{ "form_type": "lettings", "sections": { "household": { "label": "About the household", "subsections": { "household_characteristics": { "label": "Household characteristics", "pages": { "tenant_code": { "questions": { "tenant_code": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant code", "header": "What is the tenant code?", "type": "text", "width": 10 } } }, "person_1_age": { "questions": { "age1": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant's age", "header": "What is the tenant's age?", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 150, "step": 1, "width": 2 } } }, "person_1_gender": { "questions": { "sex1": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant's gender", "header": "Which of these best describes the tenant's gender identity?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Female", "1": "Male", "2": "Non-binary", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "household_number_of_other_members": { "questions": { "other_hhmemb": { "check_answer_label": "Number of Other Household Members", "header": "How many other people are there in the household?", "hint_text": "The maximum number of others is 1", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 1, "step": 1, "width": 2, "conditional_for": { "relat2": ">0", "age2": ">0", "sex2": ">0", "ecstat2": ">0" } }, "relat2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2's relationship to lead tenant", "header": "What's person 2's relationship to lead tenant", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Other", "1": "Prefer not to say" } }, "age2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2's age", "header": "What's person 2's age", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 150, "step": 1, "width": 2 }, "sex2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2's gender", "header": "Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Female", "1": "Male", "2": "Non-binary", "3": "Prefer not to say" } }, "ecstat2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2's Work", "header": "Which of these best describes person 2's working situation?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Other", "1": "Prefer not to say" } } } } } }, "household_needs": { "label": "Household needs", "pages": { "armed_forces": { "header": "Experience of the UK Armed Forces", "questions": { "armedforces": { "header": "Is anyone in the household...", "hint_text": "This excludes national service", "type": "radio", "check_answer_label": "Armed Forces", "answer_options": { "0":"A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (exc. National Service)", "1":"A current or former reserve in the UK Armed Forces (exc. National Service)", "2": "A spouse / civil partner of a UK Armed Forces member who has separated or been bereaved within the last 2 years", "3": "No", "4": "Tenant prefers not to say" }, "conditional_for": { "leftreg": ["A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (exc. National Service)"], "reservist": ["A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (exc. National Service)"] } }, "leftreg": { "header": "Are they still serving?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "check_answer_label": "When did they leave the Armed Forces?", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No - they left up to 5 years ago", "2": "No - they left more than 5 years ago", "3": "Prefer not to say" } }, "reservist": { "header": "Were they seriously injured or ill as a result of their service?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "check_answer_label": "Has anyone in the household been seriously injured or ill as a result of their service in the armed forces?", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No", "2": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "medical_conditions": { "questions": { "illness": { "header": "Does anyone in the household have any of the following that they expect to last for 12 months or more:", "type": "radio", "check_answer_label": "Physical, mental health or illness in the household", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No", "2": "Do not know", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "accessibility_requirements": { "questions": { "accessibility_requirements": { "header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?", "hint_text": "Select all that apply", "type": "checkbox", "check_answer_label": "Disability requirements", "answer_options": { "housingneeds_a": "Fully wheelchair accessible housing", "housingneeds_b": "Wheelchair access to essential rooms", "housingneeds_c": "Level access housing", "divider_a": true, "housingneeds_h": "Do not know" } } } }, "accessible_select": { "questions": { "la": { "header": "Select options", "hint_text": "Type ahead to filter the options", "type": "select", "check_answer_label": "Accessible Select", "answer_options": { "" : "Select an option", "E07000223": "Adur", "E09000023": "Lewisham", "E07000178": "Oxford", "E07000114": "Thanet", "E06000014": "York" } } } }, "condition_effects": { "questions": { "condition_effects": { "header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?", "hint_text": "Select all that apply", "type": "checkbox", "check_answer_label": "Conditions or illnesses", "answer_options": { "illness_type_1": "Vision - such as blindness or partial sight", "illness_type_2": "Hearing - such as deafness or partial hearing" } } } } } } } }, "tenancy_and_property": { "label": "Tenancy and property information", "subsections": { "tenancy_information": { "label": "Tenancy information", "pages": { "tenancy_code": { "questions": { "tenancy_code": { "check_answer_label": "What is the tenancy code?", "header": "What is the tenancy code?", "type": "text", "width": 10 } } } } }, "property_information": { "label": "Property information", "pages": { "property_postcode": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions": { "property_postcode": { "check_answer_label": "Postcode", "header": "", "hint_text": "", "type": "text", "width": 5 } } }, "do_you_know_the_local_authority": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions": { "la_known": { "check_answer_label": "Do you know what local authority the property is located in?", "header": "Do you know what local authority the property is located in?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "No", "1": "Yes" } } }, "depends_on": {"is_la_inferred": false} }, "property_wheelchair_accessible": { "questions": { "wchair": { "check_answer_label": "Is property built or adapted to wheelchair user standards?", "header": "Is property built or adapted to wheelchair user standards?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No" } } } } } }, "conditional_question": { "label": "Conditional question", "pages": { "conditional_question": { "questions": { "preg_occ": { "check_answer_label": "Has the condition been met?", "header": "Has the condition been met?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No" } } } }, "conditional_question_yes_page": { "questions": { "cbl": { "check_answer_label": "Has the next condition been met?", "header": "Has the next condition been met?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No" } } }, "depends_on": { "preg_occ": "Yes" } }, "conditional_question_no_page": { "questions": { "conditional_question_no_question": { "check_answer_label": "Has the condition not been met?", "header": "Has the next condition not been met?