class MissingStockOwnersBannerComponent < ViewComponent::Base include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers attr_reader :user, :organisation def initialize(user:, organisation: nil) @user = user @organisation = organisation || user.organisation super end def display_banner? return false if, organisation:).display_banner? !organisation.holds_own_stock? && organisation.stock_owners.empty? && organisation.absorbed_organisations.empty? end def header_text if user.data_coordinator? || "Your organisation does not own stock. You must #{add_stock_owner_link} before you can create logs.".html_safe else "Your organisation does not own stock. You must add a stock owner before you can create logs.".html_safe end end def banner_text if user.data_coordinator? || "If your organisation does own stock, #{contact_helpdesk_link} to update your details.".html_safe else "Ask a data coordinator to add a stock owner. Find your data coordinators on the #{users_link}.</br></br> If your organisation does own stock, #{contact_helpdesk_link} to update your details.".html_safe end end private def add_stock_owner_link govuk_link_to( "add a stock owner", stock_owners_add_organisation_path(id:, class: "govuk-notification-banner__link govuk-!-font-weight-bold", ) end def contact_helpdesk_link govuk_link_to( "contact the helpdesk", GlobalConstants::HELPDESK_URL, class: "govuk-notification-banner__link govuk-!-font-weight-bold", ) end def users_link govuk_link_to( "users page", users_path, class: "govuk-notification-banner__link govuk-!-font-weight-bold", ) end end