1194 lines
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1194 lines
43 KiB
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe FormController, type: :request do |
let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(response.body) } |
let(:user) { create(:user) } |
let(:organisation) { user.organisation } |
let(:other_user) { create(:user) } |
let(:other_organisation) { other_user.organisation } |
let!(:unauthorized_lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: other_user, |
) |
end |
let(:setup_complete_lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
:setup_completed, |
status: 1, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:completed_lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
:completed, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } } |
let(:fake_2021_2022_form) { Form.new("spec/fixtures/forms/2021_2022.json") } |
before do |
allow(fake_2021_2022_form).to receive(:new_logs_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.today + 1.day) |
allow(fake_2021_2022_form).to receive(:edit_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.today + 2.months) |
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:current_lettings_form).and_return(fake_2021_2022_form) |
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:lettings_in_crossover_period?).and_return(true) |
end |
context "when a user is not signed in" do |
let!(:lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
describe "GET" do |
it "does not let you get lettings logs pages you don't have access to" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/person-1-age", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in") |
end |
it "does not let you get lettings log check answer pages you don't have access to" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/household-characteristics/check-answers", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in") |
end |
end |
describe "POST" do |
it "does not let you post form answers to lettings logs you don't have access to" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/net-income", params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when signed in as a support user" do |
let!(:lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(response.body) } |
let(:managing_organisation) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:managing_organisation_too) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:stock_owner) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:support_user) { create(:user, :support) } |
before do |
organisation.stock_owners << stock_owner |
organisation.managing_agents << managing_organisation |
organisation.managing_agents << managing_organisation_too |
organisation.reload |
allow(support_user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false) |
sign_in support_user |
end |
context "with invalid organisation answers" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "managing_organisation", |
managing_organisation_id: other_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: stock_owner, created_by: user, managing_organisation: organisation) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "resets created by and renders the next page" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/net-income", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(nil) |
end |
end |
context "with valid owning organisation" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "managing_organisation", |
managing_organisation_id: other_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: organisation, created_by: user, managing_organisation: organisation) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/net-income", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(user) |
end |
end |
context "when owning organisation doesn't have any managing agents" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: managing_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: nil, created_by: nil, managing_organisation: nil) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "sets managing organisation to owning organisation" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.owning_organisation).to eq(managing_organisation) |
expect(lettings_log.managing_organisation).to eq(managing_organisation) |
end |
end |
context "when submitting a sales log for organisation that doesn't have any managing agents" do |
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "owning_organisation", |
owning_organisation_id: managing_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
sales_log.update!(owning_organisation: nil, created_by: nil) |
sales_log.reload |
end |
it "correctly sets owning organisation" do |
post "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/owning-organisation", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
sales_log.reload |
expect(sales_log.owning_organisation).to eq(managing_organisation) |
end |
end |
context "when submitting a sales log with valid owning organisation" do |
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log) } |
let(:created_by) { managing_organisation.users.first } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "owning_organisation", |
owning_organisation_id: managing_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
sales_log.update!(owning_organisation: managing_organisation, created_by:) |
sales_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/owning-organisation", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
sales_log.reload |
expect(sales_log.created_by).to eq(created_by) |
end |
end |
context "when submitting a sales log with valid merged owning organisation" do |
let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log) } |
let(:created_by) { managing_organisation.users.first } |
let(:merged_organisation) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "owning_organisation", |
owning_organisation_id: merged_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
merged_organisation.update!(merge_date: Time.zone.today, absorbing_organisation: managing_organisation) |
sales_log.update!(owning_organisation: managing_organisation, created_by:) |
sales_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/owning-organisation", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/created-by") |
follow_redirect! |
sales_log.reload |
expect(sales_log.created_by).to eq(created_by) |
end |
end |
context "with valid managing organisation" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: stock_owner.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: organisation, created_by: user, managing_organisation: organisation) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/managing-organisation") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(user) |
end |
end |
