class CaseLogValidator < ActiveModel::Validator # Validations methods need to be called 'validate_' to run on model save # or form page submission include Validations::SetupValidations include Validations::HouseholdValidations include Validations::PropertyValidations include Validations::FinancialValidations include Validations::TenancyValidations include Validations::DateValidations include Validations::LocalAuthorityValidations include Validations::SubmissionValidations def validate(record) validation_methods = { |method| method.starts_with?("validate_") } validation_methods.each { |meth| public_send(meth, record) } end end class CaseLog < ApplicationRecord include Validations::SoftValidations has_paper_trail validates_with CaseLogValidator before_validation :process_postcode_changes!, if: :property_postcode_changed? before_validation :process_previous_postcode_changes!, if: :previous_postcode_changed? before_validation :reset_invalidated_dependent_fields! before_validation :reset_location_fields!, unless: :postcode_known? before_validation :reset_previous_location_fields!, unless: :previous_postcode_known? before_validation :set_derived_fields! before_save :update_status! belongs_to :owning_organisation, class_name: "Organisation" belongs_to :managing_organisation, class_name: "Organisation" scope :for_organisation, ->(org) { where(owning_organisation: org).or(where(managing_organisation: org)) } AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS = %w[id status created_at updated_at discarded_at].freeze OPTIONAL_FIELDS = %w[postcode_known la_known first_time_property_let_as_social_housing tenant_code propcode].freeze RENT_TYPE_MAPPING = { 0 => 1, 1 => 2, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 3, 5 => 3 }.freeze RENT_TYPE_MAPPING_LABELS = { 1 => "Social Rent", 2 => "Affordable Rent", 3 => "Intermediate Rent" }.freeze HAS_BENEFITS_OPTIONS = [1, 6, 8, 7].freeze STATUS = { "not_started" => 0, "in_progress" => 1, "completed" => 2 }.freeze NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD = { 2 => 26, 3 => 13, 4 => 12, 5 => 50, 6 => 49, 7 => 48, 8 => 47, 9 => 46, 1 => 52 }.freeze enum status: STATUS def form FormHandler.instance.get_form(form_name) || FormHandler.instance.forms.first.second end def collection_start_year window_end_date =, 4, 1) startdate < window_end_date ? startdate.year - 1 : startdate.year end def form_name return unless startdate "#{collection_start_year}_#{collection_start_year + 1}" end def self.editable_fields attribute_names - AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS end def completed? status == "completed" end def not_started? status == "not_started" end def in_progress? status == "in_progress" end def weekly_net_income return unless earnings && incfreq if net_income_is_weekly? earnings elsif net_income_is_monthly? ((earnings * 12) / 52.0).round(0) elsif net_income_is_yearly? (earnings / 12.0).round(0) end end def weekly_value(field_value) num_of_weeks = NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD[period] return unless field_value && num_of_weeks (field_value / 52 * num_of_weeks).round(2) end def applicable_income_range return unless ecstat1 ALLOWED_INCOME_RANGES[ecstat1] end def first_time_property_let_as_social_housing? first_time_property_let_as_social_housing == 1 end def net_income_refused? net_income_known == 2 end def net_income_is_weekly? !!(incfreq && end def net_income_is_monthly? incfreq == 1 end def net_income_is_yearly? incfreq == 2 end def net_income_soft_validation_triggered? net_income_in_soft_min_range? || net_income_in_soft_max_range? end def given_reasonable_preference? reasonpref == 1 end def is_renewal? renewal == 1 end def is_general_needs? needstype == 1 end def is_supported_housing? !!(needstype && end def has_hbrentshortfall? !!(hbrentshortfall && end def postcode_known? postcode_known == 1 end def previous_postcode_known? previous_postcode_known == 1 end def la_known? la_known == 1 end def previous_la_known? previous_la_known == 1 end def is_secure_tenancy? tenancy == 3 end def is_assured_shorthold_tenancy? tenancy == 1 end def is_internal_transfer? referral == 1 end def is_relet_to_temp_tenant? rsnvac == 2 end def is_bedsit? unittype_gn == 1 end def is_shared_housing? [4, 5, 6].include?(unittype_gn) end def has_first_let_vacancy_reason? [15, 16, 17].include?(rsnvac) end def previous_tenancy_was_temporary? ![4, 5, 16, 21, 22].include?