{ "form_type": "lettings", "sections": { "household": { "label": "About the household", "subsections": { "household_characteristics": { "label": "Household characteristics", "pages": { "tenant_code": { "questions": { "tenant_code": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant code", "header": "What is the tenant code?", "hint_text": "This is how you usually refer to this tenancy on your own systems.", "type": "text", "width": 10 } } }, "person_1_age": { "questions": { "age1": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant’s age", "header": "What is the tenant’s age?", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 150, "step": 1, "width": 2 } } }, "person_1_gender": { "questions": { "sex1": { "check_answer_label": "Tenant’s gender", "header": "Which of these best describes the tenant’s gender identity?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Female", "1": "Male", "2": "Non-binary", "3": "Prefer not to say" } } } }, "household_number_of_other_members": { "questions": { "other_hhmemb": { "check_answer_label": "Number of Other Household Members", "header": "How many other people are there in the household?", "hint_text": "The maximum number of others is 1", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 1, "step": 1, "width": 2, "conditional_for": { "relat2": ">0", "age2": ">0", "sex2": ">0", "ecstat2": ">0" } }, "relat2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2’s relationship to lead tenant", "header": "What’s person 2’s relationship to lead tenant", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Other", "1": "Prefer not to say" } }, "age2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2’s age", "header": "What’s person 2’s age", "type": "numeric", "min": 0, "max": 150, "step": 1, "width": 2 }, "sex2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2’s gender", "header": "Which of these best describes person 2’s gender identity?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Female", "1": "Male", "2": "Non-binary", "3": "Prefer not to say" } }, "ecstat2": { "check_answer_label": "Person 2’s Work", "header": "Which of these best describes person 2’s working situation?", "type": "radio", "answer_options": { "0": "Other", "1": "Prefer not to say" } } } } } }, "household_needs": { "label": "Household needs", "pages": { "armed_forces": { "header": "Experience of the UK Armed Forces", "questions": { "armedforces": { "header": "Is anyone in the household...", "hint_text": "This excludes national service", "type": "radio", "check_answer_label": "Armed Forces", "answer_options": { "0":"A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)", "1":"A current or former reserve in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)", "2": "A spouse / civil partner of a UK Armed Forces member who has separated or been bereaved within the last 2 years", "3": "No", "4": "Tenant prefers not to say" }, "conditional_for": { "leftreg": ["A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)"] } }, "leftreg": { "header": "Are they still serving?", "hint_text": "", "type": "text", "check_answer_label": "When did they leave the Armed Forces?" } } }, "medical_conditions": { "questions": { "illness": { "header": "Does anyone in the household have any of the following that they expect to last for 12 months or more: