require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe SalesLogsController, type: :request do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:owning_organisation) { user.organisation } let(:managing_organisation) { owning_organisation } let(:api_username) { "test_user" } let(:api_password) { "test_password" } let(:basic_credentials) do ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic .encode_credentials(api_username, api_password) end let(:params) do { "owning_organisation_id":, "managing_organisation_id":, "created_by_id":, } end let(:headers) do { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Accept" => "application/json", "Authorization" => basic_credentials, } end before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("API_USER").and_return(api_username) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("API_KEY").and_return(api_password) end describe "POST #create" do context "when API" do before do post "/sales-logs", headers:, params: params.to_json end it "returns http success" do expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end it "returns a serialized sales log" do json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response.keys).to match_array( end it "creates a sales log with the values passed" do json_response = JSON.parse(response.body) expect(json_response["owning_organisation_id"]).to eq( expect(json_response["managing_organisation_id"]).to eq( expect(json_response["created_by_id"]).to eq( end context "with a request containing invalid credentials" do let(:basic_credentials) do ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(api_username, "Oops") end it "returns 401" do expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) end end end context "when UI" do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } } before do RequestHelper.stub_http_requests sign_in user post "/sales-logs", headers: end it "tracks who created the record" do created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0] whodunnit_actor = SalesLog.find_by(id: created_id) expect(whodunnit_actor).to be_a(User) expect( eq( end end end describe "GET" do let(:page) { } let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } let(:organisation) { user.organisation } let(:other_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) } let!(:sales_log) do FactoryBot.create( :sales_log, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, ) end let!(:unauthorized_sales_log) do FactoryBot.create( :sales_log, owning_organisation: other_organisation, managing_organisation: other_organisation, ) end context "when displaying a collection of logs" do let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } } context "when the user is a customer support user" do let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) } before do allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false) sign_in user end it "does have organisation values" do get "/sales-logs", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_content("Owned by") expect(page).to have_content("Managed by") end it "shows sales logs for all organisations" do get "/sales-logs", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_content( expect(page).to have_content( end context "when there are no logs in the database" do before do SalesLog.destroy_all end it "page has correct title" do get "/sales-logs", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_title("Logs - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK") end end context "when filtering" do context "with status filter" do let(:organisation_2) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) } let(:user_2) { FactoryBot.create(:user, organisation: organisation_2) } let!(:not_started_sales_log) do FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation, created_by: user) end let!(:completed_sales_log) do FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation_2, managing_organisation: organisation, created_by: user_2) end it "shows sales logs for multiple selected statuses" do get "/sales-logs?status[]=not_started&status[]=completed", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).to have_link( end it "shows sales logs for one selected status" do get "/sales-logs?status[]=not_started", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( end it "filters on organisation" do get "/sales-logs?organisation[]=#{}", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( end it "does not reset the filters" do get "/sales-logs?status[]=not_started", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( get "/sales-logs", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( end end context "with year filter" do let!(:sales_log_2021) do FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation, saledate:, 3, 1), managing_organisation: organisation) end let!(:sales_log_2022) do sales_log =, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation, saledate:, 12, 1), managing_organisation: organisation)!(validate: false) sales_log end it "shows sales logs for multiple selected years" do get "/sales-logs?years[]=2021&years[]=2022", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).to have_link( end it "shows sales logs for one selected year" do get "/sales-logs?years[]=2021", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( end end context "with year and status filter" do before do Timecop.freeze(, 12, 1)) end after do Timecop.unfreeze end let!(:sales_log_2021) do FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation, saledate:, 3, 1), managing_organisation: organisation, created_by: user) end let!