14 KiB
14 KiB
1 | id | Log ID |
2 | status | Status of log |
3 | duplicate_set_id | ID of a set of duplicate logs |
4 | created_by | User the log is created by |
5 | is_dpo | Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
6 | created_at | Time and date the log was created |
7 | updated_by | User who last updated the log |
8 | updated_at | Time and date the log was last updated |
9 | creation_method | Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
10 | old_id | The (internal) ID on the old service |
11 | old_form_id | The ID the users saw on the old service |
12 | collection_start_year | Year collection period opened |
13 | assigned_to | User the log is assigned to |
14 | owning_organisation_name | Which organisation owns this property? |
15 | managing_organisation_name | Which organisation manages this letting? |
16 | needstype | What is the needs type? |
17 | lettype | What is the letting type? |
18 | renewal | Is this letting a renewal? |
19 | startdate | What is the tenancy start date? |
20 | renttype_detail | What is the rent type? |
21 | irproduct | Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
22 | irproduct_other | Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting? |
23 | lar | Is this a London Affordable Rent letting? |
24 | tenancycode | What is the tenant code? |
25 | propcode | What is the property reference? |
26 | uprn_known | Is the UPRN known? |
27 | uprn_confirmed | We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
28 | address_line1 | Address line 1 |
29 | address_line2 | Address line 2 |
30 | town_or_city | Town or City |
31 | county | County |
32 | postcode_full | Postcode |
33 | is_la_inferred | The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
34 | la_label | What is the property's local authority? |
35 | la | Local authority code |
36 | first_time_property_let_as_social_housing | Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing? |
37 | unitletas | What rent product was the property most recently let as? |
38 | rsnvac | What is the reason for the property being vacant? |
39 | newprop | Is this property new to the social rented sector? |
40 | offered | How many times was the property offered between becoming vacant and this letting? |
41 | unittype_gn | What type of unit is the property? |
42 | builtype | Which type of building is the property? |
43 | wchair | Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
44 | beds | How many bedrooms does the property have? |
45 | voiddate | What is the void date? |
46 | vacdays | Number of days the property was vacant |
47 | void_date_value_check | The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
48 | majorrepairs | Were any major repairs carried out during the void period? |
49 | mrcdate | What date were any major repairs completed on? |
50 | major_repairs_date_value_check | The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect. |
51 | joint | Is this a joint tenancy? |
52 | startertenancy | Is this a starter tenancy? |
53 | tenancy | What is the type of tenancy? |
54 | tenancylength | What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year? |
55 | sheltered | Is this letting in sheltered accommodation? |
56 | declaration | Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
57 | hhmemb | How many people live in the household at this letting? |
58 | pregnancy_value_check | The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property. |
59 | totchild | Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C) |
60 | totelder | Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60) |
61 | totadult | Total number of adults in household |
62 | age1 | What is the lead tenant's age? |
63 | retirement_value_check | The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}. |
64 | sex1 | Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity? |
65 | ethnic_group | What is the lead tenant's ethnic group? |
66 | ethnic | Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background? |
67 | national | What is the lead tenant's nationality? |
68 | ecstat1 | Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation? |
69 | details_known_2 | Are the details of tenant 2 known? |
70 | relat2 | What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant? |
71 | age2 | What is person 2's age? |
72 | sex2 | Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity? |
73 | ecstat2 | Which of these best describes person 2's working situation? |
74 | details_known_3 | Are the details of tenant 3 known? |
75 | relat3 | What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant? |
76 | age3 | What is person 3's age? |
77 | sex3 | Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity? |
78 | ecstat3 | Which of these best describes person 3's working situation? |
79 | details_known_4 | Are the details of tenant 4 known? |
80 | relat4 | What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant? |
81 | age4 | What is person 4's age? |
82 | sex4 | Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity? |
83 | ecstat4 | Which of these best describes person 4's working situation? |
84 | details_known_5 | Are the details of tenant 5 known? |
85 | relat5 | What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant? |
86 | age5 | What is person 5's age? |
87 | sex5 | Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity? |
88 | ecstat5 | Which of these best describes person 5's working situation? |
89 | details_known_6 | Are the details of tenant 6 known? |
90 | relat6 | What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant? |
91 | age6 | What is person 6's age? |
92 | sex6 | Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity? |
93 | ecstat6 | Which of these best describes person 6's working situation? |
94 | details_known_7 | Are the details of tenant 7 known? |
95 | relat7 | What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant? |
96 | age7 | What is person 7's age? |
97 | sex7 | Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity? |
98 | ecstat7 | Which of these best describes person 7's working situation? |
99 | details_known_8 | Are the details of tenant 8 known? |
100 | relat8 | What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant? |
101 | age8 | What is person 8's age? |
102 | sex8 | Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity? |
103 | ecstat8 | Which of these best describes person 8's working situation? |
