% content_for :before_content do %> <% title = "Tell us if your organisation is merging" %> <% content_for :title, title %> <%= govuk_back_link href: organisations_merge_request_path(id: @merge_request) %> <% end %>
Select the organisation that the other organisations are merging into.
<%= form_with model: @merge_request, url: merge_request_path, method: :patch do |f| %> <%= f.govuk_error_summary %> <%= f.govuk_radio_buttons_fieldset( :absorbing_organisation_id, hint: { text: "For example, if Skype and Yammer merged into Microsoft, you would select Microsoft." }, legend: nil, ) do %> <% @merge_request.merging_organisations.order(:name).each do |org| %> <%= f.govuk_radio_button( :absorbing_organisation_id, org.id, label: { text: org.name }, ) %> <% end %> <%= f.govuk_radio_divider %> <%= f.govuk_radio_button :absorbing_organisation_id, "other", checked: @merge_request.new_absorbing_organisation?, label: { text: "These organisations are merging into a new one" } %> <% end %> <%= f.hidden_field :page, value: "absorbing_organisation" %> <%= f.govuk_submit %> <% end %>