module DerivedVariables::LettingsLogVariables include DerivedVariables::SharedLogic RENT_TYPE_MAPPING = { 0 => 1, # "Social Rent" => "Social Rent" 1 => 2, # "Affordable Rent" => "Affordable Rent" 2 => 2, # "London Affordable Rent" => "Affordable Rent" 3 => 3, # "Rent to Buy" => "Intermediate Rent" 4 => 3, # "London Living Rent" => "Intermediate Rent" 5 => 3, # "Other intermediate rent product" => "Intermediate Rent" 6 => 4, # "Specified accommodation - exempt accommodation, managed properties, refuges and local authority hostels" => "Specified accommodation" }.freeze UNITLETAS_MAPPING = { 0 => 1, # "Social Rent" => "Social Rent basis" 1 => 2, # "Affordable Rent" => "Affordable Rent basis" 2 => 5, # "London Affordable Rent" => "London Affordable Rent basis" 3 => 6, # "Rent to Buy" => "Rent to Buy basis" 4 => 7, # "London Living Rent" => "London Living Rent basis" 5 => 8, # "Other intermediate rent product" => "Another Intermediate Rent basis" 6 => 9, # "Specified accommodation - exempt accommodation, managed properties, refuges and local authority hostels" => "Specified accommodation - exempt accommodation, manged properties, refuges and local authority hostels" }.freeze RENTTYPE_DETAIL_MAPPING = { 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 4 => 5, 5 => 6, 6 => 7, }.freeze def set_derived_fields! clear_inapplicable_derived_values! set_encoded_derived_values!(DEPENDENCIES) if rsnvac.present? self.newprop = has_first_let_vacancy_reason? ? 1 : 2 end self.renttype = RENT_TYPE_MAPPING[rent_type] self.lettype = get_lettype self.lar = get_lar self.irproduct = get_irproduct self.totchild = get_totchild self.totelder = get_totelder self.totadult = get_totadult self.refused = get_refused self.ethnic = 17 if ethnic_refused? if %i[brent scharge pscharge supcharg].any? { |f| public_send(f).present? } self.brent ||= 0 self.scharge ||= 0 self.pscharge ||= 0 self.supcharg ||= 0 self.tcharge = brent.to_f + scharge.to_f + pscharge.to_f + supcharg.to_f end if period.present? self.wrent = weekly_value(brent) if brent.present? self.wscharge = weekly_value(scharge) if scharge.present? self.wpschrge = weekly_value(pscharge) if pscharge.present? self.wsupchrg = weekly_value(supcharg) if supcharg.present? self.wtcharge = weekly_value(tcharge) if tcharge.present? self.wchchrg = weekly_value(chcharge) if is_supported_housing? && chcharge.present? end self.wtshortfall = if tshortfall && receives_housing_related_benefits? && period weekly_value(tshortfall) end self.has_benefits = get_has_benefits self.tshortfall_known = 0 if tshortfall self.nocharge = household_charge&.zero? ? 1 : 0 if form.start_year_2024_or_later? && is_bedsit? self.beds = 1 end clear_child_ecstat_for_age_changes! child_under_16_constraints! self.hhtype = household_type self.new_old = new_or_existing_tenant if is_supported_housing? && location self.wchair = location.mobility_type_before_type_cast == "W" ? 1 : 2 end set_housingneeds_fields if housingneeds? if form.start_year_2025_or_later? && is_general_needs? if changed_to_newbuild? && uprn.nil? self.manual_address_entry_selected = true end self.manual_address_entry_selected = address_answered_without_uprn? if changed_from_newbuild? end self.uprn_known = 0 if address_answered_without_uprn? if uprn_known&.zero? self.uprn = nil if uprn_known_was == 1 && (rsnvac != 15 || !form.start_year_2025_or_later?) self.address_line1 = nil self.address_line2 = nil self.town_or_city = nil self.county = nil self.postcode_known = nil self.postcode_full = nil = nil end end if uprn_known == 1 && uprn_confirmed&.zero? self.uprn = nil self.uprn_known = 0 self.uprn_confirmed = nil self.address_line1 = nil self.address_line2 = nil self.town_or_city = nil self.county = nil self.postcode_known = nil self.postcode_full = nil = nil self.previous_la_known = nil if is_renewal? end if form.start_year_2024_or_later? if manual_address_entry_selected self.uprn_known = 0 self.uprn_selection = nil self.uprn_confirmed = nil else self.uprn_confirmed = 1 if uprn.present? self.uprn_known = 1 if uprn.present? reset_address_fields! if uprn.blank? if uprn_changed? self.uprn_selection = uprn end end end if is_renewal? self.underoccupation_benefitcap = 2 if collection_start_year == 2021 self.voiddate = startdate self.unitletas = UNITLETAS_MAPPING[rent_type] if is_general_needs? self.prevten = 32 if owning_organisation&.provider_type == "PRP" self.prevten = 30 if owning_organisation&.provider_type == "LA" end self.ppostcode_full = postcode_full self.ppcodenk = case postcode_known when 0 1 when 1 0 end self.is_previous_la_inferred = is_la_inferred self.previous_la_known = la.present? ? 