You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
408 lines
11 KiB
408 lines
11 KiB
class Form::Question |
attr_accessor :id, :header, :hint_text, :description, :questions, |
:type, :min, :max, :step, :width, :fields_to_add, :result_field, |
:conditional_for, :readonly, :answer_options, :page, :check_answer_label, |
:inferred_answers, :hidden_in_check_answers, :inferred_check_answers_value, |
:guidance_partial, :prefix, :suffix, :requires_js, :fields_added, :derived, |
:check_answers_card_number, :unresolved_hint_text |
module GuidancePosition |
TOP = 1 |
BOTTOM = 2 |
end |
def initialize(id, hsh, page) |
@id = id |
@page = page |
if hsh |
@check_answer_label = hsh["check_answer_label"] |
@header = hsh["header"] |
@guidance_partial = hsh["guidance_partial"] |
@guidance_position = GuidancePosition::TOP |
@hint_text = hsh["hint_text"] |
@type = hsh["type"] |
@min = hsh["min"] |
@max = hsh["max"] |
@step = hsh["step"] |
@width = hsh["width"] |
@fields_to_add = hsh["fields-to-add"] |
@result_field = hsh["result-field"] |
@readonly = hsh["readonly"] |
@answer_options = hsh["answer_options"] |
@conditional_for = hsh["conditional_for"] |
@inferred_answers = hsh["inferred_answers"] |
@inferred_check_answers_value = hsh["inferred_check_answers_value"] |
@hidden_in_check_answers = hsh["hidden_in_check_answers"] |
@derived = hsh["derived"] |
@prefix = hsh["prefix"] |
@suffix = hsh["suffix"] |
@requires_js = hsh["requires_js"] |
@fields_added = hsh["fields_added"] |
@check_answers_card_number = hsh["check_answers_card_number"] || 0 |
@unresolved_hint_text = hsh["unresolved_hint_text"] |
end |
end |
delegate :subsection, to: :page |
delegate :form, to: :subsection |
def answer_label(log, user = nil) |
return checkbox_answer_label(log) if type == "checkbox" |
return log[id]&.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date).to_s if type == "date" |
answer = label_from_value(log[id], log, user) if log[id].present? |
answer_label = [prefix, format_value(answer), suffix_label(log)].join("") if answer |
inferred_answer_value(log) || answer_label |
end |
def get_inferred_answers(log) |
return [] unless inferred_answers |
enabled_inferred_answers(inferred_answers, log) do |question_id| |
question = form.get_question(question_id, log) |
if question.present? |
question.label_from_value(log[question_id]) |
else |
Array(question_id.to_s.split(".")).inject(log) { |l, method| l.present? ? l.public_send(*method) : "" } |
end |
end |
end |
def get_extra_check_answer_value(_log) |
nil |
end |
def read_only? |
!!readonly |
end |
def enabled?(log) |
return true if conditional_on.blank? |
conditional_on.all? { |condition| evaluate_condition(condition, log) } |
end |
def hidden_in_check_answers?(log, current_user = nil) |
if hidden_in_check_answers.is_a?(Hash) |
form.depends_on_met(hidden_in_check_answers["depends_on"], log) |
else |
hidden_in_check_answers || !page.routed_to?(log, current_user) |
end |
end |
def displayed_to_user?(log) |
page.routed_to?(log, nil) && enabled?(log) |
end |
def derived? |
!!derived |
end |
def has_inferred_check_answers_value?(log) |
return true if selected_answer_option_is_derived?(log) |
return inferred_check_answers_value&.any? { |inferred_value| inferred_value["condition"].values.first == log[inferred_value["condition"].keys.first] } if inferred_check_answers_value.present? |
false |
end |
def displayed_answer_options(log, _current_user = nil) |
| do |_key, val| |