context "with valid absorbed managing organisation" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: stock_owner.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:merged_org) { create(:organisation) } |
before do |
merged_org.update!(merge_date: Time.zone.today, absorbing_organisation: organisation) |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: merged_org, created_by: user, managing_organisation: merged_org) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/managing-organisation") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(user) |
end |
end |
context "with only adding the stock owner" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: stock_owner.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: nil, created_by: user, managing_organisation: nil) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "does not reset created by" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/managing-organisation") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(user) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when a user is signed in" do |
let!(:lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
before do |
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false) |
sign_in user |
end |
describe "GET" do |
around do |example| |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1)) do |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
example.run |
end |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
context "with form pages" do |
context "when forms exist" do |
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1), owning_organisation: organisation, created_by: user) } |
it "displays the question details" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/tenant-code-test", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to be_ok |
expect(response.body).to match("Different question header text for this year - 2023") |
end |
end |
context "when question not routed to" do |
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1), owning_organisation: organisation, created_by: user) } |
it "redirects to log" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/scheme", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}") |
end |
end |
context "when lettings logs are not owned or managed by your organisation" do |
it "does not show form pages for lettings logs you don't have access to" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{unauthorized_lettings_log.id}/person-1-age", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) |
end |
end |
context "with a form page that has custom guidance" do |
it "displays the correct partial" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/net-income", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response.body).to match("What counts as income?") |
end |
end |
context "when viewing the setup section schemes page" do |
context "when the user is support" do |
let(:user) { create(:user, :support) } |
context "when organisation and user have not been selected yet" do |
let(:lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
owning_organisation: nil, |
managing_organisation: nil, |
created_by: nil, |
needstype: 2, |
) |
end |
before do |
locations = create_list(:location, 5) |
locations.each { |location| location.scheme.update!(arrangement_type: "The same organisation that owns the housing stock") } |
end |
it "returns an unfiltered list of schemes" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/scheme", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response.body.scan("<option value=").count).to eq(6) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "when displaying check answers pages" do |
context "when lettings logs are not owned or managed by your organisation" do |
it "does not show a check answers for lettings logs you don't have access to" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{unauthorized_lettings_log.id}/household-characteristics/check-answers", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) |
end |
end |
context "when no other sections are enabled" do |
let(:lettings_log_2022) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 12, 1), |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2022, 12, 1)) |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log_2022.id}/setup/check-answers", headers:, params: {} |
end |
after do |
Timecop.unfreeze |
end |
it "does not show Save and go to next incomplete section button" do |
expect(page).not_to have_content("Save and go to next incomplete section") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with a question in a section that isn't enabled yet" do |
it "routes back to the tasklist page" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/declaration", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}") |
end |
end |
context "with a question that isn't enabled yet" do |
it "routes back to the tasklist page" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/conditional-question-no-second-page", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}") |
end |
end |
context "when visiting the review page" do |
it "renders the review page for the lettings log" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{setup_complete_lettings_log.id}/review", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response.body).to match("Review lettings log") |
end |
it "renders the review page for the sales log" do |
log = create(:sales_log, :completed, created_by: user) |
get "/sales-logs/#{log.id}/review", headers: headers, params: { sales_log: true } |
expect(response.body).to match("Review sales log") |
end |
context "when log is pending" do |
let(:pending_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
owning_organisation: organisation, |
created_by: user, |
status: "pending", |
skip_update_status: true, |
) |
end |
it "does not render pending log and returns 404" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{pending_log.id}/review", headers: headers, params: {} |
expect(response).to be_not_found |
end |
end |
end |
context "when viewing a user dependent page" do |
context "when the dependency is met" do |
let(:user) { create(:user, :support) } |
it "routes to the page" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/created-by" |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok) |
end |
end |
context "when the dependency is not met" do |
it "redirects to the tasklist page" do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/created-by" |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "Submit Form" do |
context "with a form page" do |
let(:user) { create(:user, :data_coordinator) } |
let(:support_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) } |
let(:organisation) { user.organisation } |