1 : nil self.prevloc = la end self.vacdays = property_vacant_days self.nationality_all = nationality_all_group if nationality_uk_or_prefers_not_to_say? if startdate_changed? && ! la).exists? = nil self.is_la_inferred = false end self.referral = 7 if referral_type == 6 self.referral = 16 if referral_type == 7 reset_address_fields! if is_supported_housing? set_checkbox_values! end private DEPENDENCIES = [ { conditions: { renewal: 1, }, derived_values: { referral: 1, waityear: 2, offered: 0, rsnvac: 14, first_time_property_let_as_social_housing: 0, }, }, { conditions: { net_income_known: 2, }, derived_values: { incref: 1, }, }, { conditions: { net_income_known: 0, }, derived_values: { incref: 0, }, }, { conditions: { net_income_known: 1, }, derived_values: { incref: 2, }, }, ].freeze def clear_inapplicable_derived_values! reset_invalidated_derived_values!(DEPENDENCIES) if (startdate_changed? || renewal_changed?) && (renewal_was == 1 && startdate_was&.between?(, 4, 1),, 3, 31))) self.underoccupation_benefitcap = nil end if renewal_changed? && renewal_was == 1 self.voiddate = nil self.unitletas = nil end if %w[PRP LA].include?(managing_organisation&.provider_type) && (needstype_changed? || renewal_changed?) && needstype_was == 1 && renewal_was == 1 self.prevten = nil end if needstype_changed? && needstype_was == 2 self.wchair = nil self.location_id = nil end if form.start_year_2024_or_later? && (unittype_gn_changed? && unittype_gn_was == 2) self.beds = nil end end def get_totelder ages = [age1, age2, age3, age4, age5, age6, age7, age8] ages.count { |x| !x.nil? && x >= 60 } end def get_totchild relationships = [relat2, relat3, relat4, relat5, relat6, relat7, relat8] relationships.count("C") end def get_totadult total = !age1.nil? && age1 >= 16 && age1 < 60 ? 1 : 0 total + (2..8).count do |i| age = public_send("age#{i}") relat = public_send("relat#{i}") !age.nil? && ((age >= 16 && age < 18 && %w[P X].include?(relat)) || age >= 18 && age < 60) end end def get_refused return 1 if details_unknown? || age_refused? || sex_refused? || relat_refused? || ecstat_refused? 0 end def child_under_16_constraints! (2..8).each do |idx| if age_under_16?(idx) self["ecstat#{idx}"] = 9 end end end def clear_child_ecstat_for_age_changes! (2..8).each do |idx| if public_send("age#{idx}_changed?") && self["ecstat#{idx}"] == 9 self["ecstat#{idx}"] = nil end end end def household_type return unless totelder && totadult && totchild if only_one_elder? 1 elsif two_adults_including_elders? 2 elsif only_one_adult? 3 elsif only_two_adults? 4 elsif one_adult_with_at_least_one_child? 5 elsif two_adults_with_at_least_one_child? 6 else 9 end end def two_adults_with_at_least_one_child? && totadult >= 2 && totchild >= 1 end def one_adult_with_at_least_one_child? && totadult == 1 && totchild >= 1 end def only_two_adults? && totadult == 2 && end def only_one_adult? && totadult == 1 && end def two_adults_including_elders? (totelder + totadult) == 2 && totelder >= 1 end def only_one_elder? totelder == 1 && && end def new_or_existing_tenant return unless startdate referral_within_sector = [1, 10] previous_social_tenancies = if collection_start_year <= 2021 [6, 8, 30, 31, 32, 33] else [6, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35] end if previous_social_tenancies.include?(prevten) || referral_within_sector.include?(referral) 2 # Tenant existing in social housing sector else 1 # Tenant new to social housing sector end end def property_vacant_days return unless startdate if mrcdate.present? startdate.to_date - mrcdate.to_date elsif voiddate.present? startdate.to_date - voiddate.to_date end end def reset_scheme_location! self.location = nil if scheme && scheme.locations.active_in_2_weeks.size == 1 self.location = scheme.locations.active_in_2_weeks.first end end def set_housingneeds_fields self.housingneeds_a = fully_wheelchair_accessible? ? 1 : 0 self.housingneeds_b = essential_wheelchair_access? ? 1 : 0 self.housingneeds_c = level_access_housing? ? 1 : 0 self.housingneeds_f = other_housingneeds? ? 1 : 0 set_housingneeds_values_to_zero unless has_housingneeds? self.housingneeds_g = no_housingneeds? ? 1 : 0 self.housingneeds_h = unknown_housingneeds? ? 1 : 0 end def set_housingneeds_values_to_zero self.housingneeds_a = 0 self.housingneeds_b = 0 self.housingneeds_c = 0 self.housingneeds_f = 0 self.housingneeds_g = 0 self.housingneeds_h = 0 end def reset_address_fields! self.uprn = nil self.uprn_known = nil self.uprn_confirmed = nil self.address_line1 = nil self.address_line2 = nil self.town_or_city = nil self.county = nil self.postcode_full = nil end def address_answered_without_uprn? [address_line1, town_or_city].all?(&:present?) && uprn.nil? end def get_lar return 1 if rent_type == 2 return 2 if rent_type == 1 end def get_irproduct return 1 if rent_type == 3 return 2 if rent_type == 4 return 3 if rent_type == 5 end def set_checkbox_values! { |q| q.type == "checkbox" }.each do |question| options = question.answer_keys_without_dividers next unless options.any? { |option| self[option] == 1 } options.each do |option| if self[option].nil? self[option] = 0 end end end end end