% content_for :title, "Log #{@case_log.id}" %> <% content_for :breadcrumbs, govuk_breadcrumbs(breadcrumbs: { "Logs" => "/logs", content_for(:title) => "", }) %>
<%= get_subsections_count(@case_log, :completed) %> of <%= get_subsections_count(@case_log, :all) %> sections completed.
<% next_incomplete_section = get_next_incomplete_section(@case_log) %>
<% if next_incomplete_section.present? %> Skip to next incomplete section: <%= next_incomplete_section.label %> <% end %>
<% elsif @case_log.status == "not_started" %>This log has not been started.
<% elsif @case_log.status == "completed" %> CompletedYou can ">review and make changes to this log up to 3 months after the end of the current collection year, which closes on 31 March <%= @case_log.collection_start_year.present? ? @case_log.collection_start_year + 1 : "" %>.
<% end %> <%= render "tasklist" %>