en: validations: lettings: date: startdate: after_void_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is after the void date." after_major_repair_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is after the major repair date." ten_years_after_void_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is no more than 10 years after the void date." ten_years_after_mrc_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is no more than 10 years after the major repairs completion date." twenty_years_after_void_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is no more than 20 years after the void date." twenty_years_after_mrc_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is no more than 20 years after the major repairs completion date." mrcdate: before_tenancy_start: "Enter a major repairs date that is before the tenancy start date." not_first_let: "Major repairs date must not be completed if the tenancy is a first let." ten_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a major repairs completion date that is no more than 10 years before the tenancy start date." twenty_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a major repairs completion date that is no more than 20 years before the tenancy start date." before_void_date: "Major repairs date must be after the void date if provided." void_date: ten_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a void date no more than 10 years before the tenancy start date." twenty_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a void date no more than 20 years before the tenancy start date." before_tenancy_start: "Enter a void date that is before the tenancy start date." after_mrcdate: "Void date must be before the major repairs date if provided."