let(:lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:page_id) { "person_1_age" } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
age1: answer, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:valid_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
age1: valid_answer, |
}, |
} |
end |
context "with invalid answers" do |
let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(response.body) } |
let(:answer) { 2000 } |
let(:valid_answer) { 20 } |
before do |
allow(Rails.logger).to receive(:info) |
end |
it "re-renders the same page with errors if validation fails" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: params |
expect(page).to have_content("There is a problem") |
expect(page).to have_content("Error: What is the tenant’s age?") |
end |
it "resets errors when fixed" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: params |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: valid_params |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}" |
expect(page).not_to have_content("There is a problem") |
end |
it "logs that validation was triggered" do |
expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:info).with("User triggered validation(s) on: age1").once |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: |
end |
context "when the number of days is too high for the month" do |
let(:page_id) { "tenancy_start_date" } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
"startdate(3i)" => 31, |
"startdate(2i)" => 6, |
"startdate(1i)" => 2022, |
}, |
} |
end |
it "validates the date correctly" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: params |
expect(page).to have_content("There is a problem") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with invalid organisation answers" do |
let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(response.body) } |
let(:managing_organisation) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:managing_organisation_too) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:stock_owner) { create(:organisation) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "managing_organisation", |
managing_organisation_id: other_organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
organisation.stock_owners << stock_owner |
organisation.managing_agents << managing_organisation |
organisation.managing_agents << managing_organisation_too |
organisation.reload |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: stock_owner, created_by: user, managing_organisation: organisation) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "re-renders the same page with errors if validation fails" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/managing-organisation", params: params |
expect(page).to have_content("There is a problem") |
expect(page).to have_content("Error: Which organisation manages this letting?") |
end |
end |
context "with valid answers" do |
let(:answer) { 20 } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
age1: answer, |
age2: 2000, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: |
end |
it "re-renders the same page with errors if validation fails" do |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:redirect) |
end |
it "only updates answers that apply to the page being submitted" do |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.age1).to eq(answer) |
expect(lettings_log.age2).to be nil |
end |
it "tracks who updated the record" do |
lettings_log.reload |
whodunnit_actor = lettings_log.versions.last.actor |
expect(whodunnit_actor).to be_a(User) |
expect(whodunnit_actor.id).to eq(user.id) |
end |
context "and duplicate logs" do |
let(:duplicate_logs) { create_list(:lettings_log, 2) } |
before do |
allow(LettingsLog).to receive(:duplicate_logs).and_return(duplicate_logs) |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: |
end |
it "redirects to the duplicate logs page" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{lettings_log.id}") |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_content("These logs are duplicates") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with valid sales answers" do |
let(:sales_log) do |
create( |
:sales_log, |
created_by: user, |
) |
end |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "buyer-1-age", |
age1: 20, |
}, |
} |
end |
context "and duplicate logs" do |
let!(:duplicate_logs) { create_list(:sales_log, 2) } |
before do |
allow(SalesLog).to receive(:duplicate_logs).and_return(duplicate_logs) |
post "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/buyer-1-age", params: |
end |
it "redirects to the duplicate logs page" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{sales_log.id}") |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_content("These logs are duplicates") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the question has a conditional question" do |
context "and the conditional question is not enabled" do |
context "but is applicable because it has an inferred check answers display value" do |
let(:page_id) { "property_postcode" } |
let(:valid_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
postcode_known: "0", |
postcode_full: "", |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(postcode_known: 1, postcode_full: "NW1 8RR") |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}", params: valid_params |
end |
it "does not require you to answer that question" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/do-you-know-the-local-authority") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the question was accessed from an interruption screen (soft validation)" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: page_id, |
age1: 20, |
interruption_page_id: "retirement_value_check", |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-age?referrer=interruption_screen", params: |
end |
it "redirects back to the soft validation page" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/retirement-value-check") |
end |
it "displays a success banner" do |
follow_redirect! |
follow_redirect! |
expect(response.body).to include("You have successfully updated lead tenant’s age") |
end |
end |
context "when the question was accessed from an interruption screen and it has no check answers" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "person_1_gender", |
sex1: "F", |
interruption_page_id: "retirement_value_check", |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-gender-identity?referrer=interruption_screen", params: |
end |
it "displays a success banner without crashing" do |
follow_redirect! |
follow_redirect! |
expect(response.body).to include("You have successfully updated") |
end |
end |
context "when requesting a soft validation page for validation that isn't triggering" do |
before do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/retirement-value-check", headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
