require "postcodes_io" class CaseLogValidator < ActiveModel::Validator # Validations methods need to be called 'validate_' to run on model save # or form page submission include Validations::HouseholdValidations include Validations::PropertyValidations include Validations::FinancialValidations include Validations::TenancyValidations include Validations::DateValidations def validate(record) validation_methods = { |method| method.starts_with?("validate_") } validation_methods.each { |meth| public_send(meth, record) } end private def validate_other_field(record, main_field, other_field) main_field_label = main_field.humanize(capitalize: false) other_field_label = other_field.humanize(capitalize: false) if record[main_field] == "Other" && record[other_field].blank? record.errors.add other_field.to_sym, "If #{main_field_label} is other then #{other_field_label} must be provided" end if record[main_field] != "Other" && record[other_field].present? record.errors.add other_field.to_sym, "#{other_field_label} must not be provided if #{main_field_label} was not other" end end end class CaseLog < ApplicationRecord include Discard::Model include Validations::SoftValidations include Constants::CaseLog include Constants::IncomeRanges default_scope -> { kept } validates_with CaseLogValidator before_save :update_status! belongs_to :owning_organisation, class_name: "Organisation" belongs_to :managing_organisation, class_name: "Organisation" scope :for_organisation, ->(org) { where(owning_organisation: org).or(where(managing_organisation: org)) } enum status: { "not_started" => 0, "in_progress" => 1, "completed" => 2 } enum ethnic: ETHNIC enum national: NATIONAL, _suffix: true enum ecstat1: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat2: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat3: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat4: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat5: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat6: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat7: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum ecstat8: ECSTAT, _suffix: true enum prevten: PREVIOUS_TENANCY, _suffix: true enum homeless: HOMELESS, _suffix: true enum underoccupation_benefitcap: BENEFITCAP, _suffix: true enum reservist: RESERVIST, _suffix: true enum leftreg: LEFTREG, _suffix: true enum illness: ILLNESS, _suffix: true enum preg_occ: PREGNANCY, _suffix: true enum override_net_income_validation: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_a: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_b: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_c: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_f: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_g: POLAR, _suffix: true enum housingneeds_h: POLAR, _suffix: true enum accessibility_requirements_prefer_not_to_say: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_1: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_2: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_3: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_4: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_5: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_6: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_7: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_8: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_9: POLAR, _suffix: true enum illness_type_10: POLAR, _suffix: true enum startertenancy: POLAR2, _suffix: true enum tenancy: TENANCY, _suffix: true enum landlord: LANDLORD, _suffix: true enum rsnvac: RSNVAC, _suffix: true enum unittype_gn: UNITTYPE_GN, _suffix: true enum rp_homeless: POLAR, _suffix: true enum rp_insan_unsat: POLAR, _suffix: true enum rp_medwel: POLAR, _suffix: true enum rp_hardship: POLAR, _suffix: true enum rp_dontknow: POLAR, _suffix: true enum cbl: POLAR2, _suffix: true enum chr: POLAR2, _suffix: true enum cap: POLAR2, _suffix: true enum wchair: POLAR2, _suffix: true enum incfreq: INCFREQ, _suffix: true enum benefits: BENEFITS, _suffix: true enum period: PERIOD, _suffix: true enum layear: LATIME, _suffix: true enum lawaitlist: LATIME, _suffix: true enum reasonpref: POLAR_WITH_UNKNOWN, _suffix: true enum reason: REASON, _suffix: true enum la: LA, _suffix: