Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

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1idLog ID
2statusStatus of log
3duplicate_set_idID of a set of duplicate logs
4created_byUser the log is created by
5is_dpoIs the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer?
6created_atTime and date the log was created
7updated_byUser who last updated the log
8updated_atTime and date the log was last updated
9creation_methodWas the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload?
10old_idThe (internal) ID on the old service
11old_form_idThe ID the users saw on the old service
12collection_start_yearYear collection period opened
13assigned_toUser the log is assigned to
14owning_organisation_nameWhich organisation owns this property?
15managing_organisation_nameWhich organisation manages this letting?
16needstypeWhat is the needs type?
17lettypeWhat is the letting type?
18renewalIs this letting a renewal?
19startdateWhat is the tenancy start date?
20renttype_detailWhat is the rent type?
21irproductWhich type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?
22irproduct_otherWhich 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?
23larIs this a London Affordable Rent letting?
24tenancycodeWhat is the tenant code?
25propcodeWhat is the property reference?
26uprn_knownIs the UPRN known?
27uprn_confirmedWe found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address?
28address_line1Address line 1
29address_line2Address line 2
30town_or_cityTown or City
33is_la_inferredThe internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode
34la_labelWhat is the property's local authority?
35laLocal authority code
36first_time_property_let_as_social_housingIs this the first time the property has been let as social housing?
37unitletasWhat rent product was the property most recently let as?
38rsnvacWhat is the reason for the property being vacant?
39newpropIs this property new to the social rented sector?
40offeredHow many times was the property offered between becoming vacant and this letting?
41unittype_gnWhat type of unit is the property?
42builtypeWhich type of building is the property?
43wchairIs the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?
44bedsHow many bedrooms does the property have?
45voiddateWhat is the void date?
46vacdaysNumber of days the property was vacant
47void_date_value_checkThe following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect.
48majorrepairsWere any major repairs carried out during the void period?
49mrcdateWhat date were any major repairs completed on?
50major_repairs_date_value_checkThe following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect.
51jointIs this a joint tenancy?
52startertenancyIs this a starter tenancy?
53tenancyWhat is the type of tenancy?
54tenancylengthWhat is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year?
55shelteredIs this letting in sheltered accommodation?
56declarationHas the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice?
57hhmembHow many people live in the household at this letting?
58pregnancy_value_checkThe following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property.
59totchildTotal number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C)
60totelderTotal number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60)
61totadultTotal number of adults in household
62age1What is the lead tenant's age?
63retirement_value_checkThe following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}.
64sex1Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity?
65ethnic_groupWhat is the lead tenant's ethnic group?
66ethnicWhich of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background?
67nationalWhat is the lead tenant's nationality?
68ecstat1Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation?
69details_known_2Are the details of tenant 2 known?
70relat2What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant?
71age2What is person 2's age?
72sex2Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity?
73ecstat2Which of these best describes person 2's working situation?
74details_known_3Are the details of tenant 3 known?
75relat3What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant?
76age3What is person 3's age?
77sex3Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity?
78ecstat3Which of these best describes person 3's working situation?
79details_known_4Are the details of tenant 4 known?
80relat4What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant?
81age4What is person 4's age?
82sex4Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity?
83ecstat4Which of these best describes person 4's working situation?
84details_known_5Are the details of tenant 5 known?
85relat5What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant?
86age5What is person 5's age?
87sex5Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity?
88ecstat5Which of these best describes person 5's working situation?
89details_known_6Are the details of tenant 6 known?
90relat6What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant?
91age6What is person 6's age?
92sex6Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity?
93ecstat6Which of these best describes person 6's working situation?
94details_known_7Are the details of tenant 7 known?
95relat7What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant?
96age7What is person 7's age?
97sex7Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity?
98ecstat7Which of these best describes person 7's working situation?
99details_known_8Are the details of tenant 8 known?
100relat8What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant?
101age8What is person 8's age?
102sex8Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity?
103ecstat8Which of these best describes person 8's working situation?