context "when the referrer header has interruption_screen" do |
let(:referrer) { "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}?referrer=interruption_screen" } |
it "routes to the soft validation page" do |
expect(response.body).to include("Make sure these answers are correct:") |
end |
end |
context "when the referrer header does not have interruption screen" do |
let(:referrer) { "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_id.dasherize}" } |
it "skips the soft validation page" do |
follow_redirect! |
expect(response.body).not_to include("Make sure these answers are correct:") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when requesting a soft validation page without a http referrer header" do |
before do |
get "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page_path}?referrer=interruption_screen", headers: |
end |
context "when the page is routed to" do |
let(:page_path) { page_id.dasherize } |
it "directs to the question page" do |
expect(response.body).to include("What is the tenant’s age?") |
expect(response.body).to include("Skip for now") |
end |
end |
context "when the page is not routed to" do |
let(:page_path) { "person-2-working-situation" } |
it "redirects to the log page" do |
follow_redirect! |
expect(response.body).to include("Before you start") |
expect(response.body).not_to include("Skip for now") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when owning organisation is an organisation merged into user organisation" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: merged_org.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:merged_org) { create(:organisation) } |
before do |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: nil) |
lettings_log.reload |
merged_org.update!(merge_date: Time.zone.today, absorbing_organisation: organisation) |
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: organisation) |
end |
it "sets managing organisation to owning organisation" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/managing-organisation") |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.managing_organisation).to eq(merged_org) |
end |
end |
context "when owning organisation changes from merged organisation to absorbing user organisation" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "stock_owner", |
owning_organisation_id: organisation.id, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:merged_org) { create(:organisation) } |
before do |
merged_org.update!(merge_date: Time.zone.today, absorbing_organisation: organisation) |
organisation.reload |
lettings_log.update!(owning_organisation: merged_org, managing_organisation: merged_org, created_by: user) |
lettings_log.reload |
end |
it "sets managing organisation to owning organisation" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/stock-owner", params: params |
follow_redirect! |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.owning_organisation).to eq(organisation) |
expect(lettings_log.managing_organisation).to eq(organisation) |
end |
end |
context "when the question was accessed from a duplicate logs screen" do |
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, created_by: user, duplicate_set_id: 1) } |
let(:duplicate_log) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, created_by: user, duplicate_set_id: 1) } |
let(:referrer) { "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-age?referrer=duplicate_logs&first_remaining_duplicate_id=#{duplicate_log.id}&original_log_id=#{lettings_log.id}" } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "lead_tenant_age", |
age1: 20, |
age1_known: 1, |
}, |
} |
end |
context "and the answer changes" do |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-age", params:, headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
it "redirects back to the duplicates page for remaining duplicates" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{duplicate_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{lettings_log.id}") |
expect(lettings_log.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(duplicate_log.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
end |
end |
context "and updating the answer creates a different set of duplicates" do |
let!(:another_duplicate_log) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, created_by: user, age1_known: 1, age1: 20) } |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-age", params:, headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
it "correctly assigs duplicate set IDs" do |
expect(lettings_log.reload.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(lettings_log.duplicate_set_id).to eq(another_duplicate_log.reload.duplicate_set_id) |
expect(duplicate_log.reload.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
end |
end |
context "and the answer didn't change" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "lead_tenant_age", |
age1: lettings_log.age1, |
age1_known: lettings_log.age1_known, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/lead-tenant-age", params:, headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
it "redirects back to the duplicates page for remaining duplicates" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{lettings_log.id}") |
expect(lettings_log.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(duplicate_log.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the sales question was accessed from a duplicate logs screen" do |
let!(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, created_by: user, duplicate_set_id: 1) } |
let!(:duplicate_log) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, created_by: user, duplicate_set_id: 1) } |
let(:referrer) { "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/buyer-1-age?referrer=duplicate_logs&first_remaining_duplicate_id=#{duplicate_log.id}&original_log_id=#{sales_log.id}&referrer=duplicate_logs" } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "buyer_1_age", |
age1: 29, |
age1_known: 1, |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post "/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/buyer-1-age", params:, headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
it "redirects back to the duplicates page for remaining duplicates" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{duplicate_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{sales_log.id}") |
sales_log.reload |
duplicate_log.reload |
expect(sales_log.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(duplicate_log.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
end |
context "and the answer didn't change" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
id: sales_log.id, |
sales_log: { |
page: "buyer_1_age", |