(prevten) end def armed_forces_regular? !!(armedforces && end def armed_forces_no? armedforces == 3 end def armed_forces_refused? armedforces == 4 end def has_pregnancy? !!(preg_occ && end def pregnancy_refused? preg_occ == 2 end def is_assessed_homeless? homeless == 11 end def is_other_homeless? homeless == 7 end def is_not_homeless? homeless == 1 end def is_london_rent? rent_type == 2 || rent_type == 4 end def previous_tenancy_was_foster_care? prevten == 13 end def previous_tenancy_was_refuge? prevten == 21 end def is_reason_permanently_decanted? reason == 1 end def receives_housing_benefit_only? hb == 1 end def receives_housing_benefit_and_universal_credit? hb == 8 end def receives_uc_with_housing_element_excl_housing_benefit? hb == 6 end def receives_no_benefits? hb == 9 end def receives_universal_credit_but_no_housing_benefit? hb == 7 end def receives_housing_related_benefits? receives_housing_benefit_only? || receives_uc_with_housing_element_excl_housing_benefit? || receives_housing_benefit_and_universal_credit? end def benefits_unknown? hb == 3 end def this_landlord? landlord == 1 end def other_landlord? landlord == 2 end private PIO = def update_status! self.status = if all_fields_completed? && errors.empty? "completed" elsif all_fields_nil? "not_started" else "in_progress" end end def reset_not_routed_questions form.invalidated_page_questions(self).each do |question| enabled_questions = form.enabled_page_questions(self) enabled_question_ids = if %w[radio checkbox].include?(question.type) enabled_answer_options = enabled_question_ids.include?( ? enabled_questions.find { |q| == }.answer_options : {} current_answer_option_valid = enabled_answer_options.present? ? enabled_answer_options.key?(public_send( : false public_send("#{}=", nil) if !current_answer_option_valid && respond_to?( else public_send("#{}=", nil) unless enabled_question_ids.include?( end end end def reset_derived_questions dependent_questions = { layear: [{ key: :renewal, value: 0 }], homeless: [{ key: :renewal, value: 0 }], referral: [{ key: :renewal, value: 0 }], underoccupation_benefitcap: [{ key: :renewal, value: 0 }] } dependent_questions.each do |dependent, conditions| condition_key = conditions.first[:key] condition_value = conditions.first[:value] if public_send("#{condition_key}_changed?") && condition_value == public_send(condition_key) && !public_send("#{dependent}_changed?") self[dependent] = nil end end end def reset_invalidated_dependent_fields! return unless form reset_not_routed_questions reset_derived_questions end def dynamically_not_required (form.invalidated_questions(self) + form.readonly_questions).map(&:id).uniq end def set_derived_fields! if previous_postcode.present? self.ppostc1 = UKPostcode.parse(previous_postcode).outcode self.ppostc2 = UKPostcode.parse(previous_postcode).incode end if mrcdate.present? self.mrcday = self.mrcmonth = mrcdate.month self.mrcyear = mrcdate.year end if startdate.present? = self.month = startdate.month self.year = startdate.year end if property_void_date.present? self.vday = self.vmonth = property_void_date.month self.vyear = property_void_date.year end if rsnvac.present? self.newprop = has_first_let_vacancy_reason? ? 1 : 2 end self.incref = 1 if net_income_refused? self.other_hhmemb = hhmemb - 1 if hhmemb.present? self.renttype = RENT_TYPE_MAPPING[rent_type] self.lettype = get_lettype self.totchild = get_totchild self.totelder = get_totelder self.totadult = get_totadult self.refused = get_refused if %i[brent scharge pscharge supcharg].any? { |f| public_send(f).present? } self.brent ||= 0 self.scharge ||= 0 self.pscharge ||= 0 self.supcharg ||= 0 self.tcharge = brent.to_f + scharge.to_f + pscharge.to_f + supcharg.to_f end if period.present? self.wrent = weekly_value(brent) if brent.present? self.wscharge = weekly_value(scharge) if scharge.present? self.wpschrge = weekly_value(pscharge) if pscharge.present? self.wsupchrg = weekly_value(supcharg) if supcharg.present? self.wtcharge = weekly_value(tcharge) if tcharge.present? if is_supported_housing? && chcharge.present? self.wchchrg = weekly_value(chcharge) end end self.has_benefits = get_has_benefits self.wtshortfall = if tshortfall && receives_housing_related_benefits? weekly_value(tshortfall) end self.nocharge = household_charge&.zero? ? 