424 lines
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424 lines
19 KiB
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe Csv::LettingsLogCsvService do |
context "when the user is support" do |
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) } |
let(:real_2021_2022_form) { Form.new("config/forms/2021_2022.json") } |
before do |
LettingsLog.create!(startdate: Time.zone.today, created_at: Time.utc(2022, 2, 8, 16, 52, 15)) |
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:get_form).and_return(real_2021_2022_form) |
end |
it "sets csv attributes in correct order" do |
expected_csv_attributes = %w[id |
status |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by_name |
is_dpo |
owning_organisation_name |
managing_organisation_name |
collection_start_year |
needstype |
renewal |
startdate |
rent_type_detail |
irproduct_other |
tenancycode |
propcode |
postcode_known |
postcode_full |
is_la_inferred |
la_label |
la |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing |
unitletas |
rsnvac |
offered |
unittype_gn |
builtype |
wchair |
beds |
voiddate |
void_date_value_check |
majorrepairs |
mrcdate |
major_repairs_date_value_check |
startertenancy |
tenancy |
tenancyother |
tenancylength |
sheltered |
declaration |
hhmemb |
pregnancy_value_check |
age1_known |
age1 |
sex1 |
ethnic_group |
ethnic |
national |
ecstat1 |
retirement_value_check |
details_known_2 |
relat2 |
age2_known |
age2 |
sex2 |
ecstat2 |
details_known_3 |
relat3 |
age3_known |
age3 |
sex3 |
ecstat3 |
details_known_4 |
relat4 |
age4_known |
age4 |
sex4 |
ecstat4 |
details_known_5 |
relat5 |
age5_known |
age5 |
sex5 |
ecstat5 |
details_known_6 |
relat6 |
age6_known |
age6 |
sex6 |
ecstat6 |
details_known_7 |
relat7 |
age7_known |
age7 |
sex7 |
ecstat7 |
details_known_8 |
relat8 |
age8_known |
age8 |
sex8 |
ecstat8 |
armedforces |
leftreg |
reservist |
preg_occ |
housingneeds |
housingneeds_type |
housingneeds_other |
illness |
illness_type_4 |
illness_type_5 |
illness_type_2 |
illness_type_6 |
illness_type_7 |
illness_type_3 |
illness_type_9 |
illness_type_8 |
illness_type_1 |
illness_type_10 |
layear |
waityear |
reason |
reasonother |
prevten |
underoccupation_benefitcap |
homeless |
ppcodenk |
ppostcode_full |
previous_la_known |
is_previous_la_inferred |
prevloc_label |
prevloc |
reasonpref |
rp_homeless |
rp_insan_unsat |
rp_medwel |
rp_hardship |
rp_dontknow |
cbl |
cap |
chr |
letting_allocation_unknown |
referral |
net_income_known |
earnings |
incfreq |
net_income_value_check |
hb |
benefits |
household_charge |
period |
is_carehome |
chcharge |
carehome_charges_value_check |
brent |
scharge |
pscharge |
supcharg |
tcharge |
rent_value_check |
hbrentshortfall |
tshortfall_known |
tshortfall |
housingneeds_a |
housingneeds_b |
housingneeds_c |
housingneeds_f |
housingneeds_g |
housingneeds_h |
property_owner_organisation |
property_manager_organisation |
purchaser_code |
property_relet |
incref |
renttype |
lettype |
totchild |
totelder |
totadult |
nocharge |
has_benefits |
wrent |
wscharge |
wpschrge |
wsupchrg |
wtcharge |
wtshortfall |
refused |
wchchrg |
newprop |
old_form_id |
lar |
irproduct |
old_id |
joint |
hhtype |
new_old |
vacdays |
unresolved |
updated_by_id |
uprn |
uprn_known |
uprn_confirmed |
address_line1 |
address_line2 |
town_or_city |
county |
unittype_sh |
scheme_code |
scheme_service_name |
scheme_sensitive |
scheme_type |
scheme_registered_under_care_act |
