module LogsHelper def log_type_for_controller(controller) case when "LettingsLogsController" then "lettings" when "SalesLogsController" then "sales" else case action_name when "lettings_logs" then "Lettings logs" when "sales_logs" then "Sales logs" else raise "Log type not found for #{controller.class}, #{action_name}" end end end def bulk_upload_options(bulk_upload) array = bulk_upload ? [] : [] array.index_with { |_bulk_upload_id| "With logs from bulk upload" } end def search_label_for_controller(controller) case log_type_for_controller(controller) when "lettings" then "Search by log ID, tenant code, property reference or postcode" when "sales" then "Search by log ID, purchaser code or postcode" end end def csv_download_url_for_controller(controller:, search:, codes_only:) case log_type_for_controller(controller) when "lettings" then csv_download_lettings_logs_path(search:, codes_only:) when "sales" then csv_download_sales_logs_path(search:, codes_only:) end end def logs_path_for_controller(controller) case log_type_for_controller(controller) when "lettings" then lettings_logs_path when "sales" then sales_logs_path end end def csv_download_url_by_log_type(log_type, organisation, search:, codes_only:) case log_type when :lettings then lettings_logs_csv_download_organisation_path(organisation, search:, codes_only:) when :sales then sales_logs_csv_download_organisation_path(organisation, search:, codes_only:) end end def logs_and_errors_warning(bulk_upload) this_or_these_errors = bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count == 1 ? "This error" : "These errors" "You will upload #{pluralize(bulk_upload.total_logs_count, 'log')}. There are errors in #{pluralize(bulk_upload.logs_with_errors_count, 'log')}, and #{pluralize(bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, 'error')} in total. #{this_or_these_errors} will need to be fixed on the CORE site." end def logs_and_soft_validations_warning(bulk_upload) this_or_these_unexpected_answers = bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count == 1 ? "This unexpected answer" : "These unexpected answers" "You will upload #{pluralize(bulk_upload.total_logs_count, 'log')}. There are unexpected answers in #{pluralize(bulk_upload.logs_with_errors_count, 'log')}, and #{pluralize(bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, 'unexpected answer')} in total. #{this_or_these_unexpected_answers} will be marked as correct." end def bulk_upload_error_summary(bulk_upload) "You have tried to upload #{bulk_upload.total_logs_count ? pluralize(bulk_upload.total_logs_count, 'log') : 'logs'}. There are errors in #{pluralize(bulk_upload.logs_with_errors_count, 'log')}, and #{pluralize(bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, 'error')} in total." end end