Collection resources
For lettings starting during 1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024 and sales completing during the same period, use the 23/24 forms.
Lettings 23/24
<%= render [
name: "Lettings log for tenants (2023/24)",
href: download_23_24_lettings_form_path,
metadata: "PDF, 278 KB, 8 pages",
name: "Lettings bulk upload template (2023/24) *new question ordering*",
href: download_23_24_lettings_bulk_upload_template_path,
metadata: "Microsoft Excel, 15 KB",
name: "Lettings bulk upload template (2023/24)",
href: download_23_24_lettings_bulk_upload_legacy_template_path,
metadata: "Microsoft Excel, 15 KB",
name: "Lettings bulk upload specification (2023/24)",
href: download_23_24_lettings_bulk_upload_specification_path,
metadata: "Microsoft Excel, 90 KB",
]) %>
Lettings 22/23
<%= render [
name: "Lettings log for tenants (2022/23)",
href: "",
metadata: "PDF, 654 KB, 4 pages",
name: "Lettings bulk upload template (2022/23)",
href: download_22_23_lettings_bulk_upload_template_path,
metadata: "Microsoft Excel, 36 KB",
name: "Lettings bulk upload specification (2022/23)",
href: download_22_23_lettings_bulk_upload_specification_path,
metadata: "Microsoft Excel, 53 KB",
]) %>
Sales 23/24
<%= render [
name: "Sales log for buyers (2023/24)",
href: download_23_24_sales_form_path,
metadata: "PDF, 421 KB, 8 pages",
]) %>
Sales 22/23
<%= render [
name: "Sales log for buyers (2022/23)",
href: download_22_23_sales_form_path,
metadata: "PDF, 397 KB, 5 pages",
]) %>