ID,Log ID STATUS,Status of log DUPLICATESET,ID of a set of duplicate logs CREATEDDATE,Time and date the log was created UPLOADDATE,Time and date the log was last updated COLLECTIONYEAR,Year collection period opened CREATIONMETHOD,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? BULKUPLOADID,ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs DATAPROTECT,Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? OWNINGORGNAME,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? MANINGORGNAME,Which organisation reported the sale? CREATEDBY,User that created the log USERNAME,User the log is assigned to DAY,Day of sale completion date MONTH,Month of sale completion date YEAR,Year of sale completion date PURCHID,What is the purchaser code? OWNERSHIP,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? TYPE,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? OTHTYPE,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? COMPANY,Is the buyer a company? LIVEINBUYER,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? JOINT,Is this a joint purchase? JOINTMORE,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? NOINT,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? PRIVACYNOTICE,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? UPRN,What is the UPRN of the property? ADDRESS1,Address line 1 ADDRESS2,Address line 2 TOWNCITY,Town/City COUNTY,County POSTCODE,Postcode ISLAINFERRED,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode LANAME,LA name LA,LA code UPRNSELECTED,UPRN of the address selected ADDRESS_SEARCH_VALUE_CHECK,Was the 'No address found' page seen? ADDRESS1INPUT,Address line 1 input from address matching feature POSTCODEINPUT,Postcode input from address matching feature BULKADDRESS1,Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file BULKADDRESS2,Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file BULKTOWNCITY,Town or city entered in bulk upload file BULKCOUNTY,County entered in bulk upload file BULKPOSTCODE,Postcode entered in bulk upload file BULKLA,Local authority entered in bulk upload file BEDS,How many bedrooms does the property have? PROPTYPE,What type of unit is the property? BUILTYPE,Which type of building is the property? WCHAIR,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? AGE1,What is buyer 1's age? SEX1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? ETHNICGROUP1,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? ETHNIC,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? NATIONALITYALL1,What is buyer 1's nationality? ECSTAT1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? LIVEINBUYER1,Will buyer 1 live in the property? RELAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? AGE2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? SEX2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? ETHNICGROUP2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? ETHNIC2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? NATIONALITYALL2,What is buyer 2's nationality? ECSTAT2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? LIVEINBUYER2,Will buyer 2 live in the property? HHTYPE,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? RELAT3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? AGE3,What is person 3's age? SEX3,What is person 3's gender identity? ECSTAT3,What is person 3's working situation? RELAT4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? AGE4,What is person 4's age? SEX4,What is person 4's gender identity? ECSTAT4,What is person 4's working situation? RELAT5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? AGE5,What is person 5's age? SEX5,What is person 5's gender identity? ECSTAT5,What is person 5's working situation? RELAT6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? AGE6,What is person 6's age? SEX6,What is person 6's gender identity? ECSTAT6,What is person 6's working situation? PREVTEN,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? PPCODENK,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? PPOSTC1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation PPOSTC2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation PREVIOUSLAKNOWN,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? PREVLOC,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation PREVLOCNAME,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation PREGYRHA,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? PREGOTHER,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? PREGLA,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? PREGGHB,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? PREGBLANK,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank BUY2LIVING,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? PREVTEN2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? HHREGRES,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? HHREGRESSTILL,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? DISABLED,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? WHEEL,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? INC1NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? INCOME1,What is buyer 1's annual income? INC1MORT,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? INC2NK,Is buyer 1's annual income known? INCOME2,What is buyer 2's annual income? INC2MORT,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? HB,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? SAVINGSNK,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? SAVINGS,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? PREVOWN,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? PREVSHARED,Was the previous property under shared ownership? PROPLEN,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? STAIRCASE,Is this a staircasing transaction? STAIRBOUGHT,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? STAIROWNED,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? STAIRCASETOSALE,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? RESALE,Is this a resale? EXDAY,Day of the exchange of contracts EXMONTH,Month of the exchange of contracts EXYEAR,Year of the exchange of contracts HODAY,Day of the practical completion or handover date HOMONTH,Month of the practical completion or handover date HOYEAR,Year of the practical completion or handover date LANOMAGR,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? SOCTEN,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? FROMBEDS,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? FROMPROP,What was the previous property type? SOCPREVTEN,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? VALUE,What is the full purchase price? VALUE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. EQUITY,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? MORTGAGEUSED,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? MORTGAGE,What is the mortgage amount? MORTGAGELENDER,What is the name of the mortgage lender? MORTGAGELENDEROTHER,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? MORTLEN1,What is the length of the mortgage in years? EXTRABOR,Does this include any extra borrowing? DEPOSIT,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? CASHDIS,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? MRENT,What is the basic monthly