Guidance for submitting social housing lettings and sales data

This page includes details of when a CORE log is and is not required, what to do if a tenant or buyer is reluctant to answer questions in a log, and other information about submitting logs using CORE.

<%= govuk_accordion do |accordion| %> <%= accordion.with_section(heading_text: "How to create logs", expanded: true) do %>

There are 2 ways to create logs on CORE.

You can create logs one at a time by answering questions using the online form. Click the “Create a new log” button on the logs page to create logs this way.

You can also create many logs at once by uploading a CSV file. This might be faster than creating logs individually if your organisation has its own database and a way to export the data. Click the “Upload logs in bulk” button on the logs page to create logs this way. For more information, <%= govuk_link_to "read the full guidance on bulk upload", bulk_upload_lettings_log_path(id: "guidance", form: { year: current_collection_start_year }, referrer: "guidance") %>.

Once you have created and completed a log, there is nothing more you need to do to submit the data.

<% end %> <%= accordion.with_section(heading_text: "What scenarios require a new log?") do %>

For general needs, you should complete a log for each new tenancy intended to last 2 years or more if it is social rent or affordable rent, or of any length if it is intermediate rent.

For supported housing, you should complete a log for each new letting of any length.

If a new tenancy agreement is signed, create a new log.

<% end %> <%= accordion.with_section(heading_text: "Types of lettings you should create logs for") do %>

You’ll need to create a log for:

<% end %> <%= accordion.with_section(heading_text: "Types of lettings you should not create logs for") do %>

You don’t need to create a log for:

<% end %> <%= accordion.with_section(heading_text: "What if someone is reluctant to answer any questions?") do %>

If a tenant or buyer is reluctant to answer questions as part of a log, you should explain that:

If a tenant or buyer is still unwilling or unable to answer questions, select the ‘Don’t know’ or ‘Tenant/person prefers not to say’ options.

<% end %> <% end %>