require "rails_helper" # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance RSpec.shared_examples "shared log examples" do |log_type| describe "status" do let(:empty_log) { create(log_type) } let(:in_progress_log) { create(log_type, :in_progress) } let(:completed_log) { create(log_type, :completed) } it "is set to not started for an empty #{log_type} log" do expect(empty_log.not_started?).to be(true) expect(empty_log.in_progress?).to be(false) expect(empty_log.completed?).to be(false) expect(empty_log.deleted?).to be(false) end it "is set to in progress for a started #{log_type} log" do expect(in_progress_log.in_progress?).to be(true) expect(in_progress_log.not_started?).to be(false) expect(in_progress_log.completed?).to be(false) expect(in_progress_log.deleted?).to be(false) end it "is set to completed for a completed #{log_type} log" do expect(completed_log.in_progress?).to be(false) expect(completed_log.not_started?).to be(false) expect(completed_log.completed?).to be(true) expect(completed_log.deleted?).to be(false) end end describe "discard!" do around do |example| Timecop.freeze(, 1, 1)) do end Timecop.return end let(:log) { create(log_type) } it "updates discarded at with current time" do expect { log.discard! }.to change { log.reload.discarded_at }.from(nil).to( end it "updates status to deleted" do expect { log.discard! }.to change { log.reload.status }.to("deleted") end end describe "#process_uprn_change!" do context "when UPRN set to a value" do let(:log) do log = build( log_type, uprn: "123456789", uprn_confirmed: 1, uprn_known: 1, county: "county", postcode_full: nil, )!(validate: false) log end it "updates log fields" do log.uprn = "1111111" allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:result).and_return({ "UPRN" => "UPRN", "UDPRN" => "UDPRN", "ADDRESS" => "full address", "SUB_BUILDING_NAME" => "0", "BUILDING_NAME" => "building name", "THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare", "POST_TOWN" => "posttown", "POSTCODE" => "postcode", }) expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.to change(log, :address_line1).from(nil).to("0, Building Name, Thoroughfare") .and change(log, :town_or_city).from(nil).to("Posttown") .and change(log, :postcode_full).from(nil).to("POSTCODE") .and change(log, :county).from("county").to(nil) end end context "when UPRN nil" do let(:log) { create(log_type, uprn: nil) } it "does not update log" do expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.not_to change(log, :attributes) end end context "when service errors" do let(:log) { build(log_type, :in_progress, uprn_known: 1, uprn: "123456789", uprn_confirmed: 1) } let(:error_message) { "error" } it "adds error to log" do allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message) expect { log.process_uprn_change! }.to change { log.errors[:uprn] }.from([]).to([error_message]) .and change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message]) end end end describe "#process_address_change!" do context "when address_line1_input and postcode_full_input set to a value" do let(:log) do log = build( log_type, uprn_selection: "UPRN", address_line1: "Address line 1", postcode_full: "AA1 1AA", county: "county", )!(validate: false) log end it "updates log fields" do log.address_line1_input = "New address line 1" log.postcode_full_input = "BB2 2BB" allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:result).and_return([{ "UPRN" => "UPRN", "UDPRN" => "UDPRN", "ADDRESS" => "full address", "SUB_BUILDING_NAME" => "0", "BUILDING_NAME" => "building name", "THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare", "POST_TOWN" => "posttown", "POSTCODE" => "postcode", }]) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:result).and_return({ "UPRN" => "UPRN", "UDPRN" => "UDPRN", "ADDRESS" => "full address", "SUB_BUILDING_NAME" => "0", "BUILDING_NAME" => "building name", "THOROUGHFARE_NAME" => "thoroughfare", "POST_TOWN" => "posttown", "POSTCODE" => "postcode", }) expect { log.process_address_change! }.to change(log, :address_line1).from("Address line 1").to("0, Building Name, Thoroughfare") .and change(log, :town_or_city).from(nil).to("Posttown") .and change(log, :postcode_full).from("AA1 1AA").to("POSTCODE") .and change(log, :uprn_confirmed).from(nil).to(1) .and change(log, :uprn).from(nil).to("UPRN") .and change(log, :uprn_known).from(nil).to(1) .and change(log, :county).from("county").to(nil) end end context "when address inputs are nil" do let(:log) { create(log_type, uprn_selection: nil, address_line1_input: nil, postcode_full_input: nil) } it "does not update log" do expect { log.process_address_change! }.not_to change(log, :attributes) end end context "when service errors" do let(:log) { build(log_type, :in_progress, uprn_selection: "UPRN", address_line1_input: "123", postcode_full_input: "AA1 1AA") } let(:error_message) { "error" } it "adds error to log" do allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(AddressClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:call) allow_any_instance_of(UprnClient).to receive(:error).and_return(error_message) expect { log.process_address_change! }.to change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message]) .and change { log.errors[:uprn_selection] }.from([]).to([error_message]) end end end end # rubocop:enable RSpec/AnyInstance