% content_for :before_content do %> <%= govuk_back_link href: collection_resources_path %> <% end %>
This file will be available for all users to download.
<%= f.govuk_file_field :file, label: { text: "Upload file", size: "m" } %> <% if resource_exists %>Current file: <%= govuk_link_to @collection_resource.download_filename, href: @collection_resource.download_path %>
<% end %> <% unless @collection_resource.mandatory %> <%= f.govuk_text_field :short_display_name, label: { text: "Resource type", size: "m" }, hint: { text: safe_join(["This will be used in the download link on the homepage. Do not include the log type or collection year.", content_tag(:br), "For example, if you enter “bulk upload change log”, the download link will say “Download the #{@collection_resource.log_type} bulk upload change log (#{text_year_range_format(@collection_resource.year)})”."]) } %> <% end %> <% end %>