubNavigationComponent.new(items: scheme_items(request.path, @scheme.id)) %>


<% @scheme.check_details_attributes.each do |attr| %> <% if attr[:name] == "Status" %>
<%= details_html({ name: "Status", value: status_tag_from_resource(@scheme), id: "status" }) %> <% if @scheme.confirmed? && @scheme.active? && !@scheme.has_active_locations? %> No currently active locations <% end %> <% if @scheme.confirmed? && @scheme.locations.confirmed.none? && LocationPolicy.new(current_user, @scheme.locations.new).create? %> Complete this scheme by adding a location using the <%= govuk_link_to("‘locations’ tab", scheme_locations_path(@scheme)) %>. <% end %> <% if @scheme.deactivated? && current_user.support? && !SchemePolicy.new(current_user, @scheme).delete? %> This scheme was active in an open or editable collection year, and cannot be deleted. <% end %>
<% elsif attr[:id] != "secondary_client_group" || @scheme.has_other_client_group == "Yes" %> <%= render partial: "scheme_summary_list_row", locals: { scheme: @scheme, attribute: attr, change_link: scheme_edit_path(@scheme, attr[:id], current_user) } %> <% end %> <% end %>
<%= details_html({ name: "Availability", value: scheme_availability(@scheme), id: "availability" }) %>
<% if @scheme.owning_organisation.status == :active && SchemePolicy.new(current_user, @scheme).deactivate? %> <%= toggle_scheme_link(@scheme) %> <% end %> <% if SchemePolicy.new(current_user, @scheme).delete? %> <%= delete_scheme_link(@scheme) %> <% end %>