<% content_for :title, current_user == @user ? "Your account" : "#{@user.name.presence || @user.email}’s account" %> <% if current_user.support? %> <% content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Home" => root_path, "Users (#{@user.organisation.name})" => users_organisation_path(@user.organisation), }) %> <% else %> <% content_for :before_content do %> <%= govuk_back_link(href: users_path) %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if display_pending_email_change_banner?(@user) %> <%= govuk_notification_banner(title_text: "Important") do %> <p class="govuk-notification-banner__heading govuk-!-width-full" style="max-width: fit-content"> <%= pending_email_change_title_text(current_user, @user) %> </p> <%= pending_email_change_banner_text(current_user) %> <% end %> <% end %> <div class="govuk-grid-row"> <div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds"> <h1 class="govuk-heading-l"> <%= content_for(:title) %> </h1> <h2 class="govuk-heading-m"> Personal details </h2> <%= govuk_summary_list do |summary_list| %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Name" } row.with_value { @user.name } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_names? row.with_action(visually_hidden_text: "name", href: aliased_user_edit(@user, current_user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-name" }) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Email address" } row.with_value { @user.email } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_emails? row.with_action(visually_hidden_text: "email address", href: aliased_user_edit(@user, current_user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-email-address" }) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Telephone number" } row.with_value { @user.phone_with_extension } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_telephone_numbers? row.with_action(visually_hidden_text: "telephone number", href: aliased_user_edit(@user, current_user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-telephone-number" }) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Password" } row.with_value { "••••••••" } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_password? row.with_action( visually_hidden_text: "password", href: edit_password_account_path, html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-password" }, ) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Organisation" } row.with_value { current_user.support? ? govuk_link_to(@user.organisation.name, lettings_logs_organisation_path(@user.organisation)) : @user.organisation.name } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_organisation? row.with_action( visually_hidden_text: "organisation", href: aliased_user_edit(@user, current_user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-organisation" }, ) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Role" } row.with_value { @user.role&.humanize } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_roles? row.with_action( visually_hidden_text: "role", href: aliased_user_edit(@user, current_user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-role" }, ) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Data protection officer" } row.with_value { @user.is_data_protection_officer? ? "Yes" : "No" } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_dpo? row.with_action( visually_hidden_text: "if data protection officer", href: user_edit_dpo_path(@user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-data-protection-officer" }, ) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Key contact" } row.with_value { @user.is_key_contact? ? "Yes" : "No" } if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).edit_key_contact? row.with_action( visually_hidden_text: "if a key contact", href: user_edit_key_contact_path(@user), html_attributes: { "data-qa": "change-key-contact" }, ) else row.with_action end end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| %> <% row.with_key { "Status" } %> <% row.with_value do %> <%= details_html({ name: "Status", value: status_tag(@user.status), id: "status" }) %> <% if @user.status == :deactivated && current_user.support? && !UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).delete? %> <span class="app-!-colour-muted">This user was active in an open or editable collection year, and cannot be deleted.</span> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %> <%= summary_list.with_row do |row| row.with_key { "Last logged in" } row.with_value { @user.last_sign_in_at&.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date) } end %> <% end %> <% if @user.organisation.active? && current_user.can_toggle_active?(@user) %> <div class="govuk-button-group"> <% if @user.active? %> <%= govuk_button_link_to "Deactivate user", deactivate_user_path(@user), warning: true %> <% if current_user.support? && @user.last_sign_in_at.nil? %> <%= govuk_button_to "Resend invite link", resend_invite_user_path(@user), secondary: true %> <% end %> <% else %> <span class="app-!-colour-muted govuk-!-margin-right-2"> <%= govuk_button_link_to "Reactivate user", reactivate_user_path(@user) %> </span> <% end %> <% end %> <% if UserPolicy.new(current_user, @user).delete? && FeatureToggle.delete_user_enabled? %> <%= delete_user_link(@user) %> <% end %> </div> </div> </div>