require "rails_helper" RSpec.describe BulkUpload, type: :model do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, log_type: "lettings") } describe "def bulk_upload.completed?" do context "when there are incomplete logs" do it "returns false" do create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, bulk_upload:) expect(bulk_upload.completed?).to equal(false) end end context "when there are no incomplete logs" do it "returns true" do create(:lettings_log, :completed, :startdate_today, bulk_upload:) expect(bulk_upload.completed?).to equal(true) end end end describe "value check clearing" do context "with a lettings log bulk upload" do let(:log) { build(:lettings_log, startdate:, 4, 2), bulk_upload:) } it "has the correct number of value checks to be set as confirmed" do expect(bulk_upload.fields_to_confirm(log)).to match_array %w[rent_value_check void_date_value_check major_repairs_date_value_check pregnancy_value_check retirement_value_check referral_value_check net_income_value_check scharge_value_check pscharge_value_check supcharg_value_check multiple_partners_value_check partner_under_16_value_check reasonother_value_check] end end context "with a sales log bulk upload" do let(:log) { build(:sales_log, :saledate_today, bulk_upload:) } it "has the correct number of value checks to be set as confirmed" do expect(bulk_upload.fields_to_confirm(log)).to match_array %w[value_value_check monthly_charges_value_check percentage_discount_value_check income1_value_check income2_value_check combined_income_value_check retirement_value_check old_persons_shared_ownership_value_check buyer_livein_value_check student_not_child_value_check wheel_value_check mortgage_value_check savings_value_check deposit_value_check staircase_bought_value_check stairowned_value_check hodate_check shared_ownership_deposit_value_check extrabor_value_check grant_value_check discounted_sale_value_check deposit_and_mortgage_value_check multiple_partners_value_check partner_under_16_value_check] end end end describe "year_combo" do [ { year: 2023, expected_value: "2023 to 2024" }, { year: 2024, expected_value: "2024 to 2025" }, ].each do |test_case| context "when the bulk upload year is #{test_case[:year]}" do let(:bulk_upload) { build(:bulk_upload, year: test_case[:year]) } it "returns the expected year combination string" do expect(bulk_upload.year_combo).to eq(test_case[:expected_value]) end end end end describe "scopes" do let!(:lettings_bulk_upload_1) { create(:bulk_upload, log_type: "lettings") } let!(:lettings_bulk_upload_2) { create(:bulk_upload, log_type: "lettings") } let!(:sales_bulk_upload_1) { create(:bulk_upload, log_type: "sales") } let!(:sales_bulk_upload_2) { create(:bulk_upload, log_type: "sales") } describe ".lettings" do it "returns only lettings bulk uploads" do expect(described_class.lettings).to match_array([lettings_bulk_upload_1, lettings_bulk_upload_2]) end end describe ".sales" do it "returns only sales bulk uploads" do expect(described_class.sales).to match_array([sales_bulk_upload_1, sales_bulk_upload_2]) end end describe ".search_by_filename" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_filename(lettings_bulk_upload_1.filename).first).to eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_filename(lettings_bulk_upload_1.filename).first).not_to eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".search_by_user_name" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_user_name( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_user_name( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".search_by_user_email" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_user_email( eq(sales_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_user_email( eq(sales_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".search_by_organisation_name" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_organisation_name( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.search_by_organisation_name( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_id" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_id( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_id( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_years" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_years([lettings_bulk_upload_1.year]).first).to eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_years([lettings_bulk_upload_1.year]).first).not_to eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_uploaded_by" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_uploaded_by( eq(sales_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_uploaded_by( eq(sales_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_user_text_search" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_user_text_search( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_user_text_search( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_user" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_user( eq(sales_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_user( eq(sales_bulk_upload_2) end end describe ".filter_by_uploading_organisation" do it "returns the correct bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_uploading_organisation( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_1) end it "does not return the incorrect bulk upload" do expect(described_class.filter_by_uploading_organisation( eq(lettings_bulk_upload_2) end end end describe "#status" do context "when the bulk upload was uploaded with a blank template" do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, failure_reason: "blank_template") } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:blank_template) end end context "when the bulk upload was uploaded with the wrong template" do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, failure_reason: "wrong_template") } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:wrong_template) end end context "when the bulk upload is processing" do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, processing: true) } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:processing) end end context "when the bulk upload has potential errors" do let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2, category: "soft_validation") } let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, bulk_upload_errors:) } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:potential_errors) end end context "when the bulk upload has critical errors" do let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2, category: nil) } let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, bulk_upload_errors:) } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:critical_errors) end end context "when the bulk upload has important errors" do let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2, category: "setup") } let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, bulk_upload_errors:) } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:important_errors) end end context "when the bulk upload has no errors" do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload) } it "returns the correct status" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:logs_uploaded_no_errors) end end context "when the bulk upload has visible logs, errors and is not complete" do let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2, category: "soft_validation") } let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, bulk_upload_errors:) } before do create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, bulk_upload:) end it "returns logs_uploaded_with_errors" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:logs_uploaded_with_errors) end end context "when the bulk upload has visible logs, errors and is complete" do let(:bulk_upload_errors) { create_list(:bulk_upload_error, 2, category: "soft_validation") } let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, bulk_upload_errors:) } before do create(:lettings_log, :completed, bulk_upload:) end it "returns errors_fixed_in_service" do expect(bulk_upload.status).to eq(:errors_fixed_in_service) end end end describe "#unpend_and_confirm_soft_validations" do let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings) } let(:log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, bulk_upload:, status: "pending", status_cache: "in_progress", supcharg: 183.24) } it "resets the fields to confirm and updates the status to status_cache" do expect(log.status).to eq("pending") bulk_upload.unpend_and_confirm_soft_validations log.reload expect(log.status).to eq("completed") end end end