true enum prevloc: LA, _suffix: true enum majorrepairs: POLAR, _suffix: true enum hb: HOUSING_BENEFIT, _suffix: true enum hbrentshortfall: POLAR_WITH_UNKNOWN, _suffix: true enum property_relet: POLAR, _suffix: true enum armedforces: ARMED_FORCES, _suffix: true enum first_time_property_let_as_social_housing: POLAR, _suffix: true enum unitletas: UNITLETAS, _suffix: true enum builtype: BUILTYPE, _suffix: true enum incref: POLAR, _suffix: true enum renttype: RENT_TYPE, _suffix: true enum needstype: NEEDS_TYPE, _suffix: true enum lettype: LET_TYPE, _suffix: true enum postcode_known: POLAR, _suffix: true enum la_known: POLAR, _suffix: true AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS = %w[id status created_at updated_at discarded_at renttype lettype is_la_inferred].freeze OPTIONAL_FIELDS = %w[postcode_known la_known first_time_property_let_as_social_housing].freeze def self.editable_fields attribute_names - AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS end def completed? status == "completed" end def not_started? status == "not_started" end def in_progress? status == "in_progress" end def weekly_net_income return unless earnings && incfreq case incfreq when "Weekly" earnings when "Monthly" ((earnings * 12) / 52.0).round(0) when "Yearly" (earnings / 12.0).round(0) end end def applicable_income_range return unless ecstat1 ALLOWED_INCOME_RANGES[ecstat1.to_sym] end private PIO = def update_status! self.status = if all_fields_completed? && errors.empty? "completed" elsif all_fields_nil? "not_started" else "in_progress" end set_derived_fields end def set_derived_fields if property_postcode.present? self.postcode = UKPostcode.parse(property_postcode).outcode self.postcod2 = UKPostcode.parse(property_postcode).incode end if previous_postcode.present? self.ppostc1 = UKPostcode.parse(previous_postcode).outcode self.ppostc2 = UKPostcode.parse(previous_postcode).incode end if mrcdate.present? self.mrcday = self.mrcmonth = mrcdate.month self.mrcyear = mrcdate.year end if startdate.present? = self.month = startdate.month self.year = startdate.year end self.incref = 1 if net_income_known == "Prefer not to say" self.hhmemb = other_hhmemb + 1 if other_hhmemb.present? self.renttype = RENT_TYPE_MAPPING[rent_type] self.lettype = "#{renttype} #{needstype} #{owning_organisation['Org type']}" if renttype.present? && needstype.present? && owning_organisation["Org type"].present? self.is_la_inferred = false if is_la_inferred.nil? = get_la(property_postcode) end def get_la(postcode) if postcode.present? postcode_lookup = PIO.lookup(postcode) if postcode_lookup && self.is_la_inferred = true return postcode_lookup.admin_district end end = nil self.is_la_inferred = false end def all_fields_completed? mandatory_fields.none? { |_key, val| val.nil? } end def all_fields_nil? init_fields = %w[owning_organisation_id managing_organisation_id] fields = mandatory_fields.except(*init_fields) fields.all? { |_key, val| val.nil? } end def mandatory_fields required = attributes.except(*(AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS + OPTIONAL_FIELDS)) dynamically_not_required = [] if reason != "Other" dynamically_not_required << "other_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home" end if dynamically_not_required << "incfreq" end if sale_or_letting == "Letting" dynamically_not_required << "sale_completion_date" end if la.present? dynamically_not_required << "why_dont_you_know_la" end if tenancy == "Secure (including flexible)" dynamically_not_required << "tenancylength" end unless net_income_in_soft_max_range? || net_income_in_soft_min_range? dynamically_not_required << "override_net_income_validation" end unless tenancy == "Other" dynamically_not_required << "tenancyother" end unless net_income_known == "Yes" dynamically_not_required << "earnings" dynamically_not_required << "incfreq" end start_range = (other_hhmemb || 0) + 2 (start_range..8).each do |n| dynamically_not_required << "age#{n}" dynamically_not_required << "sex#{n}" dynamically_not_required << "relat#{n}" dynamically_not_required << "ecstat#{n}" end if net_income_known != "Prefer not to say" dynamically_not_required << "incref" end required.delete_if { |key, _value| dynamically_not_required.include?(key) } end end