104armedforcesDoes anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces?
105leftregIs this person still serving in the UK armed forces?
106reservistWas this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces?
107preg_occIs anybody in the household pregnant?
108housingneedsDoes anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?
109housingneeds_aDisabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing
110housingneeds_bDisabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms
111housingneeds_cDisabled access needs c) Level access housing
112housingneeds_fDisabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs
113housingneeds_gDisabled access needs g) No disabled access needs
114housingneeds_hDisabled access needs h) Don't know
115housingneeds_otherDo they have any other disabled access needs?
116illnessDoes anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more?
117illness_type_4Does this person's condition affect their dexterity?
118illness_type_5Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating?
119illness_type_2Does this person's condition affect their hearing?
120illness_type_6Does this person's condition affect their memory?
121illness_type_7Does this person's condition affect their mental health?
122illness_type_3Does this person's condition affect their mobility?
123illness_type_9Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally?
124illness_type_8Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue?
125illness_type_1Does this person's condition affect their vision?
126illness_type_10Does this person's condition affect them in another way?
127layearHow long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting?
128waityearHow long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting?
129reasonWhat is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home?
130prevtenWhere was the household immediately before this letting?
131homelessDid the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting?
132ppcodenkPrevious postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary
133ppostcode_fullWhat is the postcode of the household's last settled home?
134previous_la_knownWas the local authority of the household's last settled home known?
135is_previous_la_inferredThe internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode
136prevloc_labelPrevious location LA name
137prevlocPrevious location's ONS LA Code
138reasonprefWas the household given reasonable preference by the local authority?
139rp_homelessReasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days)
140rp_medwelReasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability)
141rp_hardshipReasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others
142rp_dontknowReasonable preference reason - Don't Know
143cblWas the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)?
144capWas the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)?
145chrWas the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)?
146referralWhat was the source of referral for this letting?
147net_income_knownDo you know the household's combined income after tax?
148increfWas the household income refused?
149earningsHow much income does the household have in total?
150incfreqHow often does the household receive income?
151net_income_value_checkPopulated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service
152hbIs the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits?
153household_chargeDoes the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation?
154nochargeDoes the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no
155periodHow often does the household pay rent and other charges?
156is_carehomeIs this accommodation a care home?
157wchchrgWeekly care home charge
158carehome_charges_value_checkPopulated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
159brentWhat is the basic rent?
160wrentWeekly rent
161rent_value_checkPopulated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
162schargeWhat is the service charge?
163wschargeWeekly service charge
164pschargeWhat is the personal service charge?
165wpschrgeWeekly personal service charge
166supchargWhat is the support charge?
167wsupchrgWeekly support charge
168tchargeTotal charge to the tenant
169wtchargeWeekly total charge to the tenant
170scharge_value_checkPopulated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
171pscharge_value_checkPopulated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
172supcharg_value_checkPopulated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
173tshortfall_knownCan you estimate the outstanding amount?
174tshortfallEstimated outstanding amount
175wtshortfallWeekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit
176scheme_codeWhat scheme does this letting belong to?
177scheme_confidentialDoes the scheme contain confidential information?
178scheme_registered_under_care_actIs this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000?
179scheme_owning_organisation_nameWhich organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme?
180scheme_primary_client_groupWhat client group is this scheme intended for?
181scheme_has_other_client_groupDoes this scheme provide for another client group?
182scheme_secondary_client_groupWhat is the other client group?
183scheme_support_typeWhat support does this scheme provide?
184scheme_intended_stayIntended length of stay
185scheme_created_atDate scheme was created
186location_codeWhich location is this letting for?
187location_postcodeWhat is the postcode for this location?
188location_nameWhat is the name of this location?
189location_unitsHow many units are at this location?
190location_type_of_unitWhat is the most common type of unit at this location?
191location_mobility_typeWhat are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location?
192location_local_authorityWhat is the local authority of this postcode?
193location_startdateWhen did the first property in this location become available under this scheme?