rent? HASMSCHARGE,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? MSCHARGE,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK,Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. DISCOUNT,What was the percentage discount? GRANT,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given? id,Log ID status,Status of log duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs created_at,Time and date the log was created updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated old_form_id,The ID on the old service collection_start_year,Year collection period opened creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owned this property before the sale? managing_organisation_name,Which organisation reported the sale? assigned_to,User the log is assigned to day,Day of sale completion date month,Month of sale completion date year,Year of sale completion date purchid,What is the purchaser code? ownershipsch,Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? type,What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? othtype,If type = 'Other', what is the type of outright sale? companybuy,Is the buyer a company? buylivein,Will the buyer(s) live in the property? jointpur,Is this a joint purchase? jointmore,Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? beds,How many bedrooms does the property have? proptype,What type of unit is the property? builtype,Which type of building is the property? uprn,What is the UPRN of the property? uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? address_line1_input,Address line 1 input from address matching feature postcode_full_input,Postcode input from address matching feature uprn_selection,UPRN of the address selected address_line1,Address line 1 address_line2,Address line 2 town_or_city,Town/City county,County pcode1,Part 1 of the property's postcode pcode2,Part 2 of the property's postcode la,LA code la_label,LA name wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? noint,Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? privacynotice,Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? age1,What is buyer 1's age? sex1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? ethnic_group,What is buyer 1's ethnic group? ethnic,Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? nationality_all,What is buyer 1's nationality? ecstat1,Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? buy1livein,Will buyer 1 live in the property? relat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? age2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? sex2,Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? ethnic_group2,What is buyer 2's ethnic group? ethnicbuy2,Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? nationality_all_buyer2,What is buyer 2's nationality? ecstat2,What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? buy2livein,Will buyer 2 live in the property? hholdcount,Besides the buyer(s), how many other people live or will live in the property? relat3,What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? age3,What is person 3's age? sex3,What is person 3's gender identity? ecstat3,What is person 3's working situation? relat4,What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? age4,What is person 4's age? sex4,What is person 4's gender identity? ecstat4,What is person 4's working situation? relat5,What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? age5,What is person 5's age? sex5,What is person 5's gender identity? ecstat5,What is person 5's working situation? relat6,What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? age6,What is person 6's age? sex6,What is person 6's gender identity? ecstat6,What is person 6's working situation? prevten,What was buyer 1's previous tenure? ppcodenk,Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? ppostc1,Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation ppostc2,Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation previous_la_known,Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? prevloc,The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation prevloc_label,The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation pregyrha,Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? pregother,Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? pregla,Was the buyer registered with the local authority? pregghb,Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? pregblank,Populated if pregyrha, pregother, pregla and pregghb are blank buy2living,At the time of purchase, was buyer 2 living at the same address as buyer 1? prevtenbuy2,What was buyer 2's previous tenure? hhregres,Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? hhregresstill,Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? armedforcesspouse,Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? disabled,Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? wheel,Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? income1nk,Is buyer 1's annual income known? income1,What is buyer 1's annual income? inc1mort,Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? income2nk,Is buyer 2's annual income known? income2,What is buyer 2's annual income? inc2mort,Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? hb,Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? savingsnk,Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? savings,What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? prevown,Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? prevshared,Was the previous property under shared ownership? proplen,How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? staircase,Is this a staircasing transaction? stairbought,What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? stairowned,What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? staircasesale,Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? resale,Is this a resale? exday,Day of the exchange of contracts exmonth,Month of the exchange of contracts exyear,Year of the exchange of contracts hoday,Day of the practical completion or handover date homonth,Month of the practical completion or handover date hoyear,Year of the practical completion or handover date lanomagr,Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? soctenant,Was the buyer a private registered provider, housing association or local authority tenant immediately before this sale? frombeds,How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? fromprop,What was the previous property type? socprevten,What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? value,What is the full purchase price? equity,What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? mortgageused,Was a mortgage used to buy this property? mortgage,What is the mortgage amount? mortgagelender,What is the name of the mortgage lender? mortgagelenderother,If mortgagelender = 'Other', what is the name of the mortgage lender? mortlen,What is the length of the mortgage in years? extrabor,Does this include any extra borrowing? deposit,How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? cashdis,How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? mrent,What is the basic monthly rent? has_mscharge,Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? mscharge,What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? discount,What was the percentage discount? grant,What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given?