age1: sales_log.age1, |
age1_known: sales_log.age1_known, |
}, |
} |
end |
it "redirects back to the duplicates page for remaining duplicates" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/sales-logs/#{sales_log.id}/duplicate-logs?original_log_id=#{sales_log.id}") |
expect(sales_log.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(duplicate_log.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "with checkbox questions" do |
let(:lettings_log_form_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "accessibility_requirements", |
accessibility_requirements: |
%w[housingneeds_b], |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:new_lettings_log_form_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "accessibility_requirements", |
accessibility_requirements: %w[housingneeds_c], |
}, |
} |
end |
it "sets checked items to true" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/accessibility-requirements", params: lettings_log_form_params |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.housingneeds_b).to eq(1) |
end |
it "sets previously submitted items to false when resubmitted with new values" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/accessibility-requirements", params: new_lettings_log_form_params |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.housingneeds_b).to eq(0) |
expect(lettings_log.housingneeds_c).to eq(1) |
end |
context "with a page having checkbox and non-checkbox questions" do |
let(:tenant_code) { "BZ355" } |
let(:lettings_log_form_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "accessibility_requirements", |
accessibility_requirements: |
%w[ housingneeds_a |
housingneeds_f], |
tenancycode: tenant_code, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:questions_for_page) do |
[ |
Form::Question.new( |
"accessibility_requirements", |
{ |
"type" => "checkbox", |
"answer_options" => |
{ "housingneeds_a" => "Fully wheelchair accessible housing", |
"housingneeds_b" => "Wheelchair access to essential rooms", |
"housingneeds_c" => "Level access housing", |
"housingneeds_f" => "Other disability requirements", |
"housingneeds_g" => "No disability requirements", |
"divider_a" => true, |
"housingneeds_h" => "Don’t know" }, |
}, nil |
), |
Form::Question.new("tenancycode", { "type" => "text" }, nil), |
] |
end |
let(:page) { lettings_log.form.get_page("accessibility_requirements") } |
it "updates both question fields" do |
allow(page).to receive(:questions).and_return(questions_for_page) |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/#{page.id.dasherize}", params: lettings_log_form_params |
lettings_log.reload |
expect(lettings_log.housingneeds_a).to eq(1) |
expect(lettings_log.housingneeds_f).to eq(1) |
expect(lettings_log.tenancycode).to eq(tenant_code) |
end |
end |
end |
context "with conditional routing" do |
let(:validator) { lettings_log._validators[nil].first } |
let(:lettings_log_form_conditional_question_yes_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "conditional_question", |
preg_occ: 1, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:lettings_log_form_conditional_question_no_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "conditional_question", |
preg_occ: 2, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:lettings_log_form_conditional_question_wchair_yes_params) do |
{ |
id: lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "property_wheelchair_accessible", |
wchair: 1, |
}, |
} |
end |
it "routes to the appropriate conditional page based on the question answer of the current page" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/property-wheelchair-accessible", params: lettings_log_form_conditional_question_yes_params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/conditional-question-yes-page") |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/property-wheelchair-accessible", params: lettings_log_form_conditional_question_no_params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/conditional-question-no-page") |
end |
it "routes to the page if at least one of the condition sets is met" do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/property-wheelchair-accessible", params: lettings_log_form_conditional_question_wchair_yes_params |
post "/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/property-wheelchair-accessible", params: lettings_log_form_conditional_question_no_params |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/conditional-question-yes-page") |
end |
end |
context "when coming from check answers page" do |
context "and navigating to an interruption screen" do |
let(:interrupt_params) do |
{ |
id: completed_lettings_log.id, |
lettings_log: { |
page: "net_income_value_check", |
net_income_value_check: value, |
}, |
} |
end |
let(:referrer) { "/lettings-logs/#{completed_lettings_log.id}/net-income-value-check?referrer=check_answers" } |
around do |example| |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2022, 1, 1)) do |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
example.run |
end |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
before do |
completed_lettings_log.update!(ecstat1: 1, earnings: 130, hhmemb: 1) # we're not routing to that page, so it gets cleared? |
allow(completed_lettings_log).to receive(:net_income_soft_validation_triggered?).and_return(true) |
allow(completed_lettings_log.form).to receive(:new_logs_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.today + 1.day) |
allow(completed_lettings_log.form).to receive(:edit_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.today + 2.months) |
post "/lettings-logs/#{completed_lettings_log.id}/net-income-value-check", params: interrupt_params, headers: headers.merge({ "HTTP_REFERER" => referrer }) |
end |
context "when yes is answered" do |
let(:value) { 0 } |
it "redirects back to check answers if 'yes' is selected" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{completed_lettings_log.id}/income-and-benefits/check-answers") |
end |
end |
context "when no is answered" do |
let(:value) { 1 } |
it "redirects to the previous question if 'no' is selected" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{completed_lettings_log.id}/net-income?referrer=check_answers") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "with lettings logs that are not owned or managed by your organisation" do |
let(:answer) { 25 } |
let(:other_user) { create(:user) } |
let(:unauthorized_lettings_log) do |
create( |
:lettings_log, |
created_by: other_user, |
) |
end |
before do |
post "/lettings-logs/#{unauthorized_lettings_log.id}/net-income", params: {} |
end |
it "does not let you post form answers to lettings logs you don't have access to" do |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found) |
end |
end |
end |
end |