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module Validations::SharedValidations |
include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper |
def validate_other_field(record, value_other = nil, main_field = nil, other_field = nil, main_label = nil, other_label = nil) |
return unless main_field || other_field |
main_field_label = main_label || main_field.to_s.humanize(capitalize: false) |
other_field_label = other_label || other_field.to_s.humanize(capitalize: false) |
if record[main_field] == value_other && record[other_field].blank? |
record.errors.add main_field.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.other_field_missing", main_field_label:, other_field_label:) |
record.errors.add other_field.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.other_field_missing", main_field_label:, other_field_label:) |
end |
if record[main_field] != value_other && record[other_field].present? |
record.errors.add other_field.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.other_field_not_required", main_field_label:, other_field_label:) |
end |
end |
def validate_numeric_input(record) |
record.form.numeric_questions.each do |question| |
next unless record[question.id] && question.page.routed_to?(record, nil) |
next if record.send("#{question.id}_before_type_cast").to_s.match?(/\A\d+(\.\d+)?\z/) |
field = question.check_answer_label || question.id |
record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.format", field:) |
end |
end |
def validate_numeric_min_max(record) |
record.form.numeric_questions.each do |question| |
next unless question.min || question.max |
next unless record[question.id] && question.page.routed_to?(record, nil) |
begin |
answer = Float(record.public_send("#{question.id}_before_type_cast")) |
rescue ArgumentError |
add_range_error(record, question) |
end |
next unless answer |
if (question.min && question.min > answer) || (question.max && question.max < answer) |
add_range_error(record, question) |
end |
end |
end |
def validate_numeric_step(record) |
record.form.numeric_questions.each do |question| |
next unless question.step |
next unless record[question.id] && question.page.routed_to?(record, nil) |
value = record.public_send("#{question.id}_before_type_cast") |
field = question.check_answer_label || question.id |
incorrect_accuracy = (value.to_d * 100) % (question.step * 100) != 0 |
if question.step < 1 && incorrect_accuracy |
record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.nearest_hundredth", field:) |
elsif incorrect_accuracy || value.to_d != value.to_i # if the user enters a value in exponent notation (eg '4e1') the to_i method does not convert this to the correct value |
field = question.check_answer_label || question.id |
case question.step |
when 1 then record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, :not_integer, message: I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.whole_number", field:) |
when 10 then record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.nearest_ten", field:) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def inactive_status(date, resource) |
return if date.blank? || resource.blank? |
status = resource.status_at(date) |
return unless %i[reactivating_soon activating_soon deactivated].include?(status) |
closest_reactivation = resource.last_deactivation_before(date) |
open_deactivation = if resource.is_a?(Location) |
resource.open_deactivation || resource.scheme.open_deactivation |
else |
resource.open_deactivation |
end |
date = case status |
when :reactivating_soon then closest_reactivation.reactivation_date |
when :activating_soon then resource&.available_from |
when :deactivated then open_deactivation.deactivation_date |
end |
{ scope: status, date: date&.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date), deactivation_date: closest_reactivation&.deactivation_date&.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date) } |
end |
def date_valid?(question, record) |
if record[question].is_a?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) && record[question].year.zero? |
record.errors.add question, I18n.t("validations.shared.date.invalid_date") |
false |
else |
true |
end |
end |
private |
def person_is_partner?(relationship) |
relationship == "P" |
end |
def add_range_error(record, question) |
field = question.check_answer_label || question.id |
min = [question.prefix, number_with_delimiter(question.min, delimiter: ","), question.suffix].join("") if question.min |
max = [question.prefix, number_with_delimiter(question.max, delimiter: ","), question.suffix].join("") if question.max |
if min && max |
record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, :outside_the_range, message: I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.within_range", field:, min:, max:) |
elsif min |
record.errors.add question.id.to_sym, :under_min, message: I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.above_min", field:, min:) |
end |
end |