1 : 0 self.underoccupation_benefitcap = 3 if renewal == 1 && year == 2021 self.ethnic = ethnic || ethnic_group self.housingneeds = get_housingneeds if is_renewal? self.underoccupation_benefitcap = 2 if year == 2021 self.homeless = 2 self.referral = 0 self.layear = 1 if is_general_needs? self.prevten = 32 if managing_organisation.provider_type == "PRP" self.prevten = 30 if managing_organisation.provider_type == "LA" end end end def process_postcode_changes! process_postcode(property_postcode, "postcode_known", "is_la_inferred", "la", "postcode", "postcod2") end def process_previous_postcode_changes! process_postcode(previous_postcode, "previous_postcode_known", "is_previous_la_inferred", "prevloc", "ppostc1", "ppostc2") end def process_postcode(postcode, postcode_known_key, la_inferred_key, la_key, outcode_key, incode_key) return if postcode.blank? self[postcode_known_key] = 1 inferred_la = get_inferred_la(postcode) self[la_inferred_key] = inferred_la.present? self[la_key] = inferred_la if inferred_la.present? self[outcode_key] = UKPostcode.parse(postcode).outcode self[incode_key] = UKPostcode.parse(postcode).incode end def reset_location_fields! reset_location(is_la_inferred, "la", "is_la_inferred", "property_postcode", "postcode", "postcod2", la_known) end def reset_previous_location_fields! reset_location(is_previous_la_inferred, "prevloc", "is_previous_la_inferred", "previous_postcode", "ppostc1", "ppostc2", previous_la_known) end def reset_location(is_inferred, la_key, is_inferred_key, postcode_key, incode_key, outcode_key, is_la_known) if is_inferred || is_la_known != 1 self[la_key] = nil end self[is_inferred_key] = false self[postcode_key] = nil self[incode_key] = nil self[outcode_key] = nil end def get_totelder ages = [age1, age2, age3, age4, age5, age6, age7, age8] ages.count { |x| !x.nil? && x >= 60 } end def get_totchild relationships = [relat2, relat3, relat4, relat5, relat6, relat7, relat8] relationships.count("C") end def get_totadult total = !age1.nil? && age1 >= 16 && age1 < 60 ? 1 : 0 total + (2..8).count do |i| age = public_send("age#{i}") relat = public_send("relat#{i}") !age.nil? && ((age >= 16 && age < 18 && %w[P X].include?(relat)) || age >= 18 && age < 60) end end def get_refused return 1 if age_refused? || sex_refused? || relat_refused? || ecstat_refused? 0 end def get_inferred_la(postcode) postcode_lookup = nil begin Timeout.timeout(5) { postcode_lookup = PIO.lookup(postcode) } rescue Timeout::Error Rails.logger.warn(" lookup timed out") end if postcode_lookup &&["admin_district"] end end def get_has_benefits HAS_BENEFITS_OPTIONS.include?(hb) ? 1 : 0 end def get_lettype return unless renttype.present? && needstype.present? && owning_organisation[:provider_type].present? case RENT_TYPE_MAPPING_LABELS[renttype] when "Social Rent" if is_supported_housing? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 2 : 4 elsif is_general_needs? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 1 : 3 end when "Affordable Rent" if is_supported_housing? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 6 : 8 elsif is_general_needs? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 5 : 7 end when "Intermediate Rent" if is_supported_housing? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 10 : 12 elsif is_general_needs? owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 9 : 11 end end end def get_housingneeds return 1 if has_housingneeds? return 2 if no_housingneeds? return 3 if unknown_housingneeds? end def has_housingneeds? if [housingneeds_a, housingneeds_b, housingneeds_c, housingneeds_f].any?(1) 1 end end def no_housingneeds? if housingneeds_g == 1 1 end end def unknown_housingneeds? if housingneeds_h == 1 1 end end def all_fields_completed? mandatory_fields.none? { |field| public_send(field).nil? if respond_to?(field) } end def all_fields_nil? init_fields = %w[owning_organisation_id managing_organisation_id] fields = mandatory_fields.difference(init_fields) fields.none? { |field| public_send(field).present? if respond_to?(field) } end def mandatory_fields, dynamically_not_required) end def age_refused? [age1_known, age2_known, age3_known, age4_known, age5_known, age6_known, age7_known, age8_known].any?(1) end def sex_refused? [sex1, sex2, sex3, sex4, sex5, sex6, sex7, sex8].any?("R") end def relat_refused? [relat2, relat3, relat4, relat5, relat6, relat7, relat8].any?("R") end def ecstat_refused? [ecstat1, ecstat2, ecstat3, ecstat4, ecstat5, ecstat6, ecstat7, ecstat8].any?(10) end end