222 lines
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222 lines
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module Csv |
class LettingsLogCsvService |
def initialize(user:, export_type:) |
@user = user |
@export_type = export_type |
@attributes = lettings_log_attributes |
end |
def prepare_csv(logs) |
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| |
csv << @attributes |
logs.find_each do |log| |
csv << @attributes.map { |attribute| value(attribute, log) } |
end |
end |
end |
private |
created_by: { |
labels: %i[created_by email], |
codes: %i[created_by email], |
}, |
updated_by: { |
labels: %i[updated_by email], |
codes: %i[updated_by email], |
}, |
location_code: { |
labels: %i[location id], |
codes: %i[location id], |
}, |
location_postcode: { |
labels: %i[location postcode], |
codes: %i[location postcode], |
}, |
location_name: { |
labels: %i[location name], |
codes: %i[location name], |
}, |
location_units: { |
labels: %i[location units], |
codes: %i[location units], |
}, |
location_type_of_unit: { |
labels: %i[location type_of_unit], |
codes: %i[location type_of_unit_before_type_cast], |
}, |
location_mobility_type: { |
labels: %i[location mobility_type], |
codes: %i[location mobility_type_before_type_cast], |
}, |
location_admin_district: { |
labels: %i[location location_admin_district], |
codes: %i[location location_admin_district], |
}, |
location_startdate: { |
labels: %i[location startdate], |
codes: %i[location startdate], |
}, |
scheme_service_name: { |
labels: %i[scheme service_name], |
codes: %i[scheme service_name], |
}, |
scheme_sensitive: { |
labels: %i[scheme sensitive], |
codes: %i[scheme sensitive_before_type_cast], |
}, |
labels: %i[scheme scheme_type], |
codes: %i[scheme scheme_type_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_registered_under_care_act: { |
labels: %i[scheme registered_under_care_act], |
codes: %i[scheme registered_under_care_act_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_owning_organisation_name: { |
labels: %i[scheme owning_organisation name], |
codes: %i[scheme owning_organisation name], |
}, |
scheme_primary_client_group: { |
labels: %i[scheme primary_client_group], |
codes: %i[scheme primary_client_group_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_has_other_client_group: { |
labels: %i[scheme has_other_client_group], |
codes: %i[scheme has_other_client_group_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_secondary_client_group: { |
labels: %i[scheme secondary_client_group], |
codes: %i[scheme secondary_client_group_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_support_type: { |
labels: %i[scheme support_type], |
codes: %i[scheme support_type_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_intended_stay: { |
labels: %i[scheme intended_stay], |
codes: %i[scheme intended_stay_before_type_cast], |
}, |
scheme_created_at: { |
labels: %i[scheme created_at], |
codes: %i[scheme created_at], |
}, |
scheme_code: { |
labels: %i[scheme id_to_display], |
codes: %i[scheme id_to_display], |
}, |
creation_method: { |
labels: %i[creation_method], |
codes: %i[creation_method_before_type_cast], |
}, |
is_dpo: { |
labels: %i[created_by is_dpo?], |
codes: %i[created_by is_dpo?], |
}, |
}.freeze |
la |
prevloc |
].freeze |
"la_label" => "la", |
"prevloc_label" => "prevloc", |
}.freeze |
mrcdate |
startdate |
voiddate |
created_at |
updated_at |
].freeze |
def value(attribute, log) |
attribute = "rent_type" if attribute == "rent_type_detail" # rent_type_detail is the requested column header for rent_type, so as not to confuse with renttype. It can be exported as label or code. |
if CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS.key? attribute.to_sym |
call_chain = CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS[attribute.to_sym][@export_type.to_sym] |
call_chain.reduce(log) { |object, next_call| object&.public_send(next_call) } |
elsif FIELDS_ALWAYS_EXPORTED_AS_CODES.include? attribute |
log.public_send(attribute) |
attribute = FIELDS_ALWAYS_EXPORTED_AS_LABELS[attribute] |
value = log.public_send(attribute) |
get_label(value, attribute, log) |
elsif DATE_FIELDS.include? attribute |
log.public_send(attribute)&.iso8601 |
else |
value = log.public_send(attribute) |
case @export_type |
when "codes" |
value |
when "labels" |
answer_label = get_label(value, attribute, log) |
answer_label || label_if_boolean_value(value) || value |
end |
end |
end |
def get_label(value, attribute, log) |
log.form |
.get_question(attribute, log) |
&.label_from_value(value) |
end |
def label_if_boolean_value(value) |
return "Yes" if value == true |
return "No" if value == false |
end |
"owning_organisation_id" => %w[owning_organisation_name], |
"managing_organisation_id" => %w[managing_organisation_name], |
"created_by_id" => [], |
"scheme_id" => [], |
"location_id" => [], |
"rent_type" => %w[renttype rent_type_detail], |
"hb" => %w[hb has_benefits], |
"age1" => %w[refused hhtype totchild totelder totadult age1], |
"housingneeds_type" => %w[housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h], |
"net_income_known" => %w[net_income_known incref], |
"irproduct_other" => %w[irproduct irproduct_other lar], |
"la" => %w[is_la_inferred la_label la], |
"prevloc" => %w[is_previous_la_inferred prevloc_label prevloc], |
"needstype" => %w[needstype lettype], |
"prevten" => %w[prevten new_old], |
"voiddate" => %w[voiddate vacdays], |
"rsnvac" => %w[rsnvac newprop], |
"household_charge" => %w[household_charge nocharge], |
"brent" => %w[brent wrent rent_value_check], |
"scharge" => %w[scharge wscharge], |
"pscharge" => %w[pscharge wpschrge], |
"supcharg" => %w[supcharg wsupchrg], |
"tcharge" => %w[tcharge wtcharge], |
"chcharge" => %w[chcharge wchchrg], |
"tshortfall" => %w[tshortfall wtshortfall], |
}.freeze |
SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES = %w[hhmemb net_income_value_check first_time_property_let_as_social_housing renttype needstype postcode_known is_la_inferred totchild totelder totadult net_income_known is_carehome previous_la_known is_previous_la_inferred age1_known age2_known age3_known age4_known age5_known age6_known age7_known age8_known letting_allocation_unknown details_known_2 details_known_3 details_known_4 details_known_5 details_known_6 details_known_7 details_known_8 rent_type_detail wrent wscharge wpschrge wsupchrg wtcharge wtshortfall rent_value_check old_form_id old_id retirement_value_check tshortfall_known pregnancy_value_check hhtype new_old vacdays la prevloc updated_by_id bulk_upload_id uprn_confirmed].freeze |
def lettings_log_attributes |
ordered_questions = FormHandler.instance.ordered_lettings_questions_for_all_years |
ordered_questions.reject! { |q| q.id.match?(/rent_value_check/) } |
attributes = ordered_questions.flat_map do |question| |
if question.type == "checkbox" |
question.answer_options.keys.reject { |key| key == "divider" } |
elsif ATTRIBUTE_MAPPINGS.key? question.id |
else |
question.id |
end |
end |
non_question_fields = %w[id status created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method old_id old_form_id collection_start_year] |
scheme_and_location_attributes = %w[scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_admin_district location_startdate] |
final_attributes = non_question_fields + attributes + scheme_and_location_attributes |
@user.support? ? final_attributes : final_attributes - SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES |
end |
end |