{ "form_type": "lettings", "start_year": 2021, "end_year": 2022, "sections": { "household": { "label": "About the household", "subsections": { "household_characteristics": { "label": "Household characteristics", "pages": { "tenant_code":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } }, "tenant_age":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_age": { "header": "What is the tenant's age?", "hint_text": "", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 150, "step": 1 } } }, "tenant_gender":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_gender": { "header": "Which of these best describes the tenant's gender identity?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Female", "1": "Male", "2": "Non-binary", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "tenant_ethnic_group":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_ethnic_group": { "header": "What is the tenant's ethnic group?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "White: English/Scottish/Welsh/Northern Irish/British", "1": "White: Irish", "2": "White: Gypsy/Irish Traveller", "3": "White: Other", "4": "Mixed: White & Black Caribbean", "5": "Mixed: White & Black African", "6": "Mixed: White & Asian", "7": "Mixed: Other", "8": "Asian or Asian British: Indian", "9": "Asian or Asian British: Pakistani", "10": "Asian or Asian British: Bangladeshi", "11": "Asian or Asian British: Chinese", "12": "Asian or Asian British: Other", "13": "Black: Caribbean", "14": "Black: African", "15": "Black: Other", "16": "Other Ethnic Group: Arab", "17": "Other Ethnic Group: Other", "18": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "tenant_nationality":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_nationality": { "header": "What is the tenant's nationality?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "UK national resident in UK", "1": "A current or former reserve in the UK Armed Forces (exc. National Service)", "2": "UK national returning from residence overseas", "3": "Czech Republic", "4": "Estonia", "5": "Hungary", "6": "Latvia", "7": "Lithuania", "8": "Poland", "9": "Slovakia", "10": "Bulgaria", "11": "Romania", "12": "Ireland", "13": "Other EU Economic Area (EEA country)", "14": "Any other country", "15": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "tenant_economic_status":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_economic_status": { "header": "Which of these best describes the tenant's working situation?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Part-time - Less than 30 hours", "1": "Full-time - 30 hours or more", "2": "In government training into work, such as New Deal", "3": "Jobseeker", "4": "Retired", "5": "Not seeking work", "6": "Full-time student", "7": "Unable to work because of long term sick or disability", "8": "Child under 16", "9": "Other", "10": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "household_number_of_other_members":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "household_number_of_other_members": { "header": "How many other people are there in the household?", "hint_text": "The maximum number of others is 7", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 7, "step": 1 } } } } }, "household_situation": { "label": "Household situation", "pages": { "previous_housing_situation":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "previous_housing_situation": { "header": "What was the tenant’s housing situation immediately before this letting?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Owner occupation (private) ", "1": "Owner occupation (low cost home ownership)", "2": "Private sector tenancy", "3": "Tied housing or rented with job", "4": "Supported housing", "5": "Sheltered accomodation", "6": "Residential care home", "7": "Living with friends or family", "8": "Refuge", "9": "Hospital", "10": "Prison / approved probation hostel", "11": "Direct access hostel", "12": "Bed & Breakfast", "13": "Mobile home / caravan", "14": "Any other temporary accommodation", "15": "Home Office Asylum Support", "16": "Children’s home / foster care", "17": "Rough sleeping", "18": "Other", "19": "Fixed term Local Authority General Needs tenancy", "20": "Lifetime Local Authority General Needs tenancy", "21": "Fixed term PRP General Needs tenancy", "22": "Lifetime PRP General Needs tenancy" } } } }, "homelessness":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "homelessness": { "header": "Did the tenant experience homelessness immediately before this letting?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes - assessed as homeless by a local authority and owed a homelessness duty. Including if threatened with homelessness within 56 days", "1": "Yes - other homelessness ", "2": "No" } } } }, "last_settled_home":{ "header": "Leaving their last settled home", "description": "", "questions":{ "last_settled_home": { "header": "What is the tenant’s main reason for leaving?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Permanently decanted from another property owned by this landlord", "1": "Left home country as a refugee", "2": "Loss of tied accommodation", "3": "Domestic abuse", "4": "(Non violent) relationship breakdown with partner", "5": "Asked to leave by family or friends", "6": "Racial harassment", "7": "Other problems with neighbours", "8": "Property unsuitable because of overcrowding", "9": "End of assured shorthold tenancy - no fault", "10": "End of assured shorthold tenancy - tenant's fault", "11": "End of fixed term tenancy - no fault", "12": "End of fixed term tenancy - tenant's fault", "13": "Repossession", "14": "Under occupation - offered incentive to downsize", "15": "Under occupation - no incentive", "16": "Property unsuitable because of ill health / disability", "17": "Property unsuitable because of poor condition", "18": "Couldn't afford fees attached to renewing the tenancy", "19": "Couldn't afford increase in rent", "20": "Couldn't afford rent or mortgage - welfare reforms", "21": "Couldn't afford rent or mortgage - employment", "22": "Couldn't afford rent or mortgage - other", "23": "To move nearer to family / friends / school", "24": "To move nearer to work", "25": "To move to accomodation with support", "26": "To move to independent accomodation", "27": "Hate crime", "28": "Death of household member in last settled accomodation", "29": "Discharged from prison", "30": "Discharged from long stay hospital or similar institution", "31": "Other", "32": "Do not know", "33": "Prefer not to say" } }, "benefit_cap_spare_room_subsidy": { "header": "Was the reason for leaving because of the benefit cap or removal of the spare room subsidy?