scheme_owning_organisation_name |
scheme_primary_client_group |
scheme_has_other_client_group |
scheme_secondary_client_group |
scheme_support_type |
scheme_intended_stay |
scheme_created_at |
location_code |
location_postcode |
location_name |
location_units |
location_type_of_unit |
location_mobility_type |
location_admin_district |
location_startdate] |
csv = CSV.parse(described_class.new(user, export_type: "labels").to_csv) |
expect(csv.first).to eq(expected_csv_attributes) |
end |
end |
context "when the user is not support" do |
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } |
let(:real_2021_2022_form) { Form.new("config/forms/2021_2022.json") } |
before do |
LettingsLog.create!(startdate: Time.zone.today, created_at: Time.utc(2022, 2, 8, 16, 52, 15)) |
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:get_form).and_return(real_2021_2022_form) |
end |
it "sets csv attributes in correct order and without omitted values" do |
expected_csv_attributes = %w[id |
status |
created_at |
updated_at |
created_by_name |
is_dpo |
owning_organisation_name |
managing_organisation_name |
collection_start_year |
renewal |
startdate |
irproduct_other |
tenancycode |
propcode |
postcode_full |
la_label |
unitletas |
rsnvac |
offered |
unittype_gn |
builtype |
wchair |
beds |
voiddate |
void_date_value_check |
majorrepairs |
mrcdate |
major_repairs_date_value_check |
startertenancy |
tenancy |
tenancyother |
tenancylength |
sheltered |
declaration |
age1 |
sex1 |
ethnic_group |
ethnic |
national |
ecstat1 |
relat2 |
age2 |
sex2 |
ecstat2 |
relat3 |
age3 |
sex3 |
ecstat3 |
relat4 |
age4 |
sex4 |
ecstat4 |
relat5 |
age5 |
sex5 |
ecstat5 |
relat6 |
age6 |
sex6 |
ecstat6 |
relat7 |
age7 |
sex7 |
ecstat7 |
relat8 |
age8 |
sex8 |
ecstat8 |
armedforces |
leftreg |
reservist |
preg_occ |
housingneeds |
housingneeds_type |
housingneeds_other |
illness |
illness_type_4 |
illness_type_5 |
illness_type_2 |
illness_type_6 |
illness_type_7 |
illness_type_3 |
illness_type_9 |
illness_type_8 |
illness_type_1 |
illness_type_10 |
layear |
waityear |
reason |
reasonother |
prevten |
underoccupation_benefitcap |
homeless |
ppcodenk |
ppostcode_full |
prevloc_label |
reasonpref |
rp_homeless |
rp_insan_unsat |
rp_medwel |
rp_hardship |
rp_dontknow |
cbl |
cap |
chr |
referral |
earnings |
incfreq |
hb |
benefits |
household_charge |
period |
chcharge |
carehome_charges_value_check |
brent |
scharge |
pscharge |
supcharg |
tcharge |
hbrentshortfall |
tshortfall |
housingneeds_a |
housingneeds_b |
housingneeds_c |
housingneeds_f |
housingneeds_g |
housingneeds_h |
property_owner_organisation |
property_manager_organisation |
purchaser_code |
property_relet |
incref |
lettype |
nocharge |
has_benefits |
refused |
wchchrg |
newprop |
lar |
irproduct |
joint |
uprn |
uprn_known |
address_line1 |
address_line2 |
town_or_city |
county |
unittype_sh |
scheme_code |
scheme_service_name |
scheme_sensitive |
scheme_type |
scheme_registered_under_care_act |
scheme_owning_organisation_name |
scheme_primary_client_group |
scheme_has_other_client_group |
scheme_secondary_client_group |
scheme_support_type |
scheme_intended_stay |
scheme_created_at |
location_code |
location_postcode |
location_name |
location_units |
location_type_of_unit |
location_mobility_type |
location_admin_district |
location_startdate] |
csv = CSV.parse(described_class.new(user, export_type: "labels").to_csv) |
expect(csv.first).to eq(expected_csv_attributes) |
end |
end |