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No" } } }, "depends_on": { "preg_occ": "No" } }, "conditional_question_no_second_page": { "questions": { "conditional_question_no_second_question": { "check_answer_label": "Has the condition not been met again?", "header": "Has the next condition not been met again?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No" } } }, "depends_on": { "preg_occ": "No", "sex1": "Male" } } } } } }, "rent_and_charges": { "label": "Rent and charges", "subsections": { "income_and_benefits": { "label": "Income and benefits", "pages": { "net_income": { "header": "Test header", "description": "Some extra text for the page", "questions": { "earnings": { "check_answer_label": "Income", "header": "What is the tenant’s /and partner’s combined income after tax?", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 5 }, "incfreq": { "check_answer_label": "Income Frequency", "header": "How often do they receive this income?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Weekly", "1": "Monthly", "2": "Yearly" } } }, "soft_validations": { "override_net_income_validation": { "check_answer_label": "Net income confirmed?", "type": "validation_override", "answer_options": { "override_net_income_validation": "Yes" } } } }, "net_income_uc_proportion": { "questions": { "benefits": { "check_answer_label": "Benefits as a proportion of income", "header": "How much of the tenant’s income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "All", "1": "Some" } } } }, "housing_benefit": { "questions": { "hb": { "check_answer_label": "Universal Credit & Housing Benefit", "header": "Is the tenant likely to be in receipt of any of these housing-related benefits?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Housing Benefit, but not Universal Credit", "1": "Prefer not to say" }, "conditional_for": { "conditional_question": ["Housing Benefit, but not Universal Credit"] } }, "conditional_question": { "check_answer_label": "Conditional Question", "header": "Question to test page conditions", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Option A", "1": "Option B" } } } }, "dependent_page": { "depends_on": { "incfreq": "Weekly" }, "questions": { "dependent_question": { "check_answer_label": "Dependent Question", "header": "Question to test page routing", "type": "checkbox", "answer_options": { "0": "Option A", "1": "Option B" } } } } } }, "rent": { "label": "Rent", "pages": { "rent": { "questions": { "period": { "check_answer_label": "Rent Period", "header": "Which period are rent and other charges due?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Weekly for 52 weeks", "1": "Fortnightly" } }, "brent": { "check_answer_label": "Basic Rent", "header": "What is the basic rent?", "hint_text": "Eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 4, "fields-to-add": [ "brent", "scharge", "pscharge", "supcharg" ], "result-field": "tcharge" }, "scharge": { "check_answer_label": "Service Charge", "header": "What is the service charge?", "hint_text": "Eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 4, "fields-to-add": [ "brent", "scharge", "pscharge", "supcharg" ], "result-field": "tcharge" }, "pscharge": { "check_answer_label": "Personal Service Charge", "header": "What is the personal service charge?", "hint_text": "Not eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit. For example, hot water excluding water rates.", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 4, "fields-to-add": [ "brent", "scharge", "pscharge", "supcharg" ], "result-field": "tcharge" }, "supcharg": { "check_answer_label": "Support Charge", "header": "What is the support charge?", "hint_text": "This is to fund housing-related support services included in the tenancy agreement", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 4, "fields-to-add": [ "brent", "scharge", "pscharge", "supcharg" ], "result-field": "tcharge" }, "tcharge": { "check_answer_label": "Total Charge", "header": "Total charge?", "hint_text": "This is the total of rent and all charges", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "step": 1, "width": 4, "readonly": true } } } } } } }, "local_authority": { "label": "Local authority", "subsections": { "local_authority": { "label": "Local authority", "pages": { "time_lived_in_la": { "questions": { "layear": { "check_answer_label": "How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area where the new letting is located?", "header": "How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area where the new letting is located?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Just moved to local authority area", "1": "Less than 1 year", "2": "1 to 2 years", "3": "2 to 3 years", "4": "3 to 4 years", "5": "4 to 5 years", "6": "5 years or more", "7": "Do not know" } } } }, "time_on_la_waiting_list": { "questions": { "lawaitlist": { "check_answer_label": "How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list where the new letting is located?", "header": "How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list where the new letting is located?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Just moved to local authority area", "1": "Less than 1 year", "2": "1 to 2 years", "3": "2 to 3 years", "4": "3 to 4 years", "5": "4 to 5 years", "6": "5 years or more", "7": "Do not know" } } } }, "why_dont_you_know_la": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions": { "why_dont_you_know_la": { "check_answer_label": "Reason for not knowing local authority", "header": "Give a reason why you don’t know the postcode or local authority", "hint_text": "", "type": "textarea" } } }, "property_postcode": { "questions": { "property_postcode": { "check_answer_label": "Postcode of previous accomodation if the household has moved from settled accommodation", "header": "Postcode for the previous accommodation", "hint_text": "If the household has moved from settled accommodation immediately prior to being re-housed", "type": "text", "width": 5, "conditional_for": { "faake_key": "fake_condition" } }, "previous_postcode": { "check_answer_label": "Postcode of previous accomodation if the household has moved from settled accommodation", "header": "Postcode for the previous accommodation", "hint_text": "If the household has moved from settled accommodation immediately prior to being re-housed", "type": "text", "width": 5 } } }, "property_major_repairs": { "questions": { "mrcdate": { "check_answer_label": "What was the major repairs completion date?", "header": "What was the major repairs completion date?", "hint_text": "For example, 27 3 2021", "type": "date" } } } } } } }, "submission": { "label": "Submission", "subsections": { "declaration": { "label": "Declaration", "depends_on": { "household_characteristics": "completed", "household_needs": "completed", "tenancy_information": "completed", "property_information": "completed", "income_and_benefits": "completed", "rent": "completed", "local_authority": "completed" }, "pages": { "declaration": { "questions": { "declaration": { "check_answer_label": "", "header": "What is the tenant code?", "type": "text", "width": 10 } } } } } } } } }