<% content_for :title, "Add a location to this scheme" %> <% content_for :before_content do %> <%= govuk_back_link( text: "Back", href: params[:referrer] == "check_answers" ? scheme_location_check_answers_path(@scheme, @location, route: params[:route]) : scheme_location_mobility_standards_path(@scheme, @location, route: params[:route]), ) %> <% end %> <%= form_for(@location, method: :patch, url: scheme_location_availability_path(@scheme, @location, route: params[:route], referrer: params[:referrer])) do |f| %> <div class="govuk-grid-row"> <div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds"> <%= f.govuk_error_summary %> <%= render partial: "organisations/headings", locals: { main: I18n.t("questions.location.startdate"), sub: "Add a location to #{@scheme.service_name}" } %> <%= f.govuk_date_field :startdate, hint: { text: I18n.t("hints.location.startdate") }, legend: nil, width: 20 %> <div class="govuk-button-group"> <% if params[:referrer] == "check_answers" %> <%= f.govuk_submit "Save changes" %> <%= govuk_link_to "Cancel", scheme_location_check_answers_path(@scheme, @location, route: params[:route]), secondary: true %> <% else %> <%= f.govuk_submit "Save and continue" %> <%= govuk_link_to "Skip for now", scheme_location_check_answers_path(@scheme, @location), secondary: true %> <% end %> </div> </div> </div> <% end %>