require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe LocationsHelper do include CollectionTimeHelper describe "mobility type selection" do expected_selection = [ "Wheelchair-user standard", name: "Wheelchair-user standard", description: "Suitable for someone who uses a wheelchair and offers the full use of all rooms and facilities."), "Fitted with equipment and adaptations", name: "Fitted with equipment and adaptations", description: "Fitted with stairlifts, ramps, level access showers or grab rails."), "None", name: "None", description: "Not designed to wheelchair-user standards or fitted with any equipment or adaptations.")] it "returns correct selection to display" do expect(mobility_type_selection).to eq(expected_selection) end end describe "another location selection" do it "returns correct selection to display" do expected_selection = [ "Yes", name: "Yes"), "No", name: "No")] expect(another_location_selection).to eq(expected_selection) end end describe "type of units selection" do it "returns correct selection to display" do expected_selection = [ "Bungalow", name: "Bungalow"), "Self-contained flat or bedsit", name: "Self-contained flat or bedsit"), "Self-contained flat or bedsit with common facilities", name: "Self-contained flat or bedsit with common facilities"), "Self-contained house", name: "Self-contained house"), "Shared flat", name: "Shared flat"), "Shared house or hostel", name: "Shared house or hostel")] expect(type_of_units_selection).to eq(expected_selection) end end describe "selection options" do it "returns empty array for nil" do expect(selection_options(nil)).to eq([]) end it "returns empty array for empty string" do expect(selection_options("")).to eq([]) end it "returns empty array for empty object" do expect(selection_options({})).to eq([]) end it "can map a resource with values" do expect(selection_options(%w[example])).to eq([ "example", name: "Example")]) end end describe "Active periods" do let(:location) { FactoryBot.create(:location, startdate: nil) } let(:today) {, 10, 10) } let(:one_year_ago) { today - 1.year } let(:over_a_year_ago) { one_year_ago - 5.months } let(:beginning_of_collection) {, 4, 1) } before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(today) allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:lettings_in_crossover_period?).and_return(true) end it "returns one active period without to date" do expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(1) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: nil) end it "ignores reactivations that were deactivated on the same day" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(1) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago) end it "returns sequential non reactivated active periods" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 2.months, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, to: over_a_year_ago + 2.months) end it "returns sequential reactivated active periods" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 2.months, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(3) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, to: over_a_year_ago + 2.months) expect(location_active_periods(location).third).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, to: nil) end it "returns non sequential non reactivated active periods" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 2.months, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: nil, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, to: nil) end it "returns non sequential reactivated active periods" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 2.months, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(3) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, to: over_a_year_ago + 2.months) expect(location_active_periods(location).third).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, to: nil) end it "returns correct active periods when reactivation happens during a deactivated period" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: one_year_ago, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: beginning_of_collection + 2.days, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: beginning_of_collection + 2.days) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: one_year_ago, to: nil) end it "returns correct active periods when a full deactivation period happens during another deactivation period" do FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 1.month, location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: over_a_year_ago - 1.month, reactivation_date: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, location:) location.reload expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: beginning_of_collection, to: over_a_year_ago - 1.month) expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: over_a_year_ago + 3.months, to: nil) end end describe "display_location_attributes" do let(:location) {, created_at:, 3, 16), startdate:, 4, 1)) } it "returns correct display attributes" do attributes = [ { attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, { attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: }, { attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :active }, { attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: location.location_admin_district }, { attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, { attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, { attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, { attribute: "id", name: "Location code", value: }, { attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, ] expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) end context "when location has different local authorities for different years" do before do LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E07000030").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E06000063").id) location.update!(location_code: "E07000030") end it "returns correct display attributes" do attributes = [ { attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, { attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: }, { attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :active }, { attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: "Eden (until 31 March 2023)\nCumberland (1 April 2023 - present)" }, { attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, { attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, { attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, { attribute: "id", name: "Location code", value: }, { attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, ] expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) end end context "when location has no local authority" do before do LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E07000030").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E06000063").id) location.update!