104 | armedforces | Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces? |
105 | leftreg | Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces? |
106 | reservist | Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces? |
107 | preg_occ | Is anybody in the household pregnant? |
108 | housingneeds | Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs? |
109 | housingneeds_a | Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing |
110 | housingneeds_b | Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms |
111 | housingneeds_c | Disabled access needs c) Level access housing |
112 | housingneeds_f | Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs |
113 | housingneeds_g | Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs |
114 | housingneeds_h | Disabled access needs h) Don't know |
115 | housingneeds_other | Do they have any other disabled access needs? |
116 | illness | Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more? |
117 | illness_type_4 | Does this person's condition affect their dexterity? |
118 | illness_type_5 | Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating? |
119 | illness_type_2 | Does this person's condition affect their hearing? |
120 | illness_type_6 | Does this person's condition affect their memory? |
121 | illness_type_7 | Does this person's condition affect their mental health? |
122 | illness_type_3 | Does this person's condition affect their mobility? |
123 | illness_type_9 | Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally? |
124 | illness_type_8 | Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue? |
125 | illness_type_1 | Does this person's condition affect their vision? |
126 | illness_type_10 | Does this person's condition affect them in another way? |
127 | layear | How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting? |
128 | waityear | How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting? |
129 | reason | What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home? |
130 | prevten | Where was the household immediately before this letting? |
131 | homeless | Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting? |
132 | ppcodenk | Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary |
133 | ppostcode_full | What is the postcode of the household's last settled home? |
134 | previous_la_known | Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known? |
135 | is_previous_la_inferred | The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode |
136 | prevloc_label | Previous location LA name |
137 | prevloc | Previous location's ONS LA Code |
138 | reasonpref | Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority? |
139 | rp_homeless | Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days) |
140 | rp_medwel | Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability) |
141 | rp_hardship | Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others |
142 | rp_dontknow | Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know |
143 | cbl | Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)? |
144 | cap | Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)? |
145 | chr | Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)? |
146 | referral | What was the source of referral for this letting? |
147 | net_income_known | Do you know the household's combined income after tax? |
148 | incref | Was the household income refused? |
149 | earnings | How much income does the household have in total? |
150 | incfreq | How often does the household receive income? |
151 | net_income_value_check | Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
152 | hb | Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits? |
153 | household_charge | Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? |
154 | nocharge | Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no |
155 | period | How often does the household pay rent and other charges? |
156 | is_carehome | Is this accommodation a care home? |
157 | wchchrg | Weekly care home charge |
158 | carehome_charges_value_check | Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
159 | brent | What is the basic rent? |
160 | wrent | Weekly rent |
161 | rent_value_check | Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
162 | scharge | What is the service charge? |
163 | wscharge | Weekly service charge |
164 | pscharge | What is the personal service charge? |
165 | wpschrge | Weekly personal service charge |
166 | supcharg | What is the support charge? |
167 | wsupchrg | Weekly support charge |
168 | tcharge | Total charge to the tenant |
169 | wtcharge | Weekly total charge to the tenant |
170 | scharge_value_check | Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
171 | pscharge_value_check | Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
172 | supcharg_value_check | Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service |
173 | tshortfall_known | Can you estimate the outstanding amount? |
174 | tshortfall | Estimated outstanding amount |
175 | wtshortfall | Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit |
176 | scheme_code | What scheme does this letting belong to? |
177 | scheme_confidential | Does the scheme contain confidential information? |
178 | scheme_registered_under_care_act | Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000? |
179 | scheme_owning_organisation_name | Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme? |
180 | scheme_primary_client_group | What client group is this scheme intended for? |
181 | scheme_has_other_client_group | Does this scheme provide for another client group? |
182 | scheme_secondary_client_group | What is the other client group? |
183 | scheme_support_type | What support does this scheme provide? |
184 | scheme_intended_stay | Intended length of stay |
185 | scheme_created_at | Date scheme was created |
186 | location_code | Which location is this letting for? |
187 | location_postcode | What is the postcode for this location? |
188 | location_name | What is the name of this location? |
189 | location_units | How many units are at this location? |
190 | location_type_of_unit | What is the most common type of unit at this location? |
191 | location_mobility_type | What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location? |
192 | location_local_authority | What is the local authority of this postcode? |
193 | location_startdate | When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme? |