en: validations: lettings: 2025: bulk_upload: not_answered: "You must answer %{question}" invalid_option: "Enter a valid value for %{question}" invalid_number: "Enter a number for %{question}" spreadsheet_dupe: "This is a duplicate of a log in your file." duplicate: "This is a duplicate log." blank_file: "Template is blank - The template must be filled in for us to create the logs and check if data is correct." wrong_template: wrong_template: "Incorrect start dates, please ensure you have used the correct template." no_headers: "Your file does not contain the required header rows. Add or check the header rows and upload your file again. [Read more about using the template headers](%{guidance_link})." wrong_field_numbers_count: "Incorrect number of fields, please ensure you have used the correct template." over_max_column_count: "Too many columns, please ensure you have used the correct template." owning_organisation: not_found: "The owning organisation code is incorrect." not_stock_owner: "The owning organisation code provided is for an organisation that does not own stock." not_permitted: not_support: "You do not have permission to add logs for this owning organisation." support: "This owning organisation is not affiliated with %{org_name}." managing_organisation: no_relationship: "This managing organisation does not have a relationship with the owning organisation." not_found: "The managing organisation code is incorrect." assigned_to: not_found: "User with the specified email could not be found." organisation_not_related: "User must be related to owning organisation or managing organisation." startdate: outside_collection_window: "Enter a date within the %{year_combo} collection year, which is between 1st April %{start_year} and 31st March %{end_year}." year_not_two_or_four_digits: "Tenancy start year must be 2 or 4 digits." housingneeds: no_and_dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction: "No disabled access needs and don’t know disabled access needs cannot be selected together." dont_know_disabled_needs_conjunction: "Don’t know disabled access needs can’t be selected if you have selected fully wheelchair-accessible housing, wheelchair access to essential rooms, level access housing or other disabled access needs." no_disabled_needs_conjunction: "No disabled access needs can’t be selected if you have selected fully wheelchair-accessible housing, wheelchair access to essential rooms, level access housing or other disabled access needs." housingneeds_type: only_one_option_permitted: "Only one disabled access need: fully wheelchair-accessible housing, wheelchair access to essential rooms or level access housing, can be selected." condition_effects: no_choices: "You cannot answer this question as you told us nobody in the household has a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more." reason: renewal_reason_needed: "The reason for leaving must be \"End of social or private sector tenancy - no fault\", \"End of social or private sector tenancy - evicted due to anti-social behaviour (ASB)\", \"End of social or private sector tenancy - evicted due to rent arrears\" or \"End of social or private sector tenancy - evicted for any other reason\"." referral: general_needs_prp_referred_by_la: "The source of the referral cannot be referred by local authority housing department for a general needs log." nominated_by_local_ha_but_la: "The source of the referral cannot be Nominated by local housing authority as your organisation is a local authority." scheme: must_relate_to_org: "This scheme code does not belong to the owning organisation or managing organisation." location: must_relate_to_org: "Location code must relate to a location that is owned by the owning organisation or managing organisation." age: invalid: "Age of person %{person_num} must be a number or the letter R" address: not_found: "We could not find this address. Check the address data in your CSV file is correct and complete, or find the correct address in the service." not_determined: one: "There is a possible match for this address which doesn't look right. Check the address data in your CSV file is correct and complete, or confirm the address in the service." multiple: "There are multiple matches for this address. Check the address data in your CSV file is correct and complete, or select the correct address in the service." not_answered: "Enter either the UPRN or the full address." nationality: invalid: "Select a valid nationality." charges: missing_charges: "Please enter the %{sentence_fragment}. If there is no %{sentence_fragment}, please enter '0'."