(:sales_log_2022) do FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, owning_organisation: organisation, saledate:, 12, 1), managing_organisation: organisation, created_by: user) end it "shows sales logs for multiple selected statuses and years" do get "/sales-logs?years[]=2021&years[]=2022&status[]=in_progress&status[]=completed", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).to have_link( end end end end context "when the user is not a customer support user" do before do sign_in user end it "does not have organisation columns" do get "/sales-logs", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).not_to have_content("Owning organisation") expect(page).not_to have_content("Managing organisation") end context "when using a search query" do let(:logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:sales_log, 3, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, created_by: user) } let(:log_to_search) { FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, created_by: user) } let(:log_total_count) { SalesLog.where(owning_organisation: user.organisation).count } it "has search results in the title" do get "/sales-logs?search=#{}", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_title("Logs (1 log matching ‘#{}’) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK") end it "shows sales logs matching the id" do get "/sales-logs?search=#{}", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( logs.each do |log| expect(page).not_to have_link( end end context "when search query doesn't match any logs" do it "doesn't display any logs" do get "/sales-logs?search=foobar", headers:, params: {} logs.each do |log| expect(page).not_to have_link( end expect(page).not_to have_link( end end context "when search query is empty" do it "doesn't display any logs" do get "/sales-logs?search=", headers:, params: {} logs.each do |log| expect(page).not_to have_link( end expect(page).not_to have_link( end end context "when search and filter is present" do let(:matching_status) { "completed" } let!(:log_matching_filter_and_search) { FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, created_by: user) } let(:matching_id) { } it "shows only logs matching both search and filters" do get "/sales-logs?search=#{matching_id}&status[]=#{matching_status}", headers: headers, params: {} expect(page).to have_link( expect(page).not_to have_link( logs.each do |log| expect(page).not_to have_link( end end end end context "when there are less than 20 logs" do before do get "/sales-logs", headers:, params: {} end it "shows a table of logs" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match(/<article class="app-log-summary">/) expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match(/logs/) end it "only shows sales logs for your organisation" do expected_case_row_log = "<span class=\"govuk-visually-hidden\">Log </span>#{}" unauthorized_case_row_log = "<span class=\"govuk-visually-hidden\">Log </span>#{}" expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(expected_case_row_log) expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).not_to include(unauthorized_case_row_log) end it "shows the formatted created at date for each log" do formatted_date = sales_log.created_at.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date) expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(formatted_date) end it "shows the log's status" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(sales_log.status.humanize) end it "shows the total log count" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("<strong>1</strong> total logs") end it "does not show the pagination links" do expect(page).not_to have_link("Previous") expect(page).not_to have_link("Next") end it "does not show the pagination result line" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).not_to match("Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b>26</b> logs") end it "does not have pagination in the title" do expect(page).to have_title("Logs - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK") end it "does not show the organisation filter" do expect(page).not_to have_field("organisation-field") end end context "when there are more than 20 logs" do before do FactoryBot.create_list(:sales_log, 25, owning_organisation: organisation, managing_organisation: organisation) end context "when on the first page" do before do get "/sales-logs", headers:, params: {} end it "has pagination links" do expect(page).not_to have_content("Previous") expect(page).not_to have_link("Previous") expect(page).to have_content("Next") expect(page).to have_link("Next") end it "shows which logs are being shown on the current page" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b>26</b> logs") end it "has pagination in the title" do expect(page).to have_title("Logs (page 1 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK") end end context "when on the second page" do before do get "/sales-logs?page=2", headers:, params: {} end it "shows the total log count" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("<strong>26</strong> total logs") end it "has pagination links" do expect(page).to have_content("Previous") expect(page).to have_link("Previous") expect(page).not_to have_content("Next") expect(page).not_to have_link("Next") end it "shows which logs are being shown on the current page" do expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("Showing <b>21</b> to <b>26</b> of <b>26</b> logs") end it "has pagination in the title" do expect(page).to have_title("Logs (page 2 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK") end end end end end context "when you visit the index page" do let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } } let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) } before do allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false) sign_in user end it "does not have a button for creating lettings logs" do get "/sales-logs", headers:, params: {} page.assert_selector(".govuk-button", text: "Create a new sales log", count: 1) page.assert_selector(".govuk-button", text: "Create a new lettings log", count: 0) end end end end