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes - benefit cap", "1": "Yes - removal of the spare room subsidy", "2": "Yes - both the benefit cap and the removal of the spare room subsidy", "3": "No", "4": "Do not know", "5": "Prefer not to say" } } } } } }, "household_needs": { "label": "Household needs", "pages": { "armed_forces":{ "header": "Experience of the UK Armed Forces", "description": "", "questions":{ "armed_forces": { "header": "Has the tenant ever served in the UK armed forces?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes - a regular", "1": "Yes - a reserve", "2": "No", "3": "Prefer not to say" } }, "armed_forces_active": { "header": "Are they still serving?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No - they left up to 5 years ago", "2": "No - they left more than 5 years ago", "3": "Prefer not to say" } }, "armed_forces_injured": { "header": "Were they seriously injured or ill as a result of their service?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No", "2": "Prefer not to say" } }, "armed_forces_partner": { "header": "Was the tenant the spouse or civil partner of someone who served in the UK armed forces?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes - was the spouse or civil partner of a UK Armed Forces member and have separated within the last 2 years", "1": "Yes - was the spouse or civil partner of a UK Armed Forces member who died within the last 2 years", "2": "No", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "medical_conditions": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "medical_conditions": { "header": "Does anyone in the household have a physical condition, mental health condition, or other illness that they expect to last for 12 months or more?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No", "2": "Do not know", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "pregnancy": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "pregnancy": { "header": "Is anyone in the household pregnant?", "hint_text": "", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Yes", "1": "No", "2": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "accessibility_requirements": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "accessibility_requirements": { "header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?", "hint_text": "Select all that apply", "type": "select", "answer_options": { "0": "Fully wheelchair accessible housing", "1": "Wheelchair access to essential rooms", "2": "Level access housing", "3": "Other disability requirements", "4": "No disability requirements", "5": "Do not know", "6": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "condition_effects": { "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "condition_effects": { "header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?", "hint_text": "Select all that apply", "type": "select", "answer_options": { "0": "Vision - such as blindness or partial sight ", "1": "Hearing - such as deafness or partial hearing ", "2": "Mobility - such as walking short distances or climbing stairs ", "3": "Dexterity - such as lifting and carrying objects or using a keyboard ", "4": "Stamina or breathing or fatigue", "5": "Learning or understanding or concentrating", "6": "Memory", "7": "Mental health - such as depression, anxiety, schizophrenia or bipolar", "8": "Socially or behaviourally - such as those associated with autism spectral disorder (ASD) including Aspergers’ or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD))", "9": "Other", "10": "Prefer not to say" } } } } } } } }, "tenancy_and_property": { "label": "Tenancy and property information", "subsections": { "tenancy_information": { "label": "Tenancy information", "pages": { "tenant_code_1":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_1": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } }, "property_information": { "label": "Property information", "pages": { "tenant_code_2":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_2": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } } } }, "rent_and_charges": { "label": "Rent and charges", "subsections": { "income_and_benefits": { "label": "Income and benefits", "pages": { "tenant_code_3":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_3": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } }, "rent": { "label": "Rent", "pages": { "tenant_code_4":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_4": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } } } }, "local_authority": { "label": "Local authority", "subsections": { "local_authority": { "label": "Local authority", "pages": { "tenant_code_5":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_5": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } } } }, "submission": { "label": "Submission", "subsections": { "declaration": { "label": "Declaration", "pages": { "tenant_code_6":{ "header": "", "description": "", "questions":{ "tenant_code_6": { "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text" } } } } } } } } }