require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe Forms::BulkUploadLettings::Guidance do include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers subject(:bu_guidance) {, referrer:) } let(:year) { 2024 } let(:referrer) { nil } describe "#back_path" do context "when referrer is prepare-your-file" do let(:referrer) { "prepare-your-file" } it "returns the prepare your file path" do expect(bu_guidance.back_path).to eq bulk_upload_lettings_log_path(id: "prepare-your-file", form: { year: }) end end context "when referrer is home" do let(:referrer) { "home" } it "returns the root path" do expect(bu_guidance.back_path).to eq root_path end end context "when referrer is guidance" do let(:referrer) { "guidance" } it "returns the main guidance page path" do expect(bu_guidance.back_path).to eq guidance_path end end context "when referrer is absent" do let(:referrer) { nil } it "returns the main guidance page path" do expect(bu_guidance.back_path).to eq guidance_path end end end describe "year" do context "when year is not provided" do let(:year) { nil } before do # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance allow_any_instance_of(CollectionTimeHelper).to receive(:current_collection_start_year).and_return(2030) # rubocop:enable RSpec/AnyInstance end it "is set to the current collection start year" do expect(bu_guidance.year).to eq(2030) end end end end