When("I visit the sign in page") do visit "/account/sign-in" end When("I fill in the sign in form") do fill_in("user[email]", with: @user.email) fill_in("user[password]", with: @user.password) end When("I click the sign in button") do click_button("Sign in") end Then("I should see the logs page") do expect(page).to have_current_path("/logs") end Then("I should see the root page") do end Given("There is a {string} user in the database") do |role| @user = create :user, role: role.parameterize(separator: "_") end Given("I am signed in as {string}") do |role| step "There is a \"#{role}\" user in the database" step "I visit the sign in page" step "I fill in the sign in form" step "I click the sign in button" end When("I click the sign out button") do click_link("Sign out") end