165 lines
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165 lines
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module SchemesHelper |
def scheme_availability(scheme) |
availability = "" |
scheme_active_periods(scheme).each do |period| |
if period.from.present? |
availability << "\nActive from #{period.from.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}" |
availability << " to #{(period.to - 1.day).to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}\nDeactivated on #{period.to.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}" if period.to.present? |
end |
end |
availability.strip |
end |
def toggle_scheme_link(scheme) |
return govuk_button_link_to "Deactivate this scheme", scheme_new_deactivation_path(scheme), warning: true if scheme.active? || scheme.deactivates_in_a_long_time? |
return govuk_button_link_to "Reactivate this scheme", scheme_new_reactivation_path(scheme) if scheme.deactivated? || scheme.deactivating_soon? |
end |
def delete_scheme_link(scheme) |
govuk_button_link_to "Delete this scheme", scheme_delete_confirmation_path(scheme), warning: true |
end |
def owning_organisation_options(current_user) |
if current_user.support? |
Organisation.visible.map { |org| OpenStruct.new(id: org.id, name: org.name) } |
else |
user_org = [current_user.organisation] |
stock_owners = current_user.organisation.stock_owners.visible.filter { |org| org.status == :active || (org.status == :merged && org.merge_date >= FormHandler.instance.start_date_of_earliest_open_for_editing_collection_period) } |
merged_organisations = current_user.organisation.absorbed_organisations.visible.merged_during_open_collection_period |
(user_org + stock_owners + merged_organisations).map { |org| OpenStruct.new(id: org.id, name: org.name) } |
end |
end |
def null_option |
[OpenStruct.new(id: "", name: "Select an option")] |
end |
def edit_scheme_text(scheme, user) |
if user.data_provider? |
"If you think this scheme should be updated, ask a data coordinator to make the changes. Find your data coordinators on the #{link_to('users page', users_path)}.".html_safe |
elsif user.data_coordinator? && user.organisation.parent_organisations.include?(scheme.owning_organisation) |
"This scheme belongs to your stock owner #{scheme.owning_organisation.name}." |
end |
end |
def selected_schemes_and_locations_text(download_type, schemes) |
scheme_count = schemes.count |
case download_type |
when "schemes" |
"You've selected #{pluralize(scheme_count, 'scheme')}." |
when "locations" |
location_count = Location.where(scheme: schemes).count |
"You've selected #{pluralize(location_count, 'location')} from #{pluralize(scheme_count, 'scheme')}." |
when "combined" |
location_count = Location.where(scheme: schemes).count |
"You've selected #{pluralize(scheme_count, 'scheme')} with #{pluralize(location_count, 'location')}. The CSV will have one location per row with scheme details listed for each location." |
end |
end |
def primary_schemes_csv_download_url(search, download_type) |
csv_download_schemes_path(search:, download_type:) |
end |
def secondary_schemes_csv_download_url(organisation, search, download_type) |
schemes_csv_download_organisation_path(organisation, search:, download_type:) |
end |
def scheme_edit_path(scheme, question_id, user = nil) |
case question_id |
when "service_name", "sensitive", "scheme_type", "registered_under_care_act", "owning_organisation_id", "arrangement_type" |
user&.support? || !scheme.confirmed? ? scheme_details_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") : scheme_edit_name_path(scheme) |
when "primary_client_group" |
scheme_primary_client_group_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") |
when "has_other_client_group" |
scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") |
when "secondary_client_group" |
scheme_secondary_client_group_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") |
when "support_type", "intended_stay" |
scheme_support_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") |
end |
end |
def change_link_text(question_id, scheme) |
return "" if scheme.public_send(question_id).nil? |
"Change" |
end |
def scheme_status_hint(scheme) |
case scheme.status |
when :deactivating_soon |
"This scheme deactivates on #{scheme.last_deactivation_date.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}. Any locations you add will be deactivated on the same date. Reactivate the scheme to add locations active after this date." |
when :deactivated |
case scheme.owning_organisation.status |
when :active |
"This scheme deactivated on #{scheme.last_deactivation_date.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}. Any locations you add will be deactivated on the same date. Reactivate the scheme to add locations active after this date." |
when :merged |
"This scheme has been deactivated due to #{scheme.owning_organisation.name} merging into #{scheme.owning_organisation.absorbing_organisation.name} on #{scheme.owning_organisation.merge_date.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}. Any locations you add will be deactivated on the same date. Use the after merge organisation for schemes and locations active after this date." |
end |
end |
end |
def display_duplicate_schemes_banner?(organisation, current_user) |
return unless organisation.absorbed_organisations.merged_during_open_collection_period.any? |
return unless current_user.data_coordinator? || current_user.support? |
return if organisation.schemes_deduplicated_at.present? && organisation.schemes_deduplicated_at > organisation.absorbed_organisations.map(&:merge_date).max |
organisation.owned_schemes.duplicate_sets.any? || organisation.owned_schemes.any? { |scheme| scheme.locations.duplicate_sets.any? } |
end |
def scheme_details_link_message(attribute) |
text = lowercase_first_letter(attribute[:name]) |
return "Select #{text}" if %w[primary_client_group secondary_client_group support_type intended_stay].include?(attribute[:id]) |
return "Tell us if it #{text}" if attribute[:id] == "has_other_client_group" |
"Enter #{text}" |
end |
def scheme_back_button_path(scheme, current_page) |
return scheme_check_answers_path(scheme) if request.params[:referrer] == "check-answers" |
return scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path(scheme, referrer: "check-answers") if request.params[:referrer] == "has-other-client-group" |
case current_page |
when "details" |
schemes_path |
when "primary_client_group" |
scheme_details_path(scheme) |
when "confirm_secondary_client_group" |
scheme_primary_client_group_path(scheme) |
when "secondary_client_group" |
scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path(scheme) |
when "support" |
scheme.has_other_client_group == "Yes" ? scheme_secondary_client_group_path(scheme) : scheme_confirm_secondary_client_group_path(scheme) |
end |
end |
private |
ActivePeriod = Struct.new(:from, :to) |
def scheme_active_periods(scheme) |
periods = [ActivePeriod.new(scheme.available_from, nil)] |
sorted_deactivation_periods = remove_nested_periods(scheme.scheme_deactivation_periods.sort_by(&:deactivation_date)) |
sorted_deactivation_periods.each do |deactivation| |
periods.last.to = deactivation.deactivation_date |
periods << ActivePeriod.new(deactivation.reactivation_date, nil) |
end |
remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods(periods) |
end |
def remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods(periods) |
periods.select { |period| period.from.present? && (period.to.nil? || period.from < period.to) } |
end |
def remove_nested_periods(periods) |
periods.select { |inner_period| periods.none? { |outer_period| is_nested?(inner_period, outer_period) } } |
end |
def is_nested?(inner, outer) |
return false if inner == outer |
return false if [inner.deactivation_date, inner.reactivation_date, outer.deactivation_date, outer.reactivation_date].any?(&:blank?) |
[inner.deactivation_date, inner.reactivation_date].all? { |date| date.between?(outer.deactivation_date, outer.reactivation_date) } |
end |