!val.is_a?(Hash) || !val["depends_on"] || form.depends_on_met(val["depends_on"], log) |
end |
end |
def action_text(log) |
if has_inferred_check_answers_value?(log) |
"Change" |
elsif type == "checkbox" |
answer_options.keys.any? { |key| value_is_yes?(log[key]) } ? "Change" : "Answer" |
else |
log[id].blank? ? "Answer" : "Change" |
end |
end |
def action_href(log, page_id) |
"/#{log.model_name.param_key.dasherize}s/#{}/#{page_id.to_s.dasherize}?referrer=check_answers" |
end |
def unanswered?(log) |
return answer_options.keys.none? { |key| value_is_yes?(log[key]) } if type == "checkbox" |
log[id].blank? |
end |
def completed?(log) |
return answer_options.keys.any? { |key| value_is_yes?(log[key]) } if type == "checkbox" |
log[id].present? || !log.respond_to?(id.to_sym) || has_inferred_display_value?(log) |
end |
def value_from_label(label) |
return unless label |
case type |
when "radio" |
answer_options.find { |opt| opt.second["value"] == label.to_s }.first |
when "select" |
answer_options.find { |opt| opt.second == label.to_s }.first |
else |
label |
end |
end |
def label_from_value(value, log = nil, user = nil) |
return unless value |
label = case type |
when "radio" |
labels = answer_options[value.to_s] |
labels["value"] if labels |
when "select" |
if answer_options[value.to_s].respond_to?(:service_name) |
answer_options[value.to_s].service_name |
else |
answer_options[value.to_s] |
end |
else |
value.to_s |
end |
label || value.to_s |
end |
def value_is_yes?(value) |
case type |
when "checkbox" |
value == 1 |
when "radio" |
RADIO_YES_VALUE[id.to_sym]&.include?(value) |
else |
%w[yes].include?(value.downcase) |
end |
end |
def value_is_no?(value) |
case type |
when "checkbox" |
value && |
when "radio" |
RADIO_NO_VALUE[id.to_sym]&.include?(value) |
else |
%w[no].include?(value.downcase) |
end |
end |
def value_is_dont_know?(value) |
type == "radio" && RADIO_DONT_KNOW_VALUE[id.to_sym]&.include?(value) |
end |
def value_is_refused?(value) |
type == "radio" && RADIO_REFUSED_VALUE[id.to_sym]&.include?(value) |
end |
def display_label |
check_answer_label || header || id.humanize |
end |
def unanswered_error_message |
return I18n.t("validations.declaration.missing") if id == "declaration" |
I18n.t("validations.not_answered", question: display_label.downcase) |
end |
def suffix_label(log) |
return "" unless suffix |
return suffix if suffix.is_a?(String) |
label = "" |
suffix.each do |s| |
condition = s["depends_on"] |
next unless condition |
answer = log.send(condition.keys.first) |
if answer == condition.values.first |
label = s["label"] |
end |
end |
label |
end |
def answer_option_synonyms(resource) |
return unless resource.respond_to?(:synonyms) |
resource.synonyms |
end |
def answer_option_append(resource) |
return unless resource.respond_to?(:appended_text) |
resource.appended_text |
end |
def answer_option_hint(resource) |
return unless resource.respond_to?(:hint) |
resource.hint |
end |
def answer_selected?(log, answer) |
return false unless type == "select" |
log[id].to_s == |
end |
def top_guidance? |
@guidance_partial && @guidance_position == GuidancePosition::TOP |
end |
def bottom_guidance? |
@guidance_partial && @guidance_position == GuidancePosition::BOTTOM |
end |
private |
def selected_answer_option_is_derived?(log) |
selected_option = answer_options&.dig(log[id].to_s.presence) |
selected_option.is_a?(Hash) && selected_option["depends_on"] && form.depends_on_met(selected_option["depends_on"], log) |
