<% content_for :title, "Review lettings log" %> <% content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Logs" => "/logs", "Log #{@case_log.id.to_s}" => "/logs/" + @case_log.id.to_s, "Review lettings log" => "" }) %>

<%= content_for(:title) %>

You can review and make changes to this log up to 3 months after the end of the current collection year, which closes on 31 March <%= @case_log.collection_start_year.present? ? @case_log.collection_start_year + 1 : "" %>.

<% @case_log.form.sections.map do |section| %>

<%= section.label %>

<% section.subsections.map do |subsection| %>

<%= subsection.label %>

<% subsection.applicable_questions(@case_log).each do |question| %> <%= render partial: 'form/check_answers_table', locals: { question: question, case_log: @case_log } %> <% end %>
<% end %> <% end %>