module LogActionsHelper include GovukLinkHelper def edit_actions_for_log(log) back = back_button_for(log) delete = delete_button_for_log(log) return if back.nil? && delete.nil? content_tag(:div, class: "govuk-button-group") do safe_join([back, delete]) end end def create_lettings_log_button if FeatureToggle.not_started_status_removed? govuk_button_link_to "Create a new lettings log", lettings_log_path(id: "new"), class: "govuk-!-margin-right-6" else govuk_button_to "Create a new lettings log", lettings_logs_path, class: "govuk-!-margin-right-6" end end def create_lettings_log_for_org_button(org) # This doesn't work because it's a get request and can't old params like that # if FeatureToggle.not_started_status_removed? # govuk_button_link_to( # "Create a new lettings log for this organisation", # lettings_log_path(id: "new", lettings_log: { owning_organisation_id: }), # ) # else govuk_button_to( "Create a new lettings log for this organisation", lettings_logs_path(lettings_log: { owning_organisation_id: }, method: :post) ) # end end def create_sales_log_button if FeatureToggle.not_started_status_removed? govuk_button_link_to "Create a new sales log", sales_log_path(id: "new"), class: "govuk-!-margin-right-6" else govuk_button_to "Create a new sales log", sales_logs_path, class: "govuk-!-margin-right-6" end end def create_sales_log_for_org_button(org) if FeatureToggle.not_started_status_removed? govuk_button_link_to( "Create a new sales log for this organisation", sales_logs_path(id: "new", sales_log: { owning_organisation_id: }), ) else govuk_button_to( "Create a new sales log for this organisation", sales_logs_path(sales_log: { owning_organisation_id: }, method: :post), ) end end private def back_button_for(log) if log.completed? if log.bulk_uploaded? if log.lettings? govuk_button_link_to "Back to uploaded logs", resume_bulk_upload_lettings_result_path(log.bulk_upload) else govuk_button_link_to "Back to uploaded logs", resume_bulk_upload_sales_result_path(log.bulk_upload) end elsif log.lettings? govuk_button_link_to "Back to lettings logs", lettings_logs_path elsif log.sales? govuk_button_link_to "Back to sales logs", sales_logs_path end end end def policy_class_for(log) log.lettings? ? LettingsLogPolicy : SalesLogPolicy end def delete_button_for_log(log) if policy_class_for(log).new(current_user, log).destroy? govuk_button_link_to( "Delete log", log.lettings? ? lettings_log_delete_confirmation_path(log) : sales_log_delete_confirmation_path(log), warning: true, ) end end end