(location_code: nil, confirmed: false) end it "returns correct display attributes" do attributes = [ { attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, { attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: }, { attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :incomplete }, { attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: "" }, { attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, { attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, { attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, { attribute: "id", name: "Location code", value: }, { attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, ] expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) end end context "when viewing availability" do context "with no deactivations" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_call_original end it "displays current collection start date as availability date if created_at is later than collection start date and not in a crossover period" do allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:in_crossover_period?).with(anything).and_return(false) location.update!(startdate: nil, created_at: current_collection_start_date + 6.months) availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April #{current_collection_start_date.year}") end it "displays previous collection start date as availability date if created_at is later than collection start date and in crossover" do allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:in_crossover_period?).with(anything).and_return(true) location.update!(startdate: nil, created_at: current_collection_start_date + 1.week) availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April #{previous_collection_start_date.year}") end context "when location was merged" do it "displays merge date as availability date" do location.update!(startdate:, 4, 16)) availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 16 April 2022") end end end context "with previous deactivations" do context "and all reactivated deactivations" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 8, 10), reactivation_date:, 9, 1), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 9, 15), reactivation_date:, 9, 28), location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 August 2022\nDeactivated on 10 August 2022\nActive from 1 September 2022 to 14 September 2022\nDeactivated on 15 September 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") end end context "and non reactivated deactivation" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 8, 10), reactivation_date:, 9, 1), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 9, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 August 2022\nDeactivated on 10 August 2022\nActive from 1 September 2022 to 14 September 2022\nDeactivated on 15 September 2022") end end end context "with out of order deactivations" do context "and all reactivated deactivations" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 9, 24), reactivation_date:, 9, 28), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 6, 15), reactivation_date:, 6, 18), location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 18 June 2022 to 23 September 2022\nDeactivated on 24 September 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") end end context "and one non reactivated deactivation" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 9, 24), reactivation_date:, 9, 28), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 6, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") end end end context "with multiple out of order deactivations" do context "and one non reactivated deactivation" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 9, 24), reactivation_date:, 9, 28), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 10, 24), reactivation_date:, 10, 28), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 6, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022 to 23 October 2022\nDeactivated on 24 October 2022\nActive from 28 October 2022") end end end context "with intersecting deactivations" do before do allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(, 11, 10)) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 10, 10), reactivation_date:, 12, 1), location:) FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date:, 11, 11), reactivation_date:, 12, 11), location:) location.reload end it "displays the timeline of availability" do availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 October 2022\nDeactivated on 10 October 2022\nActive from 11 December 2022") end end end end describe "edit_location_text" do let(:parent_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "Parent") } let(:child_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "Child") } let(:scheme) { FactoryBot.create(:scheme, owning_organisation: parent_organisation) } let(:data_coordinator) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator, organisation: child_organisation) } let(:data_provider) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_provider, organisation: child_organisation) } let(:location) {, scheme:) } before do create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation:, parent_organisation:) end context "with data coordinator user" do it "returns correct edit location text for a parent organisation location" do expect(edit_location_text(scheme, data_coordinator)).to include("This location belongs to your stock owner Parent.") end it "returns nil when viewing your organisation location" do data_coordinator.update!(organisation: parent_organisation) expect(edit_location_text(scheme, data_coordinator)).to be_nil end end context "with data provider user" do it "returns correct edit location text for a parent organisation location" do expect(edit_location_text(scheme, data_provider)).to include("If you think this location should be updated, ask a data coordinator to make the changes. Find your data coordinators on the ") end it "returns correct edit location text for your organisation location" do data_provider.update!(organisation: parent_organisation) expect(edit_location_text(scheme, data_provider)).to include("If you think this location should be updated, ask a data coordinator to make the changes. Find your data coordinators on the ") end end end describe "formatted_local_authority_timeline" do before do LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E07000030").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E06000063").id) LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E08000016").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E08000038").id) end context "when the location LA's have changed" do let(:location) { FactoryBot.create(:location, location_code: "E07000030") } it "displays a timeline of LAs" do expect(formatted_local_authority_timeline(location)).to eq("Eden (until 31 March 2023)\nCumberland (1 April 2023 - present)") end end context "when the LA name hasn't changed but Ecode has changed" do let(:location) { FactoryBot.create(:location, location_code: "E08000016") } it "only displays the location name once" do expect(formatted_local_authority_timeline(location)).to eq("Barnsley") end end end end