end |
def has_inferred_display_value?(log) |
inferred_check_answers_value.present? && inferred_check_answers_value.any? { |inferred_value| log[inferred_value["condition"].keys.first] == inferred_value["condition"].values.first } |
end |
def checkbox_answer_label(log) |
answer = [] |
return "Yes" if id == "declaration" && value_is_yes?(log["declaration"]) |
answer_options.each { |key, options| value_is_yes?(log[key]) ? answer << options["value"] : nil } |
answer.join(", ") |
end |
def format_value(answer_label) |
prefix == "£" ? ActionController::Base.helpers.number_to_currency(answer_label, delimiter: ",", format: "%n") : answer_label |
end |
def conditional_on |
@conditional_on ||= do |condition| |
condition[:to] == id |
end |
end |
def evaluate_condition(condition, log) |
case page.questions.find { |q| == condition[:from] }.type |
when "numeric" |
operator = condition[:cond][/[<>=]+/].to_sym |
operand = condition[:cond][/\d+/].to_i |
log[condition[:from]].present? && log[condition[:from]].send(operator, operand) |
when "text", "radio", "select" |
log[condition[:from]].present? && condition[:cond].include?(log[condition[:from]]) |
else |
raise "Not implemented yet" |
end |
end |
def enabled_inferred_answers(inferred_answers, log) |
inferred_answers.filter { |_key, value| value.all? { |condition_key, condition_value| log[condition_key] == condition_value } } |
end |
def inferred_answer_value(log) |
return unless inferred_check_answers_value |
inferred_answer = inferred_check_answers_value.find { |inferred_value| inferred_value["condition"].values.first == log[inferred_value["condition"].keys.first] } |
inferred_answer["value"] if inferred_answer.present? |
end |
renewal: [1], |
postcode_known: [1], |
ppcodenk: [1], |
previous_la_known: [1], |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing: [1], |
wchair: [1], |
majorrepairs: [1], |
startertenancy: [0], |
sheltered: [0, 1], |
armedforces: [1, 4, 5], |
leftreg: [0], |
reservist: [1], |
preg_occ: [1], |
illness: [1], |
underoccupation_benefitcap: [4, 5, 6], |
reasonpref: [1], |
net_income_known: [0], |
household_charge: [0], |
is_carehome: [1], |
hbrentshortfall: [1], |
net_income_value_check: [0], |
}.freeze |
renewal: [0], |
postcode_known: [0], |
ppcodenk: [0], |
previous_la_known: [0], |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing: [0], |
wchair: [0], |
majorrepairs: [0], |
startertenancy: [1], |
sheltered: [2], |
armedforces: [2], |
leftreg: [1], |
reservist: [2], |
preg_occ: [2], |
illness: [2], |
underoccupation_benefitcap: [2], |
reasonpref: [2], |
net_income_known: [1], |
household_charge: [1], |
is_carehome: [0], |
hbrentshortfall: [2], |
net_income_value_check: [1], |
}.freeze |
sheltered: [3], |
underoccupation_benefitcap: [3], |
reasonpref: [3], |
hbrentshortfall: [3], |
layear: [7], |
reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home: [32], |
hb: [5], |
benefits: [3], |
unitletas: [3], |
illness: [3], |
}.freeze |
sex1: %w[R], |
sex2: %w[R], |
sex3: %w[R], |
sex4: %w[R], |
sex5: %w[R], |
sex6: %w[R], |
sex7: %w[R], |
sex8: %w[R], |
relat2: [3], |
relat3: [3], |
relat4: [3], |
relat5: [3], |
relat6: [3], |
relat7: [3], |
relat8: [3], |
ecstat1: [10], |
ecstat2: [10], |
ecstat3: [10], |
ecstat4: [10], |
ecstat5: [10], |
ecstat6: [10], |
ecstat7: [10], |
ecstat8: [10], |
sheltered: [3], |
armedforces: [3], |
leftreg: [3], |
reservist: [3], |
preg_occ: [3], |
hb: [6], |
}.freeze |