class Form::Sales::Questions::PurchasePrice < ::Form::Question def initialize(id, hsh, page, ownershipsch:) super(id, hsh, page) @id = "value" @check_answer_label = "Purchase price" @header = "What is the full purchase price?" @type = "numeric" @min = 0 @step = 0.01 @width = 5 @prefix = "£" @hint_text = hint_text @ownership_sch = ownershipsch @question_number = QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR_AND_OWNERSHIP.fetch(form.start_date.year, QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR_AND_OWNERSHIP.max_by { |k, _v| k }.last)[ownershipsch] @top_guidance_partial = top_guidance_partial end QUESTION_NUMBER_FROM_YEAR_AND_OWNERSHIP = { 2023 => { 2 => 100, 3 => 110 }, 2024 => { 2 => 101, 3 => 111 }, }.freeze def hint_text return if @ownership_sch == 3 # outright sale "For all schemes, including Right to Acquire (RTA), Right to Buy (RTB), Voluntary Right to Buy (VRTB) or Preserved Right to Buy (PRTB) sales, enter the full price of the property without any discount" end def top_guidance_partial return "financial_calculations_discounted_ownership" if @ownership_sch == 2 return "financial_calculations_outright_sale" if @ownership_sch == 3 end end